View distance and more

View distance and more

in Suggestions

Posted by: AzzaCin.3691


Please ANet can you put in an option to reduce the view distance. I don’t want to load the big floating cloud miles away that serves no purpose. I really dont care much for the mountains that I will never reach. This should help many people that don’t have high end PCs.

Add in an option to completely take off weather effects. In WvW its bad enough there are hundreds of spells flying all over the place but I also have to load all the small snow particles.

Buff Rifle on warrior! Getting tired and bored with the only good ranged weapon, the LB. LB has so much to offer such as blind, immobilize, burn, bleed, combo field, and combo finisher. Rifle I can count bleed, cripple, and vulnerability. Would be nice to see Rifle get some love in the near future (only 2 classes can use Rifle and for 1 its so horrible it rarely sees play).

Add another type of stability. Stability is great against classes with the physical effects but what about another type of skill that stops things such as bleeds, poisons, blind, torment, confusion, etc. for a few seconds.

Not sure if underwater play is what people want but how about instead of those capture points in wvw add in an underwater small capture castle/tower, I know many people or the majority of people hate this new idea that was put in and I myself do not like it as well. You have to go out of your way to capture them and they offer no rewards for doing so.