Underworld & Fissure of Woe - True Endgame
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i second this idea, FoW and UW were part of the guildwars world, and were “elite areas” wel at the very least vastly more challenging then the dungeons now either bring back FoW or UW or add an elite area that isn’t a simple dungeon that gives you yet another set of tokens to clog up your bankslots or inventory.
If you choose to add a different ‘elite are" then please concider not using risen in them… i mean they try hard, but they just don’t cut it… they’re to cute and easy to beat… might as wel have used flowergirls as tyria’s sworn enemy if you ask me :p
(edited by dontrippy.8906)
I made a thread asking for this and the mods closed it….
So +1 to the OP.
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