Warband support skill, they're not my band!
The concideration is that by the time you’re level 30, as far as the story is concerned you’ve already handed off the Warband to your second and have moved on to join an Order. So the Charr that come to help you are the new members of the Warband that the new head of your Warband has brought in.
Lots of people have suggested this from day 1…don’t think it’s gonna happen sorry. the amount of nightmarish coding that would have to be done to customize a single skill for every charr player would be ridiculous at best. it’s not even a skill you’ll use very often except when soloing vets or farming, not to mention they seem pretty happy with the sad state of racial skills and aren’t gonna touch them.
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
I would like this too but as said above it would be the coding. What of PvP players who create a charr but never go into PvE with it? How can the elite skill guess what path you will take in the storyline? I believe warband is just meant to show which legion you come from.
I think it’s not that much complicated, but yeah, maybe they don’t care about this things..that’s sad…
I would like this too but as said above it would be the coding. What of PvP players who create a charr but never go into PvE with it? How can the elite skill guess what path you will take in the storyline? I believe warband is just meant to show which legion you come from.
Ummm this would never be an issue as you can not use racial specific skills in PvP.
Oh yeah lol, my bad. So WvW then? How about in PvE if you level your charr past 30 but never do the storyline, how can the coding guess what you want? As it is, your legion is decided upon creation which codes which kind of warband follows you. I was disappointed when I first got the skill and I too was expecting my storyline warband to show up but now I realise that coding for that would be a nightmare.
Yeah the other thing that troubles me about this is not only is this not the people my personal story has to offer, but the npcs they give me when I call my warband are complete idiots compared to the warband I have in the personal story portion. The guardian for instance is tons better then the people I’m getting when I call the warband who die in five seconds while in Orr.
The underwhelming racial skills might’ve been intentional. Just so to reinforce that choosing a particular race will not give you any noteworthy advantage or disadvantage.
I do agree on bringing in Reeva and such. The Charr personal story was one of my favorites. A lot of the delivery on lore and the story is pretty half hearted. Much to my dismay considering the raving reviews.
I guess this was the first MMO they ever played for those guys. And my bad for taking their word for it. Facepalm.