Unreal Tournament Killstreak announcer
Make it lore friendly and a one time accountwide item and I think it would be interesting.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
I would honestly just be happy if I had a Mortal Kombat voice say “FINISH HIM!” whenever I down somebody in PvP.
I would honestly just be happy if I had a Mortal Kombat voice say “FINISH HIM!” whenever I down somebody in PvP.
If someone did that with a cow token, would that be changed to “ANIMALITY?” or “FRIENDSHIP?” (Friendship? Again?)
I’m actually surprised that they haven’t added more PvP finishers to the gem store, the potential is endless. Ripping out their soul, dropping an Anvil on the Looney Tunes Style, Tap dancing on the poor guy, and of course, pile driving a shark into them. (You young-un’s will not get that last one.)
Back on topic, I’m sure that the makers of UT have the rights to that guy’s performance, and I’m not sure how the Srs Business crowd would take such a thing anyway.
i dont think they do considering there are addons all around with announcers as such its just a deep voice with a phrase thats it. it doesnt have to be Unreal tournaments actual voice
I would rather hear “Toastyyy”.
Make it lore friendly and a one time accountwide item and I think it would be interesting.
I think he’s talking PvP, which doesn’t really need to follow the lore all that closely.