View who "Claimed" WvW keeps/towers

View who "Claimed" WvW keeps/towers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chewie.1249


As the title says. Be able to view which guild claimed said tower/keep. On top of that, to give incentive for that guild to upgrade, give a minor discount for the claiming guild.

It is far too often people just want to fly their banners instead of doing something to contribute to the WvW.

Character: Clinquer/Clinquet~~ Crystal Desert
WvW junkie and extraordinaire
Officer of greatest CD WvW Guild. Terror[TG]

View who "Claimed" WvW keeps/towers

in Suggestions

Posted by: Greiger.7092


I would not be opposed to this. Though it should also say for how long it was claimed. Some smaller guilds (like the one I’m in) are happy to claim a tower or supply camp and activate our buffs, but we don’t have the influence income or the coverage to keep a buff up 24/7. I would hate it if we started getting called out for having a claimed tower that just happened to outlive our buff duration, and noone was online to unclaim when a guild with some active buffs came by.

The discount for guild claimers though might backfire. Some more shortsighted people may claim the object with their personal guild to get a discount on the first upgrade without having any buffs whatsoever, and then forget about it or leave.