We need duels and wow-style arenas!

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Codex.8513


I don’t get why some people are so selfish and say no to arenas! It would be a pvp mode that you can simply avoid but maybe others love it and would like to play it!

It is like going to shop and making a complaint that there are product that you don’t like and don’t use but hey who cares! The shop is for everyone and you don’t have to buy those products!

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Myrmillo.9026


I, too, would love to see a dueling feature. Don’t know about WoW Arenas because I never played those, but all extra PvP, in my opinion at least, is great, so long as it doesn’t ruin other people’s gameplay, which is the case here.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shyanmar.5936


I don’t get why some people are so selfish and say no to arenas! It would be a pvp mode that you can simply avoid but maybe others love it and would like to play it!

It is like going to shop and making a complaint that there are product that you don’t like and don’t use but hey who cares! The shop is for everyone and you don’t have to buy those products!

With that same argumentation, you could add pretty much any feature to the game without problems.
Gear treadmill? Sure, make it optional and nobody will care, right? Real Money auction house? Well, you don’t have to use it, so it’s all right, right?
Damage buffs that work against other players in WvW? Yeah, why not? You don’t need to use those if you don’t want to.

There’s nothing selfish about not wanting to have WoW-like arena PvP in GW2. In my opinion, that’s something that may fit into WoW and its philosophy, but it doesn’t go with GW2 and it’s philosophy. Plain and simple.

Goteishi [Go] — Kodash [DE]

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: DavidGX.1723


Duels? Maybe… in the Mists. Not anywhere else.

Arenas? NO! Please, Arenanet, no. Blizzard themselves admitted it was a mistake to add them. If you want that kind of gameplay, WoW is available.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: raphaeldisanto.5478


I’ve enjoyed WvWvW, but imo, you should keep PvE and PvP separate.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorati.7361


And WoW-Style arena PvP is an absolute no-go in my opinion. You want PvP with gear progression and the ability to gank low-lvl players? Play WvW. You want arena PvP? Play sPvP, but deal with the fact that your skill is all that matters, not your gear or level. WoW arena PvP is usually demanded by players who do not have the necessary skill for sPvP and get pwned all the time, but who love to win in a fight that’s unfair and imbalanced from the very beginning. Great job, guys, really.


Seriously, what? This game has no ability to gank, and the PvP is is, with the exception of WvW (which this suggestion is not), gear normalized. If that’s your argument against TDM (Team Deathmatch, which is what WoW’s arena is) then your logic processor is broke, buddy.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nkuvu.2570


I’d be in favor of duels in a section of the cities. Not all over. Not only do I not want to be bombarded with duel requests, I also don’t want to have fights on top of the NPCs I want to get to. Just annoying, like Goldshire. We really don’t need a Goldshire in Guild Wars.

Also not a fan of “we need this” in place of “some of us would like this.”

But a duel area near the edge of the city, or in the Mists? Sure, I can’t see a problem with that. I’ll never visit the area, zero interest in duels, but I don’t hate the idea in general. Just hate the idea of duels wherever.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shyanmar.5936



Seriously, what? This game has no ability to gank, and the PvP is is, with the exception of WvW (which this suggestion is not), gear normalized. If that’s your argument against TDM (Team Deathmatch, which is what WoW’s arena is) then your logic processor is broke, buddy.

Well, at least WvW is the closest thing to ganking you get. And that’s a good thing, because ganking is one of the uglier sides of many MMOs.

This isn’t an argument against TDM, I’m all for that as an additional game mode for sPvP (along with user-created and maybe even password-protected matches and other game modes like CTF), without capture points or anything, but the point is … WoW-style arenas != TDM sPvP.
Team Deathmatch, sure thing, but the important thing is: no gear-progression. WvW aside, PvP should never be about who has the more imba-epic-r0xx0r gear. Never. Because if that was the case, then it’d not be about player skill any more.

Goteishi [Go] — Kodash [DE]

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorati.7361


This isn’t an argument against TDM, I’m all for that as an additional game mode for sPvP (along with user-created and maybe even password-protected matches and other game modes like CTF), without capture points or anything, but the point is … WoW-style arenas != TDM sPvP.
Team Deathmatch, sure thing, but the important thing is: no gear-progression. WvW aside, PvP should never be about who has the more imba-epic-r0xx0r gear. Never. Because if that was the case, then it’d not be about player skill any more.

Nowhere in the OP was gear progression mentioned. In fact, you were the first person to mention it in the entire thread.

One of the defining and most important features of sPvP is the gear normalization, everyone but you was arguing with that in mind.

(edited by Lorati.7361)

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shyanmar.5936


Nowhere in the OP was gear progression mentioned. In fact, you were the first person to mention it in the entire thread.

One of the defining and most important features of sPvP is the gear normalization, everyone but you was arguing with that in mind.

The OP mentioned WoW-style Arena PvP. Since WoW arenas had gear progression, it is natural to assume that that’s also part of the suggestion. The OP wasn’t really all that detailed to begin with, don’t fault me for that. “WoW-style” = TDM + gear progression. If it’s not about gear progression, then it’s not about “WoW-style arenas” but only about a TDM game mode.

Also, if this wasn’t really about the “WoW-style” part and only about the TDM part, why not state that right form the beginning?

Goteishi [Go] — Kodash [DE]

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lorati.7361


The OP mentioned WoW-style Arena PvP. Since WoW arenas had gear progression, it is natural to assume that that’s also part of the suggestion. The OP wasn’t really all that detailed to begin with, don’t fault me for that. “WoW-style” = TDM + gear progression. If it’s not about gear progression, then it’s not about “WoW-style arenas” but only about a TDM game mode.

Also, if this wasn’t really about the “WoW-style” part and only about the TDM part, why not state that right form the beginning?

WoW-Style Arena: Two equally skilled (and geared, but since EVERYONE is equally geared it’s a non-issue) small group teams, each with their own comps. Respawn is disabled, but resurrection is not: if you can avoid being interrupted for that long, good on you. Several maps, each with their own obstacles that can be used strategically. Last team with members standing wins the game.

That, my friend, is what he was suggesting.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: roocey.7501


I’m really not sure what games y’all are playing where duels disruptive to gameplay. Two MMOs I’ve played in recent memory that included dueling, EQ2 and WoW, had a limited duel area and you couldn’t duel inside of cities or instances (in WoW at least, not sure on EQ2 for that). Duels certainly weren’t balanced, but they were fun from time to time.

I haven’t really seen a reason to not include dueling beyond “I don’t like them.” So don’t do them? They don’t need to include a reward beyond the simple satisfaction of victory.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: adagiophoto.4512


I can’t speak to arena’s, but duels have come up in various threads on various forums and I think it’s something that can be done well. First, there needs to be an “auto decline duels” option for those who never want to do it. Second, it would probably be best to do it in one spot, whether it’s in the mists or a mini arena in LA I sorta don’t care.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Seed.9361


Yes add Duels please!

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: sirius.8614



We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


I don’t have anything against duels, but I think to help avoid being annoyed by those who spam other players, it should be in designated areas only. Areas that are not apart of the normal travel paths.

And, ANET will be releasing new content as time goes on, some of which will include new pvp areas and the like.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Logan.1458


Hello! I think this game should have duels because it is pvp-oriented game and players want to test their builds in real fight or at least find out who is stronger, call it whatever you like.

Wow-style arenas would be great addition too imo. Original GW had same fashioned pvp-mode (4 vs 4 arenas). Some people don’t like it – but there only would be more options! It is win/win. Some people like wow arenas, some like sPVP 5v5 matches. Play what you want.

Anyways this game needs some duel options, even if you don’t like wow arenas you should agree with that!

I hope arena.net will hear me and people who are thinking like me!

With duels…

To keep it balanced, Anet can have locations where players can duel each other but they get a choice of 3 weapons. This allows Anet to keep things balanced as they can adjust your health if they wish but the fighting will be with weapons they choose for the duel location.

This would be better then simply allowing players to fight each other with their present weapons. This would become a form of dueling mini game, where certain theme duel weapons are found in certain zones. Heck,…you could build a ranking zone on this if you want and player enjoy it.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Searingarrow.4637


Hello! I think this game should have duels because it is pvp-oriented game and players want to test their builds in real fight or at least find out who is stronger, call it whatever you like.

Wow-style arenas would be great addition too imo. Original GW had same fashioned pvp-mode (4 vs 4 arenas). Some people don’t like it – but there only would be more options! It is win/win. Some people like wow arenas, some like sPVP 5v5 matches. Play what you want.

Anyways this game needs some duel options, even if you don’t like wow arenas you should agree with that!

I hope arena.net will hear me and people who are thinking like me!

With duels…

To keep it balanced, Anet can have locations where players can duel each other but they get a choice of 3 weapons. This allows Anet to keep things balanced as they can adjust your health if they wish but the fighting will be with weapons they choose for the duel location.

This would be better then simply allowing players to fight each other with their present weapons. This would become a form of dueling mini game, where certain theme duel weapons are found in certain zones. Heck,…you could build a ranking zone on this if you want and player enjoy it.

Are you freaking kidding me…? What the hell kind of suggestion is this? People duel people to test their skills out or just have fun with friends… Duels aren’t required to do ANYTHING in the game… They are just for fun. Why would they completely ruin this by trying to balance around it, let alone make it into some stupid mini-game with different sets of skills…

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tahana.7984


I’ve enjoyed WvWvW, but imo, you should keep PvE and PvP separate.

I haven’t tried it yet but look forward to doing so.. But I agree.. I like how things are separated in this this game.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


Hello! I think this game should have duels because it is pvp-oriented game and players want to test their builds in real fight or at least find out who is stronger, call it whatever you like.

Wow-style arenas would be great addition too imo. Original GW had same fashioned pvp-mode (4 vs 4 arenas). Some people don’t like it – but there only would be more options! It is win/win. Some people like wow arenas, some like sPVP 5v5 matches. Play what you want.

Anyways this game needs some duel options, even if you don’t like wow arenas you should agree with that!

I hope arena.net will hear me and people who are thinking like me!

With duels…

To keep it balanced, Anet can have locations where players can duel each other but they get a choice of 3 weapons. This allows Anet to keep things balanced as they can adjust your health if they wish but the fighting will be with weapons they choose for the duel location.

This would be better then simply allowing players to fight each other with their present weapons. This would become a form of dueling mini game, where certain theme duel weapons are found in certain zones. Heck,…you could build a ranking zone on this if you want and player enjoy it.

Are you freaking kidding me…? What the hell kind of suggestion is this? People duel people to test their skills out or just have fun with friends… Duels aren’t required to do ANYTHING in the game… They are just for fun. Why would they completely ruin this by trying to balance around it, let alone make it into some stupid mini-game with different sets of skills…

I think what he is trying to do with this is help avoid a certain percentage of people who would duel and then try and say x class is OP or nerf cries or buff demands etc….

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Searingarrow.4637


Hello! I think this game should have duels because it is pvp-oriented game and players want to test their builds in real fight or at least find out who is stronger, call it whatever you like.

Wow-style arenas would be great addition too imo. Original GW had same fashioned pvp-mode (4 vs 4 arenas). Some people don’t like it – but there only would be more options! It is win/win. Some people like wow arenas, some like sPVP 5v5 matches. Play what you want.

Anyways this game needs some duel options, even if you don’t like wow arenas you should agree with that!

I hope arena.net will hear me and people who are thinking like me!

With duels…

To keep it balanced, Anet can have locations where players can duel each other but they get a choice of 3 weapons. This allows Anet to keep things balanced as they can adjust your health if they wish but the fighting will be with weapons they choose for the duel location.

This would be better then simply allowing players to fight each other with their present weapons. This would become a form of dueling mini game, where certain theme duel weapons are found in certain zones. Heck,…you could build a ranking zone on this if you want and player enjoy it.

Are you freaking kidding me…? What the hell kind of suggestion is this? People duel people to test their skills out or just have fun with friends… Duels aren’t required to do ANYTHING in the game… They are just for fun. Why would they completely ruin this by trying to balance around it, let alone make it into some stupid mini-game with different sets of skills…

I think what he is trying to do with this is help avoid a certain percentage of people who would duel and then try and say x class is OP or nerf cries or buff demands etc….

Thats going to happen in every single game ever made… That doesn’t mean you should completely ruin dueling because some stupid kids are going to cry over it…

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: NightGrown.4586


how about a 1v1 spvp option set in arenas like the one in the citadel

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


Hello! I think this game should have duels because it is pvp-oriented game and players want to test their builds in real fight or at least find out who is stronger, call it whatever you like.

Wow-style arenas would be great addition too imo. Original GW had same fashioned pvp-mode (4 vs 4 arenas). Some people don’t like it – but there only would be more options! It is win/win. Some people like wow arenas, some like sPVP 5v5 matches. Play what you want.

Anyways this game needs some duel options, even if you don’t like wow arenas you should agree with that!

I hope arena.net will hear me and people who are thinking like me!

With duels…

To keep it balanced, Anet can have locations where players can duel each other but they get a choice of 3 weapons. This allows Anet to keep things balanced as they can adjust your health if they wish but the fighting will be with weapons they choose for the duel location.

This would be better then simply allowing players to fight each other with their present weapons. This would become a form of dueling mini game, where certain theme duel weapons are found in certain zones. Heck,…you could build a ranking zone on this if you want and player enjoy it.

Are you freaking kidding me…? What the hell kind of suggestion is this? People duel people to test their skills out or just have fun with friends… Duels aren’t required to do ANYTHING in the game… They are just for fun. Why would they completely ruin this by trying to balance around it, let alone make it into some stupid mini-game with different sets of skills…

I think what he is trying to do with this is help avoid a certain percentage of people who would duel and then try and say x class is OP or nerf cries or buff demands etc….

Thats going to happen in every single game ever made… That doesn’t mean you should completely ruin dueling because some stupid kids are going to cry over it…

I didn’t mean to sound like I was in aggrement, just sharing what I thought his reasoning were.

Only thing I want to say about dueling, is it should be in designated areas, somewhat away from normal travel paths or locations, to avoid people randomly sending out duel invites. One has to be within a certain area in order to send or recieve duel invites.

Each city can have an area dedicated to that, (there is plenty of unused space inside each city where this could take place) And outside of the city, throughout the world, could be little set ups (again off away from monsters and main travel paths or any pve activites) where once you enter its perimeter, you will be open for dueling.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Duveth.5742


i agree, spvp is boring as hell, just running like headless chickens or tanking in a base, combat doesnt really matters, and the downed state make it worse, a spvp mode more focused in combat is needed, and duels are always a good thing.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rin Satou.7321

Rin Satou.7321

Duels are certainly needed. I like to settle proposals, differencies and other things in duels.

I dislike arguing for an hour, I’d rather have a good duel to settle things.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dullahan.8039


I only skimmed most of the posts, so sorry if this was already said!

I would love if you could move to a separate room with whoever you wanted to duel, and fight there 1v1 or 2v1 or whatever, just for fun. It’d port you all away or drop a veil around you or whatever, so that you are no longer visible to PvE players and no longer a distraction, but also add a really fun feature for people to further enjoy and experience the game with their friends.

I’m sorry, but my buddies and I need to know whose character is the MOST awesometastic, and this is the perfect way to prove it!

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aeson Thackery.5927

Aeson Thackery.5927

If you want WoW, go play WoW! Simple as that! These threads are so stupid.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kungkonung.6758


None of the naysayers have any good arguments – at all. Of course GW2 should have a duel and arena option – that only makes the game so much more enjoyable and fun.

We need duels and wow-style arenas!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Haishao.6851


Duel would be very fun as long as there an “Auto Ignore duel request” option of some sort. Because I agree that when you’re busy doing something and a kitten is spamming you with duel request, it’s annoying.

But duel are fun none the less.

I don’t care for Arena since I don’t really pvp. But I’m all for them anyway.
Also, people like that one above saying to go play WoW. GW1 had arenas and GvG even before WoW. Blizzard got inspiration from GW’s arenas to make their.
I remember when WoW announced their Arenas, we were comparing them to GvG on GWguru.