(edited by nethykins.7986)
View "Unique" Class/Race Skills
This suggestion you have, has already been implemented, since beta. I have a lvl 64 Norn Guardian, who uses both the tomes and the Norn Forms, and when I activate those elite skills, my weapon skills are replaced with different skills, that are exclusive to either the tomes, or the Norn forms. It’s not missing at all, you just don’t notice the skills on your skill bar.
This suggestion you have, has already been implemented, since beta. I have a lvl 64 Norn Guardian, who uses both the tomes and the Norn Forms, and when I activate those elite skills, my weapon skills are replaced with different skills, that are exclusive to either the tomes, or the Norn forms. It’s not missing at all, you just don’t notice the skills on your skill bar.
You’re not getting what I meant.
I KNOW about the change in skills…otherwise I would never have mentioned the change in skills when you transform/summon.
What I’m asking is for a tab, or section, or some sort of recognition where in the weapon skills/traits/utility skills list in the character window to SHOW that. So that you don’t have to buy the skill and transform before using it at all.
Or do a mouse-over tooltip as they do for autoattack skills where it shows 2 or 3 different attacks when you put your mouse over the skill. Showing it’s not just one attack.
Hopefully, that was a little clearer?
Oh…I’ve done mouse-overs many times before…and with Norn forms, those that have chain attacks, they do list each individual skill, in that given slot, usually the first slot, though it’s not an auto-attack, per say, because you have to activate each skill manually, one after the other. Some of the 1st slot skills might have cooldowns, associated with them. But, I agree.. there should be a weapon skill recognition of the Norn form attacks skills, Guardian tome skills, Elementalist conjured weapons, etc, etc.