Voice Chat in Groups

Voice Chat in Groups

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sinplistic Temptations.7910

Sinplistic Temptations.7910

ANet always says they want dungeons to be more focused on making the group work together and they want people to use strategy and planning in order to succeed. Well… this is difficult when we have to stand still to tell someone something. In dungeons that need quick thinking when fighting bosses or coming up on a trap it is hard to type to someone tell them to focus a specific mob while others attack the boss when in the middle of a battle. Yes you can plan before hand but what if the plan goes wrong then you have everyone scrambling trying to either run away, fix it, or they are standing taking a beating trying to tell people how to fix the broken plan. With voice that this would be much easier, of course there has to be specific things to use with the voice chat such as a mute/unmute button for each member in case someone is using foul language or is just talking to much, also a scrolling bar to decrease/increase a specific members voice in case of a somewhat quite or much to loud mic. Otherwise this would be a very important and useful addition to Guild Wars and would make dungeons much more tactic and communication based.

If you do not enter the tiger’s cave, you will not catch its cub.

Voice Chat in Groups

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


In my +10 years of gaming I’ve come to the conclusion that voice-chat oh the whole just as often hinders group work as it does enhance it. So on the whole I’d have to disagree.

There are plenty of out-of-game chat programs that are commonly used. I think it’s best left at that. Anet could put their time and money (ours) in much more productive places.

Voice Chat in Groups

in Suggestions

Posted by: Catisa.6507


every ingame chat i have come across is buggy and adds quite a bit to server overhead … no thanks.


Voice Chat in Groups

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dragoon.9536


not really hard all they gotta do is create a new server type smaller of course that just for voice chat. There are vent that some people use. This game has a lot of less server load er player then most do. and quite frankly there isnt that many people on at a given time.

Voice Chat in Groups

in Suggestions

Posted by: Banewrath.5107


I think party voice chat is a good idea. LOTRO did it fine , the EQ games did it fine, DDO, ect. If you want to communicate with your group without having to type in chat this the next best thing. Makes things easier normally. Once in awhile you do get the occasional person whe decides to play music through his mic or just won`t sthu but you could always just mute them. Why bother with joining random vent or ts channels and having to keep alt tabbing out the game when you can just click your ingame vc on or off by rightclicking your party portrait.

Voice Chat in Groups

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jalad Lantana.3027

Jalad Lantana.3027

Bump for Great Justice!

Really how hard or expensive would it be for Arenanet to host a few Mumble/Teamspeak etc. servers and integrate the function into the GUI?
Pugs would be 1000x better.
Could be another revenue stream via TP items like instead of getting some generic automated team channel name, you could use some consumable TP item to rename your current channel to something cool etc.
It makes a huge difference in some of the harder content, and it certainly is a major hoop for new players especially new MMO players to overcome.

How many times do we have to go through the awkward teach the noob how to use teamspeak scene “you have to bind your PTT key” etc.

Guardian / Ranger / Mesmer / Necro / Warrior
Played since 1st online ‘demo’ months before the BWEs.

Voice Chat in Groups

in Suggestions

Posted by: Field Marshal.7946

Field Marshal.7946

I agree, it would probably be a great in game function to have for gems/gold. Would be a huge money maker for ANET that they currently do not have at their disposal.