We level WAY too fast
Speak for yourself
You don’t have to level fast if you don’t want to. Also this game isn;t really about levels. In Guild Wars 1 max lvl you could achieve was 20 and noone really complained. I actually liked it alot since after achieving it the whole world was rpetty much open for you.
personally I think it is just about right. I have levels 36, 26, 22, and 8 characters, and have a total of 132 hours played, which means I am averaging about 1.5 hours per level between on my characters, I feel that is a good amount of time for each level.
I’d have to agree with OP.
It feels like my character’s don’t have souls. Except my Guardian who has 600+ hours. But my other characters are 80 and I feel like I hardly know them.
Why are you complaining? Once you hit lvl80 each time you level you get skill points which you need for various Mystic Forge uses. Also lv80 is where most of the good looking armors are found…
Why are you complaining? Once you hit lvl80 each time you level you get skill points which you need for various Mystic Forge uses. Also lv80 is where most of the good looking armors are found…
For some people it’s not about the destination. It’s about the journey.
Woah, no thank you, I like my exp-gain just fine!
Seeing as I can easily do lower level areas while still facing a challenge (due to the downleveling and all), I don’t mind the fast leveling at all. If I actually had to work to gain enough levels to stay on par with my storyline, it would feel like…well, work, not fun.
Also, you can slow yourself down by not participating in certain activities (crafting), not exploring everything the 2nd or 3rd time around,…
Also, if you have so much fun exploring and doing events, why care about which level you have while doing them? oO
Leveling fast here means you have more room to fool around.
There’s nothing wrong with heading into a zone below your level.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
Why are you complaining? Once you hit lvl80 each time you level you get skill points which you need for various Mystic Forge uses. Also lv80 is where most of the good looking armors are found…
For some people it’s not about the destination. It’s about the journey.
The Journey continues after the destination. So why complain about the journey?
The exp is fine. This game isnt about prepairing to have fun. You’ll suppose to have fun and get tons of rewards out of them for doing what you like. I personally feel they could add more exp quality for jumping puzzles completion. That would encourage jummpers like me to level that way if we so choose =)
we level too slow, we level too fast. No one is happy! But, we are all inclinded to our opinions. Personally, I think the leveling rate is fine as is, but if anyone who played FFXI, they had level caps. You had to do some task or fight a ridiculous enemy to be allowed to continue leveling and that was bottom line awesome. The rate at which we level I think is fine, but we have no limits really to reaching 80 and I beleive thats the key issue.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
It is pretty fast; levelling an alt at the moment and gone from 45 to 65 in two days. Don’t really mind though, makes it less of a chore. Only problem is outlevelling zones and that’s hardly the end of the world.
I think we level way to fast as well..... Back in the golden oldies of mmo it took 2 years to reach max level..... Dont get me wrong i wouldent want to advocate going back to that extreme but I do feel pretty strongly they have taken casual a liitle bit to far... how do you casual players feel about how fast it is to level would you prefer a bit more of an epic scale??
Tis only what you can do for all
There are a few things you need to consider regarding your POV on XP gain.
1/ Comparing this to MMO’s is fairly irrelivant. This MMO is intentionally trying to Break established conventions within MMO’s and does not and should not do something just because ’it’s standard MMO procedure’
2/You are not Expected to complete each zone as you go into them. You certainly Can, it’s a totally valid way to play the game- but the game has not been structured so that you complete a zone, move to the next sequential zone and rinse and repeat. It has been designed so you go where u want when you want.
3/As you say yourself, you have also gained EXP while you were levelling through other exploits (such as helping a friend in a lower level zone). Questing is only one of MANY ways to gain XP.
4/ You can still play the game at 80. Being level 80 really only means 2 things. You can go to any zone and not be outclassed, and you can start ‘gearing’ properly. So you can still go out and get zone completion, Do story mode, run dungeons: Basically do what you are doing now (with extra freedom). AND you still keep getting XP so you can keep getting those skill points.
I See why you feel the way you do. But I think you’re Argument comes from this false expectation the the game ‘ends’ at 80, or that you can’t keep doing at 80 what you are now enjoying at 60.
It’s fine between work and my women I don’t have much time to play. And IM a pvp player spvp and wvw. So when I do play I want to kill ppl not lvl so it’s takes a while for me to lv I don’t currently have a lb 80 yet lol
For myself im not worried for things to do at lvl 80, im fully aware theres plenty of endgame as we all put it these days. However, I feel that it wouldent hurt if it took twice as long to level to there, theres plenty of zones to do it with..
Tis only what you can do for all
Lvling mindlessly might be fast. But Guild Wars 2 is a game to be enjoyed while playing.
Now thats an assumption right there. When i levelled my character i read all the text, everything i looked at the scenery helped people out did all the events in fully explored all the zones i entered. It was awesome but i found that doing all of the things available, instead of just one or two different kinds depending on how i wanted to level caused me to level way faster than i wanted too... If i could i would have gladly taken a xp penalty for the entire time to extend the leveling experiences. There really is nothing quite like it and your right in the respect that its very enjoyable... Mindlessly though is not in my playstyle.. I still think its too fast thoough even though im not one of those who lvl mindlessly..
Tis only what you can do for all
Funnily enough I’ve had times where I wanted to level more slowly, and times where I wanted to speed it up.
I suppose an optional “you gain only half experience” toggle in the options menu could do no harm. I doubt if it’d be worth the hassle though.
I have mixed opinions – this game it is indeed way to easy to reach 80. I play 2-4 hours a day, and still made 2 level 80 characters in less than a month. Even assuming max hour daily play, that’s still a level every 45 minutes. Reaching 80 really is no achievement.
However, this game does handle levels differently. With scaling, it keeps content more challenging no matter the level. Sure, you lose out going to a starter area and shooting everything for 380k+, but you’re also not grinding out those areas for no gain or effort. Add in the continued level factor for earning special/legendary gear, and it works.
What I WOULD like to see different is to show your “XP Level” – a stat that shows how many levels you’ve earned total. I’d like to know for curiousity, kitten, and progression sake. Who doesn’t want to show off their level 1,238 Guardian?