We could use be more Dungeon achievements!

We could use be more Dungeon achievements!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

Seriously, I think we could use more dungeon achievements.


Reason: I love two things— Dungeons and Achievements. However, I just find the dungeon-centric achievements in GW2 to be rather bland and uninteresting. Most of them is just going into the dungeon and just completing all the paths. So my thoughts on this one would be to make dungeon runs a bit more interesting, fun, crazy, and/or somewhat masochistic through the use of achievements that seem really crazy to perform but hopefully doable by a very coordinated group.

A little extension to what I posted previously about dungeon armor skins a while back, I think the current “Dungeon Master” title could be extended even further! Why? As content gets modified to be somewhat more accessable (which I suppose there’s nothing wrong, in an artistic standpoint, when it comes to exposing the work of art that some of these dungeons are to the general public), the Dungeon Master achievement starts to lose the prestige it had when it meant that you had the balls made of orichalcum to go through some of the harder paths to get it. For some people, they end up getting that one hard path done and never return to it ever again. Others even went out of their way to buy their way in harder paths, like Arah p4.

So I suggest this: More achievements that require specialized criteria in order to complete them.


  • These set of achievements would require a bit more skill, finesse, and ingenuity to obtain; thus requiring a bit more planning and coordination. It wouldn’t be as simple as going in and just finishing the content.
  • The achievements could also make dungeon runs a little bit more interesting for both guild groups and PUGs alike. For instance, by killing a boss in a radical, unorthodoxed way that seems more engaging, thrilling, and (of course) rewarding (hopefully, without the use of exploits).
  • Story Mode bosses could be included to encourage some groups to go back into Story Mode and do them again just for the achievements.
  • Most can also be repeatable to a certain extent (possibly capped at 50~200 achievement points) so that the chances of having that “get it over with” feeling is somewhat small, while still having a certain feeling of competitiveness on the Achievement Leaderboards.
  • More tokens can be awarded for achieving some of these odd achievements, even those completed in Story Mode. In a way, some of these achievements could be reminiscent of the bonus reward objectives found in the various Missions in GW1. The extra reward should be suitable compensation for the extra time and/or effort spent in doing some of these achievements.
  • Completing some of them could be more prestigious than the Dungeon Master achievement itself.

“Okay, I’m game. What can I do to be more awesome than regular Dungeon Masters?”

Barring any exploits that could trivialize some of these achievements, here are some examples that could make some encounters fun, interesting, maybe masochistic, and/or promotes skillful gameplay, categorized by dungeon:

Any Path Dungeons

  • Complete all OPTIONAL Events (eg. Cave Troll in AC, Legendary Hound in CM, Bridge Event in CoF p1, Dragon Totems in HotW)
    • Title: Dungeon Completionist
  • Acquire all the Dungeon Armor skins
    • Title: Dungeon Fashion Model
  • Complete all the Dungeon Achievements
    • Title: Masochistic Dungeon Master
  • Complete the Vanquisher achievements
    • Title: Dungeon Vanquisher
  • Kill 100 Champion, Legendary, or Ascended Mega Boss* creatures in any dungeon while having two Nourishment boons (“Apple” + “Wrench” buffs).
    • Title: Prepared Dungeon Runner

Note*: The Wiki likes to refer to these monsters unofficially as “Epic”. I personally prefer the word “Ascended” since the word Epic is too generic; while Ascended sounds more Guild Wars-ish. However, the term Mega Boss seems to be the official term used by ArenaNet to refer to creatures that display an extra large portrait over their life bars.

[continue to next post]

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

(edited by Ari Kagura.9182)

We could use be more Dungeon achievements!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

Ascalonian Catacombs

  • Any Path: Kill Lt. Kohler without getting pulled by his Scorpion Wire.
  • Any Path: Kill Lt. Kohler and the Cave Troll within 10 seconds of their deaths.
  • Any Path: Loot the chest at the end of the Jumping Puzzle
  • Story: Kill Ralena and Vassar without throwing boulders at them.
  • Detha: Kill The Ghost Eater using three or less traps.
  • Hodgins: Kill The Howling King with 10 or fewer gravelings killed throughout the encounter.
  • Tzark: Kill Collosus Rumblus without utilizing Warmaster’s Grast’s protection.
  • Ascalonian Dungeon Armors: Acquire a complete set of Ascalonian Dungeon Armor.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in Hodgins’ Path
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in Detha’s Path
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in Tzark’s Path

Caudecus’s Manor

  • Story: Capture a screenshot of Caudecus’s head pieced together while attending the Queen’s party.
  • Asura: Kill Frost without killing any of his activated golems.
  • Asura: Kill Frost without destroying any of his rocket turrets.
  • Butler: Kill Vallog without getting hit by reflected projectiles.
  • Seraph: Destroy the blocked gate after killing 15 bandits during this encounter.
  • Seraph: Kill Turmaine without getting hit by his Plague Swarm.
  • Noble Council Armors: Acquire a complete set of Noble Divinity Council’s Armor
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in the Asura’s Path
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in the Butler’s Path
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in the Seraph’s Path

Twilight Arbor

  • Any Path: Within the same daily reset period, complete all Explorable paths of Twilight Arbor without being downed by Volatile Blossoms.
  • Story: Find and open all the Sylvari Prison Pods, including those after the encounter with Cadeyrn.
  • Story: Do not allow Faolin to resurrect any of her Nightmare champions.
  • [Up]: Kill Fyonna while having 3 or more hatched spiders alive throughout the encounter.
  • [Forward/Up]: Keep Leurent alive throughout the encounter against Vivena.
  • [Forward/Forward]: Kill Leurent first before killing any of his Elite Guards.
  • Kill all the spiders surrounding the Nightmare Tree.
  • Destroy 5 or more seed turrets surrounding the Nightmare Tree.
  • Destroy 6 or more Veteran Oakharts before killing the Nightmare Tree.
  • Nightmare Armors: Acquire a complete set of Nightmare Armor.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures while taking the Upwards path.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures while heading Forward then Forward again.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures while heading Forward then Upward.

Sorrow’s Embrace

  • Story: Within five seconds after The Iron Forgeman pours hot magma on you, display any miniature Moa pet.
  • Fergg: Kill all three Prototype Golems within 30 seconds of their deaths.
  • Fergg: Destroy each party member’s clone before killing Tazza.
  • Tarleov: Retrieve the glowing ore for Rasolov without being detected.
  • Koptev: Kill the Champion Dredge that emerges from the Personnel Carrier.
  • Dredge Armors: Acquire a complete set of Dredge Furnace Reward Armor.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in The Inquest Gauntlet.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in Tarleov’s path.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in Koptev’s path.

Citadel of Flame

  • Any Path: Defeat the Royal Ooze Family.
  • Story: Defeat Gaheron Baelfire by utilizing 10 or less Molten Hearts.
  • Ferrah: Complete Ferrah’s path while having no more than one Warrior in your party.
  • Ferrah: Kill the Veteran Effigy before killing the Slave Driver.
  • Magg: Kill the Veteran Giant Whiptail Devourer before killing the Stable Master.
  • Magg: With all party members crossing the magma field, ensure Magg arrives at the Magmacyte Ore safely.
  • Magg: Destroy the Eternal Flame with 8 or less Acolytes killed during the encounter.
  • Rhiannon: Make it through the bomb traps without dying. Mesmer portals don’t count!
  • Flame Legion Armors: Acquire a complete set of Flame Legion Armor.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in Ferrah’s path.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in Magg’s path.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in Rhiannon’s path.

Honor of the Waves

  • Any Path: Destroy all the Dragon Totems.
  • Story: Defeat The Huntsman while keeping Bane’s Teeth alive.
  • Butcher: Kill Ginva the Butcher without destroying any of the Dragon Totems.
  • Plunderer: Kill Andal while keeping Oolon and Poroo alive during the duration of the encounter.
  • Zealot: Avoid getting hit by any of the exploding summoned jellyfish during the encounter with Sorge the Zealot.
  • Kodan Armors: Acquire a set of Svanir or Kodan Armor.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in The Butcher’s path.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in The Plunderer’s path.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures in The Zealot’s path.

[continue to next post]

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

(edited by Ari Kagura.9182)

We could use be more Dungeon achievements!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

Crucible of Eternity

  • Any Path: Cross the laser field without dying. Mesmer portals don’t count!
  • Any Path: Destroy the Mark T-B34RCE without destroying any of its turrets.
  • Any Path: Kill the Champion Risen Abomination without getting down by its rushing tackle attack.
  • Any Path: In any confrontation with Subject Alpha, defeat it without having any teammate enclosed in a Crystal Prison for more than 5 seconds.
  • Submarine: Deactivate the Security Golems in three minutes or less.
  • Teleporter: Take the teleporter! Experience being dropped in all possible drop locatons.
  • Front Door: Kill the Champion Destroyer Crab.
  • Inquest Armors: Acquire a set of Inquest Armor.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures making your way to the Submarine.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures making your way to the Teleporter.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures making your way to the Front Door.

The Ruined City of Arah:

  • Any Path: With all party members in melee range, get through Phase 1 of the Giganticus Lupicus encounter without having it eat any summoned grubs.
  • Story: Destroy the Champion Bloated Creeper before it consumes any summoned grubs.
  • Story: Destroy all three towers within 2 minutes after the destruction of the first tower.
  • Jotun: Reduce the Ancient Slime down to its weakest form.
  • Jotun: Do not allow Legendary Shoggroth to spawn additional Tar Elementals while it is present.
  • Jotun: Kill Korga while preventing it from reserrecting more than one Risen Gorilla.
  • Mursaat: Allow the Abomination to remain Berserk for more than 10 seconds before tranquilizing it.
  • Mursaat: Allow only one player to activate Brie’s terminal throughout the duration of the encounter.
  • Mursaat: Finish this path while having 5 or more Agony Resistance. Prepared much?
  • Forgotten: Avoid getting knocked down by Risen Hands more than once during the encounter with the Wraithlord’s Mage Crusher.
  • Seer: Do not allow any of Melandru’s trees to last for more than 10 seconds during the encounter with the Priest of Melandru.
  • Orrian Armors: Acquire a set of Corrupted Orrian Armor.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures while discovering the secrets of the Jotun.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures while discovering the secrets of the Mursaat.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures while discovering the secrets of the Forgotten.
  • Vanquish all accessable creatures while discovering the secrets of the Seers.

Those are a some ideas in mind when it comes to some Dungeon-centric achievements. Hopefully, they’re doable to a certain extent. If you got some more ideas for achievements that requires a bit of skill or just makes the dungeon run a bit more crazy, interesting, and/or rewarding; or you think my listed examples could be modified to be more harder, then feel free to post some more ideas!

So fellow dungeon runners— am I insane for thinking about this?

I suppose the TL;DR version would be: “I wish there was something more prestigious than current version of the Dungeon Master title.”

In before: “ITT, the OP like pain!”

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

(edited by Ari Kagura.9182)

We could use be more Dungeon achievements!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dub.1273



Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

We could use be more Dungeon achievements!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sera.6539


I definitely would love to see some of these achievements in the game. Dungeon Master just isn’t enough!

Gelda Nebilim – Nagare [NGE] – Crystal Desert

We could use be more Dungeon achievements!

in Suggestions

Posted by: rsegames.3916


Yes, yes, YES!

We need more pain. We have some creative stuff in fractals, and none for the regular dungeons.

We could use be more Dungeon achievements!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Milennin.4825


Some of those achievements are easily griefable, such as the one with the Howling King. Plus that it goes against what the players are supposed to be doing during the encounters. A lot of players have trouble staying alive during these encounters, I wouldn’t want any of them dragging the team down because they want to shoot for a pointless achievement.

It would also cause a bunch of nagging by achievement kittens who’ll constantly ask the team to accommodate to their wants in order to get the achievements. I’d much rather have the team focus on just getting the dungeon done (there’s already enough nagging going on in PUGs when it comes to skipping vs. killing), and no more than that.

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

We could use be more Dungeon achievements!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sera.6539


I would hope that those going for the theoretical achievements would have the courtesy to form groups solely for achievements, and don’t try to force others to do it. Just like people form groups for skipping only or killing only. This isn’t much different, and it would come about anyway. Form a group for the task, not force others to do what you want.

Gelda Nebilim – Nagare [NGE] – Crystal Desert

We could use be more Dungeon achievements!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ari Kagura.9182

Ari Kagura.9182

Some of those achievements are easily griefable, such as the one with the Howling King. Plus that it goes against what the players are supposed to be doing during the encounters. A lot of players have trouble staying alive during these encounters, I wouldn’t want any of them dragging the team down because they want to shoot for a pointless achievement.

It would also cause a bunch of nagging by achievement kittens who’ll constantly ask the team to accommodate to their wants in order to get the achievements. I’d much rather have the team focus on just getting the dungeon done (there’s already enough nagging going on in PUGs when it comes to skipping vs. killing), and no more than that.

I’ll admit that some of those achievements generally go against the generally accepted “normal” way of defeating a certain encounter. Personally, I find most of the “normal” methods a bit boring.

However, I do see the griefing aspect of it. I know I have seen it during my days of playing WoW and going from PUG to PUG to complete dungeons. With that said, I also organized groups specifically made to attempt those achievements back during my WoW days. For the most part, if the team is focused on that achievement, then it often works out for the best. Otherwise, attempting to do some of the crazier achievements without letting your party know first is plain wrong.

“I control my fate!” — Claire Farron
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .

We could use be more Dungeon achievements!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bright.9160


CoF: complete all paths without leaving the instance

CoE: complete all paths without leaving the instance

Title: Haxzor

Don’t know if CoE is still possible though

On a more serious note: for those complaining about possible grieving though, I would advise not to try to get something like this with PUGs, since most of them require a lot of coordination, and we all know PUGs lack a lot of that…

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

(edited by Bright.9160)

We could use be more Dungeon achievements!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Risingashes.8694


// Explorer

Dungeoneer: 32/64 Dungeon Paths {Prerequisite: Dungeon Master} (Tier 1) [Points awarded once on the first run for each class. Getting Dungeon Master on one character would be 32 paths, running all paths of AC on a new class will result in 36 points, running AC again on either characters will give no new points.]
64/160 (Tier 2) (Title: Dungeoneer) [This will require one run of every path of every explorable dungeon with 5 separate classes (the default number of slots available for characters)]

Catacombs Cascade: 0/4 Paths Completed with 5 members of the same class [8 of these achievements, one for each dungeon]

Catacombs Destiny: 0/4 Paths Completed with 5 members each of a different class [8 of these achievements, one for each dungeon]

Catacombs Powerhouse: 0/4 Paths Completed with 5 members with 30 points in their first trait line [40 of these achievements, one for each dungeon, one for each trait line, technically two could be achieved at the same time (30 points in two trait lines for each member)]

Catacombs Mentor: 0/4 Paths Completed with 1 member less than level 80 [6 of these achievements, one for each dungeon except CoE and Arah]

// Fashion

Balefire’s Garments: 0/1 Pieces of CoF armor (Tier 1)
0/6 Pieces of CoF armor (Tier 2)
0/12 Pieces of CoF armor (Tier 3)
0/18 Pieces of CoF armor (Tier 4)

Ascalonian Vestiments: 0/1 Pieces of AC armor (Tier 1)
0/6 Pieces of AC armor (Tier 2)
0/12 Pieces of AC armor (Tier 3)
0/18 Pieces of AC armor (Tier 4)

Aristicratic Robes: 0/1 Pieces of CM armor (Tier 1)
0/6 Pieces of CM armor (Tier 2)
0/12 Pieces of CM armor (Tier 3)
0/18 Pieces of CM armor (Tier 4)

Twilight Vestiments: 0/1 Pieces of TA armor (Tier 1)
0/6 Pieces of TA armor (Tier 2)
0/12 Pieces of TA armor (Tier 3)
0/18 Pieces of TA armor (Tier 4)

The People’s Crest: 0/1 Pieces of SE armor (Tier 1)
0/6 Pieces of SE armor (Tier 2)
0/12 Pieces of SE armor (Tier 3)
0/18 Pieces of SE armor (Tier 4)

Technocratic Gear: 0/1 Pieces of CoE armor (Tier 1)
0/6 Pieces of CoE armor (Tier 2)
0/12 Pieces of CoE armor (Tier 3)
0/18 Pieces of CoE armor (Tier 4)

Dragon’s Bane: 0/1 Pieces of Arah armor (Tier 1)
0/6 Pieces of Arah armor (Tier 2)
0/12 Pieces of Arah armor (Tier 3)
0/18 Pieces of Arah armor (Tier 4)

Decked Out: 0/8 Dungeon Sets Completed (Tier 1) (Title: Decked Out)

//Slayer Category

—- Slayer: 1000/10000 Kills (Tier 4)

Foe of the —-: 10000/100000 {Prerequisite: —- Slayer} (Tier Infinite) (Title: —- Slayer Rank * [Rank is based on number of times Foe of the —- has been completed])

Veteran Slayer: 0/1 Veteran Kills (Tier 1)
1/10 Veteran Kills (Tier 2)
10/100 Veteran Kills (Tier 3)
100/1000 Veteran Kills (Tier 4)
1000/10000 Veteran Kills (Tier 5) (Title: Protector of the Weak)

Elite Slayer: 0/1 Elite Kills {Prerequisite: Tier 3 of Veteran Slayer} (Tier 1)
1/10 Elite Kills (Tier 2)
10/100 Elite Kills (Tier 3)
100/1000 Elite Kills (Tier 4)
1000/10000 Elite Kills (Tier 5) (Title: Challenger)

Champion Slayer: 0/1 Champion Kills {Prerequisite: Tier 3 of Elite Slayer} (Tier 1)
1/10 Champion Kills (Tier 2)
10/100 Champion Kills (Tier 3)
100/1000 Champion Kills (Tier 4)
1000/10000 Champion Kills (Tier 5) (Title: Stormbreaker)

Legendary Slayer: 0/1 Legendary Kills {Prerequisite: Tier 3 of Champion Slayer} (Tier 1)
1/10 Legendary Kills (Tier 2)
10/100 Legendary Kills (Tier 3)
100/1000 Legendary Kills (Tier 4)
1000/10000 Legendary Kills (Tier 5) (Title: We Shall Remember)

(edited by Risingashes.8694)

We could use be more Dungeon achievements!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brave Sir Ryan.1240

Brave Sir Ryan.1240

Ironman – Finish all paths for a dungeon in one consecutive run (1 for each dungeon)

(edited by Brave Sir Ryan.1240)

We could use be more Dungeon achievements!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Knobby.4078


All paths all dungeons in less than 24 hours (not sure if even possible)