Update Trading Post System - For ease of use

Update Trading Post System - For ease of use

in Suggestions

Posted by: omerksx.2594


Guild Wars 2’s Trading post system itself is fine, but there’s a few things bugging me, here’s my suggestions:

1. ARMOR SEARCH! Please, for the god’s sake, while searching for an armor, i want to see for Ex. ONLY MEDIUM, or ONLY HEAVY results! Can you just add a filter about it?

2. Ordering by price just works for an items seller price, please make us able to order a search by its buyer price.

3. Whenever i buy an item-anything sometimes i wanna check something about it by obtaining the item. salvaging it. However, when i go to “pick up” tab , obtain the item, and go back to market, the filter RESETS! .You need to filter it again and again and again…. It’s unbelieveably annoying. You might wanna add a “Remember” checkbox or, make the system automatically remember the filter until the window closes or we reset the filter.

4.Ordered items : i sometimes order 4-5 k items total. different types 250-100 ish each. i just want to know that, in marketplace when i clicked on an item ( like i’m going to order some, or buy it) i want to see if i have that order in my “buying” list.

That’s all for now. Anet devs… please.

(edited by omerksx.2594)

Update Trading Post System - For ease of use

in Suggestions

Posted by: omerksx.2594


Feedbacks please!!!

Update Trading Post System - For ease of use

in Suggestions

Posted by: Demifis Deathstrider.6451

Demifis Deathstrider.6451

Guild Wars 2’s Trading post system itself is fine, but there’s a few things bugging me, here’s my suggestions:

1. ARMOR SEARCH! Please, for the god’s sake, while searching for an armor, i want to see for Ex. ONLY MEDIUM, or ONLY HEAVY results! Can you just add a filter about it?

2. Ordering by price just works for an items seller price, please make us able to order a search by its buyer price.

3. Whenever i buy an item-anything sometimes i wanna check something about it by obtaining the item. salvaging it. However, when i go to “pick up” tab , obtain the item, and go back to market, the filter RESETS! .You need to filter it again and again and again…. It’s unbelieveably annoying. You might wanna add a “Remember” checkbox or, make the system automatically remember the filter until the window closes or we reset the filter.

4.Ordered items : i sometimes order 4-5 k items total. different types 250-100 ish each. i just want to know that, in marketplace when i clicked on an item ( like i’m going to order some, or buy it) i want to see if i have that order in my “buying” list.

That’s all for now. Anet devs… please.

I completely agree with you. TP is fine as is, however, these suggestions would make it more convenient.

Update Trading Post System - For ease of use

in Suggestions

Posted by: omerksx.2594


feedbacks, more people should see these.

Update Trading Post System - For ease of use

in Suggestions

Posted by: NoFear.6905


yeah, the no heavy/medium/light armor is kind of anoying

Guardian/Warrior – Anthon/Hurk Battleborn – Aurora Glade
[RiOT] The Civil Rebels – Raider – WvW based Guild

Update Trading Post System - For ease of use

in Suggestions

Posted by: omerksx.2594


this suggestion really needs to be on top again

Update Trading Post System - For ease of use

in Suggestions

Posted by: omerksx.2594


COME ON!… need everyone to hear this!!!

Update Trading Post System - For ease of use

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stompy.1387


You see, these suggestions make too much sense. And have be suggested hundreds of times before. Anet never does things that would make too much sense =)

Update Trading Post System - For ease of use

in Suggestions

Posted by: omerksx.2594


yeah… well these are probably REALLY easiest suggestions to become real for Anet…

i’m not talking about a whole new system, another finisher, another new desgin that’s too heavy to do for staff, or for fun,

these are for easier use of the market only….

Update Trading Post System - For ease of use

in Suggestions

Posted by: omerksx.2594


and to all community, please send your feedbacks about this topic.

Update Trading Post System - For ease of use

in Suggestions

Posted by: Patres.4925


Fully agree with you, TP needs to be changed! I made similar post here yesterday…


Norn Battle Guard / Norn Shadow / Patreschr / Queen of Saba / Altair Ibn La Ahád