Weapon Skill Levels

Weapon Skill Levels

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nguyeniees.1734


I’ve noticed that after a few hours into the game, their is a huge potential for unique character development in this game; specifically after you start unlocking minor and major traits. However, their is little diversity when it comes to weapon skills, which after hours of repetition is a little underwhelming – especially when these are the skills that you will mainly be using to defeat monsters. This is specifically targeted towards warriors, as a majority of their weapon skills are various slashes or smashes in different directions…

My suggestion is to implement a separate level system for weapons; as well as introducing a few more skills for each weapon. How this can work is as follows:

  • As you continue to use a certain weapon you will gain exp for it. You will get minor exp for continual usage but more exp when you kill a monster. After you accumulate enough exp, the weapon will level up, gaining you mastery in the weapon (which slightly improves your performance with the weapon) and you might also unlock a skill (unlocked every few weapon levels).
  • An alternative is that you gain SP (Skill Points) for continual usage of a weapon, which you can use in any skill from that weapon, allowing you to unlock any still without streamlined progression.
  • Also, as another user has previously suggested, to add varying levels to skills that can be increased with SP – Eg. Greatsword Swing I > Greatsword Swing II.
  • However leave the 5 slots for weapons skills, as this will allow players to choose between their favourite skills, therefore you wont see a Greatsword Warrior with the same weapon skills as another Greatsword Warrior.

Now, I know this will just add another layer of complexity to the game, which may confuse first time players, and there may be balancing issues with the increased number of skills, but I truly think allowing for a variety in our skills will greatly impact the longevity of the core gameplay.

(edited by Nguyeniees.1734)