We NEED a clear-target button

We NEED a clear-target button

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bear on the job.6273

Bear on the job.6273

Currently there are only 2 options for clearing your current target – hit the escape key, or click you mouse on an empty party of the screen. Both of these options are highly unreliable.

If you are channeling an ability, or have autorun on, the escape key will cancel those things before clearing your target. If you are mouse turning to look around, you cannot click the mouse button because it is already held.

This has been a big issue for me in WvW for a while now, and I’m getting to the breaking point. There have been so many times I try to escape from a situation using a leap ability…but I can’t clear my target properly, so I end up leaping back at my target, into the thing I’m trying to escape. Most of the time I can clear my target properly and get away. But at least 25% of the time, the bad control system mucks up, and I leap towards my enemy.

Its the simple things in life you miss the most…I just wish we had a more competent control scheme, with a CLEAR TARGET key.

We NEED a clear-target button

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


Bind “lock target” or wtk the thing is called.
It will clear whatever you have selected.
Beats using the more then useless escape spamming

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We NEED a clear-target button

in Suggestions

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Actually the major problem is how the game targets, Instead of in front closest targeting it just targets wherever it wants even far far away targets and often behind you.

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We NEED a clear-target button

in Suggestions

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


Actually the major problem is how the game targets, Instead of in front closest targeting it just targets wherever it wants even far far away targets and often behind you.

…yes…very poor targeting options. Not just enemy targets…it targets anything be it a moa, wolf, friendly npc, etc.

We NEED a clear-target button

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cirian.8917



I’ve even done leap attacks at WALLS in WvW because I’ve clicked on some empty space and… oops no, it was a destructible wall inside the enemy keep / tower and the game thinks I might want to leap attack it! XD

“Clear Target” is desperately needed in fast paced WvW fights to avoid mistakes. I have lost count of my “suicides” caused by jumping into danger instead of where I’ve pointed my character, expecting to leap to safety.

I’ll look into the “lock target” Fishbait suggested for clearing my target although the name seems counter intuitive if it clears it Oo

We NEED a clear-target button

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bright.9160


Actually the major problem is how the game targets, Instead of in front closest targeting it just targets wherever it wants even far far away targets and often behind you.

Someone tested that and posted on the forums here not too long ago.

It isn’t ‘random’, the game targetting system just favors targets that are close to the center of your screen. Now, in a sense that isn’t a terrible design. However, couple such a feature with no custimizable UI, a camera that is clunky as hell, 9 months of right click targetting nightmares and the fact that you lose your target when it moves of screen (which is beyond stupid tbh) and you get the lovely targetting system we have now…

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We NEED a clear-target button

in Suggestions

Posted by: digiowl.9620


The “lose target when it moves off screen” is likely a effect of unchecking the “promote skill target” option.

And yes, it favors center of screen. But this requires line of sight (something as simple as a tree can mess up your targeting), and there is a certain minimum proximity to the centerline.

But this is not helping in any way when you have a risen gnawing on your leg and the targeting system sends your high cooldown burst towards a distant (perhaps out of range) destructible object (or passive fauna), because your camera happened to be pointed in the wrong direction.

IMO, proximity over camera center is how it should be. Unless/until ANet implements a proper crosshair and camera aim toggle.

We NEED a clear-target button

in Suggestions

Posted by: Curunen.8729


I use the “lock autotarget” key for this – funny because the name doesn’t fit the description. With promote skill target and autotargeting on, the only time “lock autotarget” is used is to deselect your current target.

We NEED a clear-target button

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cheezy.6573


I have also had the misfortune of having this “target system” get me killed

We NEED a clear-target button

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seras.5702


Actually the major problem is how the game targets, Instead of in front closest targeting it just targets wherever it wants even far far away targets and often behind you.

I threw a little tantrum the other day because I raced to the FE when I heard he was up. Running…running…sprinting…almost there….I’m here! tab…tab…..um tab…..click….click?….tab tab tab tab tab!!?!??!? He dies. Thanks….no loot, no XP, no event….awesome…………..

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We NEED a clear-target button

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadynasty.1760


I just died because of this poor mechanic for about the bazillionth time. I even clicked on an empty part of the screen to clear my target before using Rush on my warrior, and it turned me around and ran my kitten smack into the middle of the zerg i was trying to escape. Please fix this.

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We NEED a clear-target button

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ursidae.7269


For targeting you have options —- good ones – you can disable interact on right click which is why you end up targeting friendly – you still have left clicks which your index finger isnt as prone to place pressure on the mouse except if you do not use fast ground targeting .. but if you pay real close attention – you can double tap the ability which takes the same amount of time – as a mouse click which is better than missing or targeting something else – there is also a target closest enemy and next enemy .. i use a key on my mouse for close which will in front of you in about a 120 degree cone grab what is close to you .. for auto target to clear the best key would be a mouse key – but ive been using V or mouse bind or even mod keys like ctrl +V or whatever – all games with tab target are going to be clunky – also remove all of the auto targeting check ticks in options down to Stop Auto Attack on Target Change – so if something dies you dont aggro something else – i use my Guardian leap on the great sword often times as a sort of extra dodge – i will not use auto targeting while i have this equipped

i strongly recommend using call target take target and lock auto target ( which will hold a target if you get it from auto targeting but not if you selected it ?) so there are about 5 essential binds for targeting when you add close and next target – plus if disabled right clicking left is another way to grab targets – the other option is that you cannot attack a friendly target – i haven’t fully tested it but targeting a friendly would not make you leap in their direction you wont event channel or rotate when they move from in front of you while using auto attack ..

We NEED a clear-target button

in Suggestions

Posted by: Peeka.7961


They need to allow macros such as /target or /tar blah, the fact you have to spam your tab key to cycle thru trash mobs just to get the one you want is irritating.

Lets take the champions Aetherblade waves for Scarlet invasions. You have multiple mobs infront of your intended target but you have to keep cycling clicking to get the one you really want. You end up using an aoe attack just so you land a few hits on the mob you want to get the reward.

Having a simple command added like /tar blah will make this easier assign a bind key and no stupid targetting crap to worry about.