Ui/control suggestions (crucial)

Ui/control suggestions (crucial)

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Getting these optional features is crucial, because gameplay is everything.
It’s impossible to enjoy a game if the controls or Ui don’t feel right.

We need options to:

1) double tap (wasd) roll without breaking autorun.

2) zoom in/out with mousewheel while holding right mouse down to look around. (WoW has it right)

3) turn off the tripple blinking fade -effect on skill icons.
Change it to a simple, steady, brief highlight effect instead.

(I’m having a hard time thinking about players who love the current,
annoying and confusing techno strobe disco light on skill icons.)

4) locate enemy life bars higher on the screen, and resize them -50%.

5) turn off target highlight lines around the model.

6) zoom camera way more out (3x the current max limit) and 1 step more closer, into full 1st person view.

I will follow up with more suggestions as I bump into them since I’m back from a break,
even though I’m on the verge of ragequitting constantly due to points 1) and 2) mentioned above, which force me to count down from 10 to 1 all the time, just to keep my cool, so I wouldn’t flip my desk out the window…

I’d really love to know what the devs would have to say about these things, like,
did it seriously never ever cross their mind to add these options, and why not?

Ui/control suggestions (crucial)

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Options to:

7) show alternative keyboard shortcuts on skill icons

(like shift+5 = s5 etc., so we don’t have to guess anymore in case we forgot shortcuts on long cd skills)

8) minimise if not totally turn off floating combat text.

Personally, I simply hate the comic sans crits which are straight out of a 1970’s Batman series WHAM! KAPOW! BANG! Silly, stupid, tasteless, doesn’t fit GW2.
Same issue with debuff applications on targets, which are slapped on with a fly-in effect. Annoying to the max. Clean, configurable combat Ui = more immersion.