Weapon Dyeing

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brianthas.7213


Exactly what the title implies… Change your weapon color scheme, except for the blades of your weapon. Hilt, crosspiece, staff head, ect.

My Naga Tang doesn’t go well with my blue/white scheme, otherwise I wouldn’t even have thought about dyeing weapons.

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: WeLoveKanjimari.6725


This would be very difficult as it would require adding new texture information for every weapon.

BUT…they could very easily make it so you can change the overall hue of the existing textures. It’s a compromise, but from the looks of it, lots of people would be okay with this compromise, even though the wrong dye on the wrong sword would give you a big plastic toy sword. Or perhaps especially because of that.

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brianthas.7213


Exactly. It doesn’t have to be a drastic, dramatic change… Just enough of one that one would notice a difference.

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: zwei.9073


I really hope they will eventually introduce this feature because otherwise it is very hard to find weapons that match my armor dyes.

Guess this is “expansion” grade feature effort-wise.

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Smelly Bookah.6957

Smelly Bookah.6957

This feature has been in Guild Wars 1 and so I was absolutely suprised that its not present in GW2. It definitely must be added.

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aedan Xaelan.2174

Aedan Xaelan.2174

I imagine after realizing just how long it took to create all those specific dye areas on the armor they just said “kitten that.”

I would love to be able to dye my weapons, because I know I’d still make them believable. I really don’t want to see those pink, blue, and orange-wearing ele’s with glowing white afros running around with a turquoise and purple staff, though…

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Joker.5016


YES! just YES! I want the ability to dye my weapons like in Guild Wars(1).
Got my vote 110%

Lieutenant of Reawakened[RE] ~ Sanctum of Rall

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eerekai.9438



Exact Reason: “A wooden sword?! AWESOME!” spends the next hour or so searching through GWDB to find a wooden shield to match the sword “WHY DO YOU TAUNT ME?!”

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malkavian.3751


Yes please.

The current system is very limited. I want my armor dye to match my weapon dye. Problem is, this means I’m stuck with the same armor dye forever.

For example, the mystic weapons are blue lighting. This would mean my armor dye forever remains blue, which is boring.

The other choice would be choose weapons that are bland and don’t have a color scheme to it. This would allow me to change my armor dye anytime, but it still means my weapons look boring.

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


Even if it’s just a whole-model hue tinting, it’ll be well received.
Even better would be having actual dyeable parts like armors.

No exceptions!

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


infinite +1

It’d be awesome if the already-extensive dye system would encompass weapons as well. I had a lot of fun playing with weapon colors in GW1.

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xiao Haishou.3691

Xiao Haishou.3691

This would be great.

And maybe make it possible to change special effect colors too, like on legendaries.
I don’t want to be a necromancer running around with a rainbow staff everywhere, but if I could dye it a different color, it could actually look decent .-.

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Streyiken.7239


[To meet posting length requirement….]


Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nefara.2186


I’m hoping their plan was always to have it, but simply weren’t able to for release. I’m dying for this (har har pun) and so far there are so many weapon skins that are cool, but only maybe one that would at all match my armor dye color-wise and I don’t like the design.

They don’t have to make all weapons dyable, I think that a lot of the unique skins with particle effects should have “locked” colors. But for my crude staff I’m too lazy to transmute on my alt characters? Let me dye that sucker!

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Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


I say yes to this, but leave the named weapons as they are (Naegling, Twilight, Moot ect).

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isende.2607


adding my vote — please please please??? thank you!

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrMonolith.7928


Yes! What GW2 has with dyes , is amazing and addictive. Would be great to open an another dimension to them. And as TheDaiBish says, Conserve the Names.

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moonstruck.3612


I’m all for more flexibility in gear appearance.

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sunetsu.8342


I support this suggestion, being able to dye our weapons would be great. Thumbs up

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gromass.4591


Please Anet do something about it !
Could be very nice for customisation.
Maybe not for the legendary one…because the will not be legendary anymore.

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vick.6805


I think it would make the weapons with animations even more appealing if there was a dye slot to play with the particle effects.

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sentinel VX.1392

Sentinel VX.1392

Considering they have different colour weapons of a same version, like Mystic weapons(blue) & CoE dungeon weapons(red) and Asura cultural weapons 1(blue) & SE dungeon weapons(red) I don’t think they will make weapons dyeable.

Sea of Sorrow since BWE.

Weapon Dyeing

in Suggestions

Posted by: Linkmaster.9780


Considering they have different colour weapons of a same version, like Mystic weapons(blue) & CoE dungeon weapons(red) and Asura cultural weapons 1(blue) & SE dungeon weapons(red) I don’t think they will make weapons dyeable.

Well most of those weapons (At least when it comes to the swords) had their blade dyed though? If people wanted the hilt’s dyed I could still see that possible? :o