Wasted Capital Cities!
I know it won’t happen, but I would have just been happy with each race getting it’s own festival. I mean the Queen/humans get a jubilee and the plot has been heavily human focused lately, why can’t each race get their own festival. At least this way each city will be populated for a month out of the year. But we already have too many festivals/reoccurring events as it is.
I doubt they will put events inside the cities proper though. They should remain a non-combat area (besides the first karka invasion)
I doubt ANet will allow the various cities to remain unused permanently. Exactly how they will use them will be very interesting to see.
I agree, but cities will always remain non combat areas so what they need to come up with is social hub ideas to get ppl in the cities. Gladiator battles a la gauntlet style in the black citadel, Open the shooting range and bar brawl in DR, Holbrek already has keg brawl(need revamp), ect, interesting stuff like that do do in cities, but most importantly 2 things have to change to get ppl out of LA.
1-Asura gates in any city should be able to take you to any other major asura city gate.
2-Improve personal instance.(customizing,/housing/etc)
Unfortunately, unless the fixed it back, you can only do the activities now through the daily activity NPC. I tried to do Keg Brawl about a week or so ago and he told me to go talk to the person in Lion’s Arch. But, on topic, I would love to see the other capital cities get some life to them. I know that Rata Sum will be getting the Super Adventure Box back next month, but the cities still need a bit more; they’re a bit lack lustre for capital cities.
@ Kingmutez – I would love to be able to customize my home instance, it’s so empty right now.
You know what would be cool is if the recurring festivals like Wintersday and Mad King Thorne were to travel from city to city each year like the Olympics. So in 2013 maybe Hoelbrak could host the Wintersday festivities and MKT in Black Citadel.