WTB distance meter to validate "unit" Range.
there is kind of... A red band will appear on your skill when your selected target is in range
Tis only what you can do for all
there is kind of… A red band will appear on your skill when your selected target is in range
Which is unfortunately entirely unhelpful on a lot of abilities. Some will miss even if there is no red bar, some will hit even if there is a red bar, and some require more than just a binary range indicator, such as the ranger longbow 1 skill.
yeh its not good but its there
Tis only what you can do for all
Would be nice with the Mesmer’s Spatial Surge ability (great sword 1) to know what tier of damage I’d do.
The Engineer’s Blunderbuss, or Blowtorch abilities also have a distance-based damage scheme. Having a more accurate means of rangefinding than “It’s red, I need to get closer” would be very nice indeed. It’d also be nice if the red bar thing was accurate; in the short time that I played a Necromancer, I noticed that the Life Siphon ability would be Out of Range even when the red bar wasn’t there, and that I (while playing an Engineer) could club things with my Toolkit wrench at farther range than it said.
Am in total agreement. There is no logical reason for the game not to provide one. For we rangers it would a added asset to the group. We then could judge a distance that is need faster for our skills. This would also apply to casters. I see melee using this also, especially if there might be adds on the sides along the path and in judging their distance to the main mob.
Does not have to be fancy, does not have to take up the whole screen. Maybe a very thin vertical line or box which you could move to where u wish on the screen and also bring up or close as you prefer so no clutter on your scree.