Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


I apologize for sounding agitated but these are not difficult things to do.

1. Preview option in the trading post. I mean, honestly, how much work can it -possibly- be to add this?

2. More town clothes options. There are at -LEAST- 50 different clothing options that NPCs use that you could simply stick in a vendor or even the gem store (Unless they are part of the npc model themselves, but regardless).

3. A /roll command that rolls a random number with the option to put your own number in there… like if you want to roll out of 5 /roll 5. This is an extremely basic feature, please add it.

4. ‘Last logged in’ section for the guild window. As in, tracking when your guild members last logged into the game.

5. Officer chat for guilds, or just plain the ability to create new chat channels. I don’t know why this hasn’t been done yet but that seems to be the recurring theme here.

6. Dye application section in the equipment preview section. This is always a guessing game for me. Sometimes my gear appears red. Sometimes brown. Sometimes black. Sometimes gold. Please add the option for us to use our characters acquired dyes in the preview window so we can see what our item will look like in the dye we want to use on it.

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azaziel.3608


I get all of them except the /roll thing…why would you need something like that?

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


They may not be difficult or seem overly complicated, but they also don’t seem like things that are high priority. There are more important issues to stay focused on.

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


Ah yes, the priority argument. If you honestly want to use that argument, you might as well just kill your hopes for any MMO now and in the future.

You realize these games aren’t designed by one guy sitting in an office binge drinking red bull, correct?

And to Aza, for roleplay mostly

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


Yes, the priority argument. Woe to all of us whose gameplay experience hinge on being able to view a random number generator in-chat or who want to talk behind the backs of our guildmates because we’re superior and have important management things to talk about that the lesser guild members can’t be trusted to know about.

“Last Logged In” I can understand, but it’s not exactly a big deal for it not to be there. If someone doesn’t seem like they’ve logged in for a few days they probably haven’t. Likewise, knowing that someone was logged in 2 hours ago isn’t going to tell a person much except that they were logged in 2 hours ago. Is there an actual pressing reason that this needs immediate attention? Not really.

Preview option in the trading post is at absolute worst a minor inconvenience, and only for the fraction of the playerbase that won’t use other means to figure out what an item looks like. And it happens to be one they -are- actively working on. Maybe with how many people are typically viewing the tradepost at any given time across every server it causes the Preview window to lag excessively at times? Who knows. Let ANET deal with it at their own pace.

Honestly, saying an MMO has no hope because it prioritizes fixing bugs over implementing even more buggy content is extremely short-sighted.

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gandalf The Green.3549

Gandalf The Green.3549

The priority argument is used in the wrong way almost constantly. If something is so simple to add, and yet is not because of “priority” then what’s the point of having a suggestions forum?

The biggest PRIORITY should be adding things that players want. I’ll admit that some of the features the OP suggested are not big necessities, but if enough players want them, then the priority argument kills itself, because what players want IS the priority.

I personally think all of those features mentioned would be great – and I see so reason not to add any of them!

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


Priority isn’t being used as a way to differentiate what players want and what players get. It’s used to contextualize what the game needs to function properly before adding additional content that could simultaneously cause additional problems. No one’s saying ANET shouldn’t take what the playerbase wants into consideration.

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gandalf The Green.3549

Gandalf The Green.3549

It’s used to contextualize what the game needs to function properly before adding additional content that could simultaneously cause additional problems.

Last time I checked (I’m playing now), the game was functioning properly. And as far as I know – Halloween items are not needed to make the game function properly either. There are WAY better and more requested things that ANet could be adding, than silly event items that more often than not, need to be purchased for gems.

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


Now that’s just plain naive thinking. If they didn’t have a Halloween event we’d see a hundred times more posts about “Halloween event: how I think you should do one” or “WHERE’S THE HALLOWEEN EVENT” or “I’m disappointed, WoW has a Halloween event, why can’t GW2?” than any other issue.

The Halloween event was made because ANET isn’t staring at their own feet when they plan content design/implementation.

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gandalf The Green.3549

Gandalf The Green.3549

The Halloween event was made because ANET isn’t staring at their own feet when they plan content design/implementation.

No. ANet are doing a Halloween event because every other MMO does one, and they think people will play, if they do things similar to other MMOs! What about they be the first MMO to actually put Player requested content in the game on a regular basis?

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


The Halloween event was made because ANET isn’t staring at their own feet when they plan content design/implementation.

No. ANet are doing a Halloween event because every other MMO does one, and they think people will play, if they do things similar to other MMOs! What about they be the first MMO to actually put Player requested content in the game on a regular basis?

Did you read what I said? If ANET didn’t have one, Holiday events would be the #1 player requested content right now. That’s called planning. They prioritized content that they knew a large number of players would demand over content that maybe a handful of people have deemed important enough to be worth coming into the Suggestion forum to mention.

And again, no one is saying ANET shouldn’t take suggestions like these into consideration. God knows I would waste many a minute just hitting /roll 1-5318008 if it were there to do. They should just be suggested with the understanding that they aren’t that important to most players, and saying they’re “simple” and that we deserve to already have them isn’t the best way to get a suggestion across.

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zsymon.8457


I agree with all the OP’s points, these are very simple things that improve gameplay and would take very little effort putting into the game. I bet you can even get unpaid volunteer programmers from the fanbase do things like this. You’d be surprised how many hours a fan would spend working for free on a game he loves, especially if he knows that what he’s doing improves the game he loves.

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chazcon.1867


I agree with all the OP’s points, these are very simple things that improve gameplay and would take very little effort putting into the game. I bet you can even get unpaid volunteer programmers from the fanbase do things like this. You’d be surprised how many hours a fan would spend working for free on a game he loves, especially if he knows that what he’s doing improves the game he loves.

lol you would have a fan work in the code? No. There is a huge perceptual disconnect between being a great player and a great game programmer, rarely are these found in the same person.

You say, “FOR THE VITAE!”
Ru says, “CHAZ!”
Simply Red tells you, “I am SO not recovering your body!”

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Well, they’ve already said they’re working on implementing the Preview On Trading Post thing.

Everything else I could take it or leave it personally.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: pizzamurai.8326


Honestly, saying an MMO has no hope because it prioritizes fixing bugs over implementing even more buggy content is extremely short-sighted.

Everything I was going to say has already been said well by others. But please do me a wonderful favor and point out to me where I ever said this game has no hope? Pretty please with sugar on top?

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: split.3659


First of all, I would like to say that GW2 is not the first game that ArenaNet implemented holiday events. The holiday events were some of my fondest memories of GW1. I will leave it at that.

Secondly, you can not put in a suggestion thread, ranting about how you want something now, now, now, and expect to receive all positive replies from the various readers of your post.

Lastly, I will go through your points and add my two cents.
1. Trading Post Preview Option: I feel that it would be a very good idea to implement the option to preview the item in the Trading Post before purchase. I have wasted in-game money on items to find out they were not what I wanted. However, the purchases occurred before I knew about the sPvP locker. There are three lockers to the right of where you stand when you first enter Heart of The Mists. The lockers are there to hold all the PvP armor you acquire, and you can also preview almost all possible armor and weapon styles that you can find in PvE.
2. More Towns Clothes Options: I do not see any urgency in releasing new clothes right this second. I am sure that more options will become available as more content is released, and urging to make this a priority over the hundreds of other things ArenaNet is working on is, in my opinion, a waste of time. Be patient.
3. A Slash Roll Command: Please do not make me laugh. The option serves no purpose in GW2 what so ever. @pizza I do not see a use for a slash roll command very useful in roleplaying, unless you want to play GW2 as a board game.
4. Last Logged in Section in The Guild Window: Sure, it is not a bad idea as long as there is a cap on the number of members a guild is allowed to have. Otherwise, it is not very important.
5. Guild Officer in Game Chat: I am not an officer in GW2, but I have been in other games that had the option. Honestly, it is a waste of time to implement the feature. Most guilds use services like Teamspeak and Ventrilo. Both services provide the options for channel creation allowing for channels dedicated to many purposes such as officer-only chat, and the channels can be password protected.
6. Dye Application Option in The Equipment Preview Window: I can the see the usefulness in having the ability to preview items as you might wear them with applied dyes. However, again, this is not a pressing issue.

@Arch You are making yourself look bad by attacking other players.

The problem that occurs too often is that players assume once a game is released the staff that created the game must have excessive amounts of free time. They also seem to think that just because a change in game is not implemented it will never be implemented or the developers are not working on the idea at all. I am sure the staff at ArenaNet are working hard to deliver high quality content as exemplified in high quality game that we so much enjoy to play. However, no one can expect to have implemented every little detail they feel should be in a game at the time they feel it should be implemented. I know that ArenaNet places certain things in higher priority than others. I have seen it first hand. Myself and other people noticed a serious bug in WvW one day, we reported the problem, and a patch was released within minutes of sending the report.

Cortugas Thane of [FEAR] Dominatore dei Morti
Necromancer Class Lead

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


First of all, I would like to say that GW2 is not the first game that ArenaNet implemented holiday events. The holiday events were some of my fondest memories of GW1. I will leave it at that.

I think people forget sometimes that this is GW*2* and there was a game before this one. That or they just assume that there’s no possible way anyone could ever possibly have thought to have holiday events in GW1, which… is no better.

But anyways, nothing worthwhile to add, I know. Not interested in reading all the posts between this and my last one, sorry gaiz.

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: mrauls.6519


“1. Preview option in the trading post. I mean, honestly, how much work can it -possibly- be to add this?”

I agree

Mes (Guardian)
I make PvP & WvW videos

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: kitanas.3596


“1. Preview option in the trading post. I mean, honestly, how much work can it -possibly- be to add this?”

I agree

have you actually tried programing? this isn’t an attack, just a question.

I’m not saying I’m an expert programer, but I have had to program before, and writing/bug-fixing a 30-peice of code could take us up to a couple hours.

you might be surprised at how long it takes to implement changes.

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strzalka.9451


This is a suggestion thread, and you have made some suggestions. I like a few, don’t see the point of a few others, and think 1 is just plain lazy. Whatever.

I’m just stopping by to say, the title of this thread, will get no attention from devs.
The suggestions you have made, I highly doubt are going to convince anyone to buy the game. And if someone is willing to quit the game over these minor conveniences… all I would be able to do is laugh.

Keep the suggestions coming, but if they are things you would actually like to see added… maybe try being serious about them, because your ideas of what should be in by 2 months, are way different than what I think should be in by two months, and probably different than what everyone else playing thinks should be in by 2 months.

Diabel Zwierze/Ranger
80’s – Necro/War/Ele/Guard

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Archmortal.1027


Honestly, saying an MMO has no hope because it prioritizes fixing bugs over implementing even more buggy content is extremely short-sighted.

Everything I was going to say has already been said well by others. But please do me a wonderful favor and point out to me where I ever said this game has no hope? Pretty please with sugar on top?

I didn’t specify this game. I said “an MMO.” But you did make the general statement that if things come down to prioritizing there is no hope.
Second post by you:

Ah yes, the priority argument. If you honestly want to use that argument, you might as well just kill your hopes for any MMO now and in the future.

If developers don’t prioritize their goals things don’t get done whether it be toward fixing things or implementing new things, but making what’s there work is massively more important before adding in new things that can cause new problems.


@Arch You are making yourself look bad by attacking other players.

I didn’t say anything negative about any real player. I’ll admit my little parody on elitist guild management might have come off that way so I apologize.

(edited by Archmortal.1027)

Very simple things we should already have 2 months in.

in Suggestions

Posted by: split.3659


Arch, apology accepted. The message may have come across to me differently, rather than as it was originally intended.

Cortugas Thane of [FEAR] Dominatore dei Morti
Necromancer Class Lead