Vote. Does guild wars 2 forum moderators encourage community involvement?

Vote. Does guild wars 2 forum moderators encourage community involvement?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yoda.9428


As a fellow Guild War2 fan, I recently published a petition to see if in fact there was majority support for dueling and inspection options. Soon after my petition was posted I was was replied with an infracted PM. For those who are not sure what infracted means, it is a violation of rules, law, contracts or promises. (I will reply my petition post below so that you can determine what infringments occured). What troubles me however, is the moderators ability to distinguish between a forum (definition of forum: Where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages), and an infringement. The post was appropriatly titled and catergorized under the heading “suggestions”. No profanity was used and community opinions were encourged. The petitons purpose was to identify the amount of interest in dueling and thus give some insight into Guild Wars 2 dev team decision making.
So this makes me conclude with ’ do Guild Wars 2 moderators encourage community involvement? or is players ideas and recommendations not as valued as others?

FW petition:

“Hello Tyrians,

There has been overwhelming support for PVE to have both a duel and inspection option. For those who are new to the MMO genre, dueling is the option to combat fellow players in PVE. The mechanics vary from MMO to MMO, however in short an invitation is sent between players allowing them the option to combat players. It is important to note that dueling is only permissable if players accept the request to duel and there is no obligation to do so.

The second petition is for inspections. Inspecting allows you to view players achievements, stats and other useful information. The benefits of inspecting promote a personal feel to the game and bridge communication gaps.

In order for us to enhance this great gaming experience we ask for you to support this petition. Our goal is to reach 200,000 support requests. To show your support please reply to this post with the word SUPPORT, alternatively you can subscribe. Together united we can create the best gaming community in the world”.

Moderator Notes:

Please refrain from making petition threads. Threads of this type do not assist members with support issues and concerns. The question of duels and inspection has been already discussed in the forums and the dev team is aware of those.

Vote. Does guild wars 2 forum moderators encourage community involvement?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dr Anthrax.4723

Dr Anthrax.4723

I think what the “automated dev response” was trying to tell you, is that you should have made this post onto an existing thread. That way it bumps up that thread.

It is FAR more helpful for one thread to keep getting bumped, rather than having a ton of tiny threads that get lost.

An issue that has 1 thread with 500 replies will get attention faster than 100 threads with 5 replies.

Vote. Does guild wars 2 forum moderators encourage community involvement?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yoda.9428


Totally agree, searching for the relvant topic with 30 posts per page 154 pages can be a little time consuming. The PM stated infringment and infracted the post. Although suspicously my reply borders infringment. FYI: I do have too much time.

Vote. Does guild wars 2 forum moderators encourage community involvement?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Red Falcon.8257

Red Falcon.8257

From the Code of Conduct:
1) “Do not post petitions, “I demand an answer” threads, conspiracy threads, or comments about circumventing the rules.”
2) “Use the search function before posting. This will focus the discussion and facilitate a response.”

Vote. Does guild wars 2 forum moderators encourage community involvement?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


We all agreed to the terms of service when we purchased the game and made our accounts. I do think that moderation has gotten harsher over recent years on pretty much every major site, though. Probably partly due to shifting laws and regulations.

Generally speaking, though, petition threads seem to be unwelcome on pretty much every forum I post on. You need only look at Facebook to see how they can rapidly become annoying – ‘like dis if u think x shud get a medal111’.