Weapon Dyes!

Weapon Dyes!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hals Warrior.9863

Hals Warrior.9863

Hi everyone, I was sat pondering yesterday on things I’d like to see in Guild Wars 2 and I found myself thinking a lot about the ability to dye your weapons like you can dye your armour. I believe that enabling this would grant more personal identity and customization to each and every character in Tyria.

I know that with my main character I have full vigil armour dyed Green and Black but also Vigil Greatsword and Rifle that are Silver and Yellow. Maybe make only Exotic Weapons dye-able? I have heard that in the original Guild Wars you could dye weapons to a certain extent and I would love to see this in a Guild Wars 2 update soon.

Thanks to anyone who has taken the time to read this and I would like to hear your opinions on the matter.
- Joni

“It’s easy when you know how.”

Weapon Dyes!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vulcanite.3012


I agree even if you are just able to dye some aspects of the weapon. For example the nightmare weapons are shine pink\purple for that reason ill never use them.

Weapon Dyes!

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Talcmaster.7391

The Talcmaster.7391

Pretty sure they didn’t do it before because nobody used it in GW1 despite having the option. Of course, that’s mostly because weapon dying in GW1 was pretty lousy. I think they could do it way better and it would go a long way to improving the ability to customize characters.

Fort Aspenwood – [fury], [SAO], [NICE]
Fun on someone else’s schedule is not fun

Weapon Dyes!

in Suggestions

Posted by: spunkyjvm.3584


I like the idea of being able to dye weapons.

Weapon Dyes!

in Suggestions

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


Always sad when my staff clashes with my pants. +1

Weapon Dyes!

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gray.1704


One of the concerns I think that would arise from this is things like the Mystic Forge weapons that share the same skin as the Inquest weapons from Crucible of Eternity. If people can dye their weapons, then they could basically make the Mystic Forge weapons look exactly like the CoE weapons in terms of coloration, thus removing the sense of accomplishment for those who have worked so hard for their CoE weapons.

Now there are some of us who have been saying it would be much better if the CoE weapon skins would change to be red versions of the Peacemaker weapons, therefore deflecting this problem (just like how the Seraph weapons and Noble weapons are dungeon & karma gear respectively), but that’s unlikely to change any time soon.

But yes, I would enjoy being able to dye parts of my weapons. A lot of the reasons why I struggle with finding a weapon to stick with on my Guardian (in terms of appearance) is because I like for weapons to match the armor dye setup I have. As a result, I currently have a lime-like color on my Guardian because he’s using the Priory shield and it just looks good together. I wouldn’t be caught dead using the Priory shield (default green color) with my Citadel of Flame armor with Flame & Abyss dye because it just wouldn’t look good to me. If I could change the Priory green shield to be Flame or Abyss, it’d make it much easier to find stuff that I can stick with instead of wasting money or karma trying to find something that will last.

Weapon Dyes!

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Talcmaster.7391

The Talcmaster.7391

Yeah, I’ve considered the recolor weapons thing too, but the way I see it, that’s just kinda lazy on their part anyways. One of the reason I like the zenith weapons is because they go well with my Illumination dyed draconian armor, and my one issue with the radiant armor is that it doesn’t. So yeah, more dye channels all around!

Fort Aspenwood – [fury], [SAO], [NICE]
Fun on someone else’s schedule is not fun