Weapon Set Games-Boxing, fishing, dancing, ect

Weapon Set Games-Boxing, fishing, dancing, ect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


This post is expanding on and reorganizing the ideas here:

Idea turning the skill bar into a emotion bar.

The Skill Bar is made up of:
*1-5 weapon skills
*6-10 utility skills, healing, elite

Add one button to the right of the Skill Bar. That turns the Skill Bar into a Emotion Bar.

1-5 skill bar, “Weapon Set Games”

6-10 Skill bar

  • Other animations

Emotion bar is customizable in the same way as utility skills.
*6-10 for animations
*1 to change “Weapon Sets Game”

Weapon Sets Game
*Some “Weapon Sets Games” will work with a future Dueling system.
*Ex: Boxing Duals, Dance offs, Drinking contest
*each game has 1-5 moves
Buy “Weapon Sets Games” in the gem shop.

(edited by Onshidesigns.1069)

Weapon Set Games-Boxing, fishing, dancing, ect

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


This is the original post by from by GustavoM.7605
/dance as a “Weapon set”.

Like, a player’s weapon skill set changes to five different “moves” while /dance’ing, that can be improved/adquired via the Cash Shop. And also changed based on the player’s preferences.
Something like:
1- Twist
2- Shout
3- Spin
4- Jump
5- (Change to a different move list)
So, my dear reader….what do you think? Leave your thoughts right below, and help this suggestion flow.
Everyone seemed to like the idea. So I created this post to show it can be used for more than just dancing.
Ex: Boxing, Drinking, fishing

And some like “Boxing Weapon Set” can be used in duals.