WSAD is a lousy way to manouver
You can use the mouse to move around.
People still use wasd? Give the ole’ right and left mouse buttons a go, lot less awkward.
Of course people still use WASD, it is a superior way to move around that allows for more advanced and more responsive movement. But yeah, you can use RMB+LMB to move with the mouse if you so chose.
Ah, console users. As said above WASD+mouselook is the standard PC movement scheme because it allows much faster response. However, if you’re using WASD without mouselook, it is really slow for turning and probably why you’re having problems with it.
RMB is turn, A and D are strafe, and W and S are forward and backward, simple stuff and you can’t do that with just a mouse, and controller setups aren’t responsive enough.
Hold down both mouse buttons. You’ll be delightfully surprised.
Nemata Sapshield – Dragonhunter
Lillian Estre – Tempest
so then tell me why about as good as every single FPS game for PC uses WASD to move around if it is so inferior… afterall if there is any genre in general where fast responses and mobiblty is important FPS would be it
Ah, console users. As said above WASD+mouselook is the standard PC movement scheme because it allows much faster response. However, if you’re using WASD without mouselook, it is really slow for turning and probably why you’re having problems with it.
RMB is turn, A and D are strafe, and W and S are forward and backward, simple stuff and you can’t do that with just a mouse, and controller setups aren’t responsive enough.
Actually, by default, A/D are turns, and Q/E are strafes. I think most everybody who plays these sort of games has already reconfigured their binds, though.
As zombie has mentioned, I use WASD with AD changed to strafing. In addition to Mouse Look.
Antonius Duarte – Elementalist – Kaineng
so then tell me why about as good as every single FPS game for PC uses WASD to move around if it is so inferior… afterall if there is any genre in general where fast responses and mobiblty is important FPS would be it
No one said WASD is inferior, we said it is superior, big difference there. The OP and a few others said it’s awkward, again, not inferior.
Ah, console users. As said above WASD+mouselook is the standard PC movement scheme because it allows much faster response. However, if you’re using WASD without mouselook, it is really slow for turning and probably why you’re having problems with it.
RMB is turn, A and D are strafe, and W and S are forward and backward, simple stuff and you can’t do that with just a mouse, and controller setups aren’t responsive enough.
Actually, by default, A/D are turns, and Q/E are strafes. I think most everybody who plays these sort of games has already reconfigured their binds, though.
A/D changes to strafe while holding RMB though. But I still always rebind them because having turn bound to the keyboard is just terrible. Right now I use a script which toggles RMB and gives me free mouse look without having to hold it. It also changes my LMB and RMB to skill 1 and 2. I use the windows key to toggle the script on and off so that I can use the mouse when I need pointing and clicking. Makes combat feel even more action based.
so then tell me why about as good as every single FPS game for PC uses WASD to move around if it is so inferior… afterall if there is any genre in general where fast responses and mobiblty is important FPS would be it
FPSs are a bit different tho, as they have the center crosshair and no target lock.
What i suspect is asked for is a click on ground option, as that combined with the automatic turning towards the target on skill press allow the toon to run to a distant location while firing off skills in a different direction.
Right now the game controls feels like a poor blend of FPS and action mmo. I would be a happy camper if i could opt for a more FPS like setup with sustained fire while holding down a button and no target lock. And where i didn’t need to hold down a button all the time to turn the camera around with the mouse!
If you’re not using WASD + Mouse for maneuvering, you’re doing it wrong.
Right now the game controls feels like a poor blend of FPS and action mmo. I would be a happy camper if i could opt for a more FPS like setup with sustained fire while holding down a button and no target lock. And where i didn’t need to hold down a button all the time to turn the camera around with the mouse!
I would love that too, but because we don’t get that, I made a script to do the last thing you mentioned. If you’re interested I could send it to you.
Try out a Logitech G13.
Among its many features is that WASD becomes joystick movement, which you use with your thumb, freeing up your fingers for action abilities.
It takes time to get used to but I will never go back to a keyboard if I can help it (you still need the keyboard to type on but it’s G13+mouse for gameplay).
A game that’s 100% WvW
WASD assigned to a “joystick” is really inaccurate. It doesn’t take into consideration finer tuned turns.
E → Run Right (90 degree)
WE → Run right, 45 degree angle
ED → Run at a sharper angle (I might have ED, WED, reversed, I don’t recall)
WED → Run at the sharpest/most inner angle.
I was able to simulate that movement to a controller stick, with Joy2Key and AHK but its not as easy, or as accurate as RMB+Mouse Movement.
I use both for different reasons. With wasd I can just play casually in pve. Most of the time a mouse is not needed and in that case I can use my right hand to take a drink, eat or whatever. In dungeons that’s even more the case since I only have to move out of red circles when I’m not actively tanking. wasd is more than enough in those cases.
Furthermore, I’m a traveler, I make about 1000 kilometers every week for work, which means I’m using a laptop without a mouse when not at home. In a hotelroom I’m usually in bed and try to do my dailies. No mouse required nor possible.
In PVP, big boss fights and jumping puzzles, the mouse is required. I don’t think any discussion is possible in these scenarios. What I mean is simple… mouse turn is faster, better and more efficient, yet there’s plenty of circumstances where wasd either suffices or is actually the only possibility.
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