Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


I might be off base here but I’ve come to find that certain starting armor, personal story rewards, and possibly more items can only be obtained once. For instance, the Elementalist’s elemental gems that they start with. They look awesome, had I known at an early level I could not get another one, I would have kept it. Now 40 levels later, I realize I made a mistake, and my only options are to bite the bullet or restart a character I’ve already sunk so much time into.

The unfortunate part of the transmutation system is that if an item can only be obtained once is sold to a vendor, that skin is no longer available to the player to use for customization if they wish to use it later. My suggestion would be to at the very least include something in the tooltip of the item (like “Unique”) to warn people that the item is one of a kind, or a dialogue box when attempting to sell or destroy it. This way if they like the skin on that item, they can store it in their bank for future transmutation.

Another idea that would be nice and save on already limited storage space, though require a lot of new coding, is to give players an alternate way of re-acquiring that item skin. For instance, create a database for each character of the item skins they have had in their possession. That character would then be able to choose from a list of valid item skins during transmutation, or be able to re-purchase them through a vendor, much like the Hall of Monuments rewards.

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Create a new elementalist, take the gem/appearance and stick it to another hat (cheap one in Trade post or vendor) using a transmutation stone, simply place it in the bank and it is available for use on your grieving character through transmutation. Problem solved !

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


Genius! That would bypass the soulbind! I hope that wouldn’t be considered an exploit though… :l

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mighty Assasin.3816

Mighty Assasin.3816

It’s an exploit but a harmless one.

The Prestige [pTg]

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


That may bring up another issue though. When I tried transmuting my original one it glitched and wouldn’t even show up. It would just show me as helmless… That’s why I destroyed it to begin with. With any luck that won’t happen again.

EDIT: …it did. Sigh.

(edited by Battlecarrier.3914)

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: ScribeTheMad.7614


I have heard of some glitching when transmuting items, especially the unique headgear. There was a guy who transmuted the thieves anonymity hood onto a higher level mask, and when he equipped it it had the appearance of actually having merged the items, he saw the hood with the mask inside. For everyone else though we just saw the hood, and once he relogged the glitch was gone. He was kind of disappointed, he’d actually like the combined look.

“The short answer is that new content is not going to drive people away from the game.
There is absolutely no evidence to support that it would.” -AnthonyOrdon

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


It shows up on the character select screen but not in-game. Just like before. How depressing…

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ceribis.8104


It shows up on the character select screen but not in-game. Just like before. How depressing…

You are showing your headgear in game, right? There’s a small checkbox near the helm that should be checked.

Keeghan – Sylvari Mesmer – Jade Quarry

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: Battlecarrier.3914


It shows up on the character select screen but not in-game. Just like before. How depressing…

You are showing your headgear in game, right? There’s a small checkbox near the helm that should be checked.

Because you aren’t the millionth person to say that or anything. Everyone knows about the check box… It’s a legitimate bug with the Elementalist helms. Next thing you’re going to say is to submit a bug report and yes, I already did that too. Anyway, this is all getting very off topic.