Weapon Previews

Weapon Previews

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hyarion.6873


When you preview a weapon, the weapon is shown “sheathed” either at the character’s side or strapped to the character’s back in the preview page. Depending on the character model or the armor that the character is wearing, this can cause some clipping issues or hide details on the weapon’s model.

I think a better idea could be to show the weapon in the “ready” pose (holding the weapon as if they were in combat) to show off the weapon a bit more and to allow the player to get a better look at it.

Weapon Previews

in Suggestions

Posted by: Faelan.7123


Not only might the armor and character model be a problem when previewing, but some weapons have animations and effects which are only visible when the weapon is not sheathed.
One example are the plant-like Sylvari weapons (I believe they are called Verdant Sword/Bow/Staff/etc.), which do not show the blue blades on the swords.

So yeah, I would support previewing the weapon in a ready/combat state to get a complete look at what visuals the weapon has to offer.

Weapon Previews

in Suggestions

Posted by: Combatter.5123


An option to preview weapons in a ready/combat state would be good. It would also be great if there weren’t so many problems with clipping between armour and weapons in the first place

Maetheryl Thorswood (Ranger), Bennish (Guardian), Lex Sabre (Elementalist)
Tyria, Underworld