We need some insanely hard PvE content.
…isn’t Orr enough for you?
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
Maybe the lack of the DPS,Heal,Tank setup won’t allow hard pve content.
It was much more cordination needed and if someone fails, the group failed.
I disagree about the “DPS,Heal,Tank setup”, because there are characters which are DPS/Tank, Healers, and there are tactical characters. You just need to recognize them for what they are. Guardians are basically healers with some tank-like properties. Every character can also heal themselves very easily. Finally, not needing such a structure means the game can throw more at you.
Send me an in-game mail for a guild invite!
I agree with you. I don’t have all my gear and haven’t done every dungeons, but things I have done just aren’t challenging. Being mainly a PvE guy, I’m glad there isn’t any more tank/healer/dps. Having to rely on one person in a raid was pretty annoying. Now everyone has to pull their weight.
The problem with the content is that it isn’t challenging, obviously. Orr sounded great when the game was first coming out. As soon as I hit 80 I went there. Know what I found? More Risen than players. We did attempt to take a tower and failed five times because of the lack of players, but we finally did take it and there was a bit of challenge.
I feel the only thing to do in a encounter is run around reviving downed players and staying out of red circles. I don’t think I have come across a dungeon or event that actually gave me satisfaction from downing the boss like other mmos have, mainly because they lack the challenge. There aren’t much mechanics or phases with bosses. They have a big health pool, hit hard and occasionally throw down circles for you to dodge.
Hopefully something changes within the next few months…
I think the main thing is that bosses need to have more advanced combat routines. Everything in the game outside of sPvP is just a constant zerg fest. There’s little strategy outside of setting up combos (which is good BTW).
Bosses need to do different things though. They’re all the same right now. They all just have a bunch of HP and do lots of damage. It doesn’t allow for dynamic fights.
Until you solo lupicus then you can ask for more
plus the solution for making pve content harder?MOAR HP!!!
What about wearing just white or blue gear and playing pve content again? :p
That could be indeed a challenge. ^^
When it comes to difficulty, I’d say Lupi is fairly impressive due to actually having a 2nd (and 3rd?) phase.
I also enjoy the SE path 2 boss, the Duo-Golems. It demands that the team always be on the move, and stay alert on who they’re attacking.
For those who claim they’ve experienced more challenging bosses – Can you at least provide an example?
What do other games do that is so much more complex then avoiding line-of-fire and being knowledgeable about gimmick mechanics?
Examples of gimmick mechanics:
- AC’s Kholer – His pull + whirl combo that’s guaranteed to down newer players if caught.
- SE path 2 Duo-Golems – Need to kill both within 10 seconds of each other, or the first golem will revive itself.
- Lupi – Don’t let it eat grubs or it gains tons of armor.
I call these gimmicks because the mechanics are not intuitively conveyed very easily to inexperienced players. AKA: Burden of Knowledge.
Success is dependent on knowing beforehand, either by being told, reading about it, or experience first-hand and failing hard due to lack of info.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
(edited by DreamOfACure.4382)
There’s definitely room in the current system for higher difficulty, so you don’t need to complain about lack of trinity (as if tanks healers really make it more complex – i raided for years in wow and it wasn’t any more inherently complex than gw – mostly because of the huge buffs to threat generation)
anet just needs to focus on what gw is good at, movement, reactions, punishing mistakes.
GW needs more council style fights, the system is built around pvp, so the pve should be heading more in that direction. Having big single bosses is a trinity leftover.
Or make a boss that doubles your endurance regen and the only defence is dodging :P. There’s still space for complexity without changing the game’s fundamentals.
to be fair the little text under the bosses lifebar is usually enough information on the mechanics, but there’s nothing wrong with a little trial and error needed to beat a boss, it can be frustrating but when you finally win it’s great.
Well just add more complex algorithms and combat patterns to the bosses and foes. Add layers and layers of complexity, speed, population and health until they are impossible to kill.
Totally disagree, having to level down and deal with constant respawns is enough
Totally disagree, having to level down and deal with constant respawns is enough
If by ‘respawns’ you mean ‘waypoint ressing’ (which I can only assume since he’s talking about instanced group content), if you need to do this, you’re doing it wrong.
Maybe the lack of the DPS,Heal,Tank setup won’t allow hard pve content.
It was much more cordination needed and if someone fails, the group failed.
The Trinity doesn’t make for interesting and challenging encounters. Encounter and dungeon mechanics make for interesting and challenging encounters.
Encounter and Dungeon mechanics can also temporarily assign ‘roles’ for that fight. For example, in the Cliffside Fractal:
- whoever has the hammer is temporarily assigned the role of who needs to hit the seal. Since there’s also a stacking debuff, you need to communicate to swap who has the hammer.
- in the one part where there’s two seals and you got to run back and fore, 1 – 2 people need to stay on the one side, otherwise mobs will start to repair the seal (thus taking on the role of guarding the seal).
I personally find that NOT knowing who the mob is going to attack next more challenging.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
In my opinion, the “raid” as known by games like WoW appeal to a small percentage of the overall population of the game. That being said, the entire focus of the game shifts to it — that’s what drives everything and causes the game to be un-fun for anyone not a part of that elite group of hardcore players.
GW2’s model is great for both casual and hardcore players so I hope it doesn’t change. If Dungeons and Fractals (20+) aren’t hard enough … then WoW may be your best bet.
In my opinion, the “raid” as known by games like WoW appeal to a small percentage of the overall population of the game. That being said, the entire focus of the game shifts to it — that’s what drives everything and causes the game to be un-fun for anyone not a part of that elite group of hardcore players.
GW2’s model is great for both casual and hardcore players so I hope it doesn’t change. If Dungeons and Fractals (20+) aren’t hard enough … then WoW may be your best bet.
Yes, that’s raiding in World of Warcraft, but it doesn’t have to be in Guild Wars 2. If raiding (or larger player cap dungeons) were put into Guild Wars 2, you wouldn’t have to do them. The only reward they would offer is weapon and armor skins and more of a challenge for those that want it. I get zero satisfaction from downing a boss because it seems to be nothing but a zerg.
Currently there is nothing for large community guilds to do together other than wvw.