Waypoint Costs

Waypoint Costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: CaitlinJF.1720


Please reduce them. Soon.

Waypoints are clearly something that GW2 did -right-. Having to trek long distances to get from where you -are- to where you want to -be- turns what is supposed to be an enjoyable experience into something more like a chore. While I certainly believe that this game is very beautiful and engaging, and wandering from one area to another can be fun when you’re in the mood for it, Waypoints open up a whole new style of gameplay. Being able to jump from desolate Charr deserts to snowy mountaintops or verdant shore lines practically guarantees that the game will never get boring. Having the ability to go where you want, when you want without having to worry about losing your progress or having to spend a lot of time to get -back- to a certain place takes a lot of pressure out of exploration. Discovering a new Waypoint is a real joy, and knowing that you have a freedom to do anything at any time (as far as locations go) is a real joy. It essentially eliminates a lot of the “grind” by creating an environment where you can simply pack up and go somewhere else at will in the span of one small loading screen.

So please, please, please reduce the costs. I don’t know about everyone else, but at level 80 I don’t make enough to afford the utter joy of having the freedom to jump from one end of the world to the other regularly. I don’t “farm”, I don’t spam dungeons or kill the same world boss fifty times in a row. I don’t run around tagging every quest under the sun. I like to take my time and enjoy the experience, which might mean that my income generation is somewhat lower than others – I don’t know.

But I -feel- that Waypoints are a really wonderful and liberating system, and I wish I didn’t have to spend 3 – 4 silver (on top of repair costs, armor/weapon costs, crafting costs, etc.) to use them.

It’s such a small fix that would automatically reduce a significant amount of stress and really allow players to explore the world at their own pace and in their own style.


Waypoint Costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: R E F L H E X.8413

R E F L H E X.8413

They also made banks very scarce throughout the waypoints, you have to pay nearly 4 silver to access your bank or goto wvw if you are winning or still have your keep.

I must’ve missed the sign that said it was a fire sale.

Waypoint Costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: Colonel Kernel.7506

Colonel Kernel.7506

Is Search broken again?