Waypoints to Major Cities

Waypoints to Major Cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eltee.4563


Threading through these forums, I have seen a couple of people that take issue with the cost of waypoints as you reach a higher level. For the most part, I don’t really have a problem with waypoint costs. I generally just run across zones, and avoid waypointing within a zone itself, unless doing a dungeon of some sort. I also never, ever waypoint to a major city. Why? Because I can get there for free, simply by going through the mists, take the Asura gate to Lions Arch, then one more Asura Gate to whichever major city I need to get to (though, I usually just need to get to Lions Arch). Really the only time I waypoint is when I’m leaving a major city, going back to a zone.

Now, let’s revisit this free, and roundabout, access to major cities. This function was obviously intentionally included in the game, with easy access to the mists through the hero panel, and easy access from the mists to Lions Arch, and once again, easy access from Lions Arch to every major city. So, with free access to the major cities, who’s paying? Answer: People who don’t want to sit through 3 loading screens when they can sit through 1. Especially people who have slower computers, and it takes a while at each one. I can’t say I’m one of those people, but I have talked to some friends who do have said slow load times, and those 3 loading screens are apparently pretty tedious.

So, with a free, non-walking option for major city access, why do the waypoints in those cities cost money at all? It’s already free within a major city, and there’s already free teleportation there. All it really does is cause the inconvenience of 2 extra loading screens, at the same cost (nothing!). There’s really no need for these waypoints to cost anything. Let me stare at 1 loading screen, instead of 3.

Waypoints to Major Cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Locuus.1950


Free teleports to major cities would be great. I too have no idea why it costs money, when anyone can go there for free through the mists.
Just make it free from the map as well.

Waypoints to Major Cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

I don’t just use it for cities. I sometimes use it because I know that if I do it, then waypoint to my destination, I’ll pay less than waypointing directly.

So what I suggest is that GW2 calculates two costs for a waypoint:
– The cost of travel from where you are standing.
– The cost of travel from the nearest city waypoint to your destination. If it’s a city waypoint, the cost is 0.

Then you get charged whichever cost is less.

Though the waypoint cost itself is questionable:
– Any goldsink effect it has can be compensated by reducing player income. Say a few % reduction in vendor prices for everything.
– It discourages playing with friends as you have to pay for the waypoint to your friend, then pay a second time to get back to what you are doing.

Waypoints to Major Cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Patches.4210


Go in to PvP (the mist)
take the Asura Gate from there to Lions Arch
Jump to any of the major cities for free using the Asura gates in L.A.

Waypoints to Major Cities

in Suggestions

Posted by: Halcyon Dayz.8239

Halcyon Dayz.8239

Go in to PvP (the mist)
take the Asura Gate from there to Lions Arch
Jump to any of the major cities for free using the Asura gates in L.A.

… did you read the post?