"We have recently taken action against a player you reported"-mails

"We have recently taken action against a player you reported"-mails

in Suggestions

Posted by: GreenEyedFriend.7152


I think it would be a good thing if ArenaNet could send a mail to people who reported someone for i.e. botting that got banned.

It would really show the community that they really CAN help with this issue, and make people more active to report bots.

"We have recently taken action against a player you reported"-mails

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anymras.5729


It’d also maybe get people to realize that no, there aren’t just a few bots, and that while ANet might do a whole lot about it, that doesn’t mean it’s going to make a readily visible dent in the bot population – there’s just so many, and unless they find a way to completely remove the originator or inconvenience them enough to render botting unprofitable, there’s always going to be more.

But kitten am I tired of “nice to see Anet doesn’t care” and “they’re digging themselves a grave, just like Blizzard did” in mapchat whenever somebody brings up bots.

"We have recently taken action against a player you reported"-mails

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mad Dog Fargo.7543

Mad Dog Fargo.7543

Bots would not exist if players would stop buying gold from them. So ultimately, part of the demand is player-created. But it can be resolved because the majority of players are legit.

Keep reporting them and gold sellers.

A-Net staff will catch up.

(edited by Mad Dog Fargo.7543)

"We have recently taken action against a player you reported"-mails

in Suggestions

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


Bots appear everywhere lately. I was amazed the first time I saw a group, yes a group, running in complete synch with one another. All were exactly the same type of profession – in this case Rangers – all had the exact same bear pet.

What I find frustrating is trying to report each one separately. I managed to tag one or two but the entire group just disappeared as I went looking for the rest of the bunch. So in essence I was only able to report half of the group I saw.

If they are tied to one another, surely just reporting one in the group should tag all of them? I am not familiar with that type of programming to understand how it works. My only experience was with a person I knew who double boxed his character in WOW with another of similar skill type and had a blast. He was just soloing it with his “companion” and not farming for gold or resources…just having fun. He explained how he did it and apparently because it was setup that way, he was not banned.

However, the type of bots I saw the other day are a different animal entirely. I was unable to complete the heart in that area because that group killed mobs so fast and moved on so quickly I was unable to even tag one mob, let alone more, to complete the heart. I was truly disappointed.

The other time I saw a bot was when I showed up in an area and found a “dead” player with only his underwear on. Not being familiar yet with bots, I rezzed him. I know, I should not have done that. I do not do that any longer.

I would love to see these types of exploits taken out from the game.

"We have recently taken action against a player you reported"-mails

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Bots would not exist if players would stop buying gold from them. So ultimately, part of the demand is player-created. But it can be resolved because the majority of players are legit.

I’m pretty sure the vast majority of bots are actually run by private players who simply want to gain an upper hand, rather than gold-sellers who are trying to undercut ANet.

The fact that GW2 doesn’t have a subscription fee makes running a bot very affordable.

If ANet wants to get rid of bots they need to make their content more engaging and less farmable. If all it takes is a series of Bots to spam auto-attack to beat an event then something is wrong with the event.

"We have recently taken action against a player you reported"-mails

in Suggestions

Posted by: ecthelion.6794


Do you wanna know why ArenaNet cares about botting so much?
Cause gold farmers undercut their bottom line. Because they want to be the ones to sell gold to you in the form of GEMS

It’s about their revenue, not your entertainment.

And no, for ArenaNet, these two things are not necessarily linked.
All the built in gold sinks in this game a whole host of other poor design choices are what is going to make this another ghost MMO by year end.

"We have recently taken action against a player you reported"-mails

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rooen.5317


Bot’s are very tricky, as someone said they are fueled by the money they make off players. If no one in the GW2 community bought from them the amount of time they spend making the programs and recoding would be useless and in the long run lose money for them. If we are lucky they will move on, which will end up happening when a bigger game comes out. WoW had a few bots but nothing like they used to at the start of the game, less people buying since older members knew the scam. With Mist out they are back in larger numbers.

The most we can do is give it some time and hope Anet can figure their program out and truth be told there would be far more around if they did nothing. Some bots are simple and just annoying, standing in one place and spamming chat. But others do effect the world and it stinks. Those are the ones I think they go after first.

Rooen Dahlbeck | Asura | Elementalist
Lvl 50+ | Norther Shiverpeaks | Cook/Artif

"We have recently taken action against a player you reported"-mails

in Suggestions

Posted by: arcdash.4039


Do you wanna know why ArenaNet cares about botting so much?
Cause gold farmers undercut their bottom line. Because they want to be the ones to sell gold to you in the form of GEMS

It’s about their revenue, not your entertainment.

And no, for ArenaNet, these two things are not necessarily linked.
All the built in gold sinks in this game a whole host of other poor design choices are what is going to make this another ghost MMO by year end.

Gold sinks are a bad thing? So you like inflation?

"We have recently taken action against a player you reported"-mails

in Suggestions

Posted by: skaaz.4281


I think it would be a good thing if ArenaNet could send a mail to people who reported someone for i.e. botting that got banned.

It would really show the community that they really CAN help with this issue, and make people more active to report bots.

Just so you know.

God kills one less kitten a day for every bot reported.

Member of Cradle Guard

"We have recently taken action against a player you reported"-mails

in Suggestions

Posted by: Stratzvyda.3921


I think they reason they don’t do that is because they’ve taken minimal if any action and would prefer to keep that on the DL. There are bots that have been going strong since launch that are still running. They ban a token number so they can say they’re doing something in the status reports but that’s about it.