We need Dungeon chests as Bonus chests

We need Dungeon chests as Bonus chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Annabele.5734


I don’t know about everyone else, but I have been on too many dungeon runs (Cathedral of Flame for instance) where I was cheated out of the End Boss chest when the instance creator left the dungeon and party, resulting in the rest of us being tossed out before we could even grab the end boss chest.
Can’t the development team turn the boss chest into a bonus event chest so no matter what happens, we will always get our chest even if the instance creator leaves? or better yet, make it like the story events where you are giving a timer and a warning they left and “you will be tossed out” so you can hurry up and grab your loot?

(edited by Annabele.5734)

We need Dungeon chests as Bonus chests

in Suggestions

Posted by: Daevinity Inspirata.2508

Daevinity Inspirata.2508

They are actually already working on re-working the way dungeon loot works entirely. There was a blog post about the future of the game where they mentioned a different loot system in dungeons.