Usable flares and "beacons" for events

Usable flares and "beacons" for events

in Suggestions

Posted by: Spoolooni.6712


It seems that end game consists of a lot of event participation and it’s quite normal for a zerg to exist as team work seems to be the most applicable for such scenarios. However, in certain cases, other events may show up throughout the process that can be important to another player while others would most likely stray away from the group and will come across a situation where help is needed.


I propose a notion to add flares and beacons purchasable from general npcs that sell mining pickaxes and salvage kits. These flares and beacons may inherit tiers that allows them to display a current event location longer than others. For example, blue quality flares will show small orange dots on the map for the maximum time of 5 minutes and if a player moves his/her cursor to the dot, it’ll show the details. As for green quality flares, the existing duration will be up to 15 minutes as well as applying an arrow on the mini map on another player’s screen and for yellow quality flares, they would be permanent until the event is completed as well as added a notification under the event column located at the corner of the player’s screen. ( All flares can only be used within an event radius and will tag along “moving” events that will show on the map as well )


To regard my idea of having beacons, think of it as a temporary way point that will have it’s individual icon to prevent confusions. It will inherit a duration of 20 minutes a long with a cool down that lasts 20 minutes as well. This tool will most likely be used for people who want to create a zerg and would like to sacrifice a few silvers from their income to propose a “meeting” area. Beacons will show up as a different icon on the map a long with who has placed it down in case leaderships are being organized.

Of course costs can be easily decided and changed depending on the values and mechanics of these items but they should not cost gems while the first 2 tiers of flares should be accessible by all levels. (I know things like these often require hefty amounts of programming and testing but it’s the matter of making end game a lot more dynamic by providing more community driven functions )