Warrior's Sprint
You can get up to 33% which is i believe the highest speed bonus in the game.
To do that, you can use any banner (third skill) and the elite. Also, with the greatsword, skill 3 and 5 gives you somewhat of a bonus.
Because Warrior has rather easy access to permanent Swiftness?
Because Warrior has rather easy access to permanent Swiftness?
More like we’re forced to specc into a certain build in order to keep up with everyone else with almost-permanent Swiftness.
It is a bad thing.
Do you even lift, bro?
I am not saying that I would not like my warrior to be faster, but honestly I do not see the problem. I play with the elite, and a greatsword. Almost nobody can keep up with me except some thieves. You just have to manage your cool downs.
Now of course, it is tiring to be last then first then last then first. But I think that warrior being (to me) one of the most complex profession to play, it would be nice to be a bit quicker. Not much but just a bit to allow us to keep up with everyone without to always try to not hit anything with the 5 skill of the greatsword -_-’
I do not want to use greatsword… Nor do I want to waste 1 utility slot and elite slot to be 8% faster than only a few classes that have a passive 25% movement buff. What if we do not want to use signet of rage as elite, or use sword/greatsword combo just to keep up. I was mainly curious why all passive movements were boosted from 10% to 25% except warriors.
I do not want to use greatsword… Nor do I want to waste 1 utility slot and elite slot to be 8% faster than only a few classes that have a passive 25% movement buff. What if we do not want to use signet of rage as elite, or use sword/greatsword combo just to keep up. I was mainly curious why all passive movements were boosted from 10% to 25% except warriors.
Wait, what? The other classes have to waste an utility slot to get that “passive” 25% speed bonus too.
This applies to Guardians as well, so its not warrior specific.
Now of course, it is tiring to be last then first then last then first. But I think that warrior being (to me) one of the most complex profession to play, it would be nice to be a bit quicker. Not much but just a bit to allow us to keep up with everyone without to always try to not hit anything with the 5 skill of the greatsword -_-’
The wariior is the most complex class to play? I have a warrior, and I find it no more than mash buttons, boom dead. Don’t like him, but I believe he is the simplest of classes.
We are sworn together by our blood…
Kinda not the subject but with the warrior(or guardian) you actually have to move when it comes to fighting, With distance classes, you just well… wait for it to happen. But anyway that’s my opinion =)
To go back to the subject, thieves and elems do not have to use a signet for that. If I am not mistaken the thief has a perma boost and the elem who chooses air as a speciality has one as well ( plus the elem has a boost with the staff and the thief with the bow (he can teleport)).
To go back to the subject, thieves and elems do not have to use a signet for that. If I am not mistaken the thief has a perma boost and the elem who chooses air as a speciality has one as well ( plus the elem has a boost with the staff and the thief with the bow (he can teleport)).
No class has such a passive effect, none. Elementalists that are in air get one IF they took the corresponding trait. Thiefs get a speed boost while under stealth is they took a trait too and the later isn’t that great since you cannot really stay stealthed that much without having to stop to recharge it.
Good to know.
Actually I googled and found that: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Movement_speed
So now I know all about speed^^