Use Towncloths in Minigames

Use Towncloths in Minigames

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaireno.3824


One thing that annoys me is, that you use normal PvP gear in Minigames(like Sanctum Sprint etc.). While the free PvP-armor you got trough achievementchests helped, it doesnt make sense that you use PvP-Armor in Minigames that give PvE-Rewards.

Another thing is that Towncloth are rather useless in their current state. I rarely see someone use them, and why should you with your hard earned armor looking better. While i bought some myself, it feels like something is lacking.

So I suggest playing MiniGames with Towncloths. This would help everyone, as you dont need to invest in sPvP to acquire a look, giving Towncloths finally some use and would even benefit Anet as more people would buy towncloths.
Also this would distinguish Minigames more from PvP and PvE with completly different looks as a game in a game.

What are your thoughts about Towncloths and Minigame-cosmetics?

Use Towncloths in Minigames

in Suggestions

Posted by: wouw.5837



’nuff said

Elona is Love, Elona is life.

Use Towncloths in Minigames

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


That’s a great idea. I only play PvP on one of my 8 characters so whenever I go play a mini game with the other character I end up with the basic PvP armor look just like everyone else. I think town clothes would be awesome for the mini games. I can see myself buying town clothes if they change it, because the only thing stopping me now is that there is no way to show it off.

Use Towncloths in Minigames

in Suggestions

Posted by: Donari.5237


I love this idea. I love it even more if it makes them give us more town clothes that are actual outfits instead of joke apparel. Still looking for posh slacks, ball gowns, regular boots, all sorts of hats (that don’t shave you), commoner clothes, the pirate outfit from the drunk pirate contest in a Whispers PS, etc …

… and then I’d make a point of doing the minigames even outside the achieve windows just so I could do them while looking amazing!

Use Towncloths in Minigames

in Suggestions

Posted by: Henge.3907


Sounds good to me

Use Towncloths in Minigames

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brew Pinch.5731

Brew Pinch.5731

Perfect solution, makes town clothes mean something and satisfies the PvE-only crowd. Worth a look ANet