Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tekietee.5037


This suggestion goes beyond warrior. The word Stance could be changed to fit other professions as well (example, elementalists could have “styles”).
However I main as a Warrior, so I’ll be covering that.

This suggestion is basic. Rather than us choosing which skills can be swapped out (as most skill suggestions are),
Why not just have more preset skill bars?!

The standard warrior great sword skill bar goes as followed.
1; decent speed, decent strength auto attack
2; fast and powerful 8 hitting attack
3; a short 1 direction evade that damages along its path
4; a weapon throw which comes back, damaging along its path
5; a long sprint which does a massive hit when your target is reached.
F1; doing a decent hit to 1 target, giving a nice Fury buff (but no one uses because we want 12% more damage and 9% more crit rate)

All skills have a generally short cool down
This skill set / Stance could be called Balanced, as it covers everything you need.
Yes. It covers everything a player needs (just about), but how about some diversity?!

Example; Tactician’s Stance
1; slower attacks, causing bleeds, last hit causes a short cripple
2;block by angling your sword down and covering your front side (Chain-> Exit shorter and preform a spin which causes a weak hit and knock back
3;roll back and evade (Chain-> Leap forward and slash whatever is unfortunate enough to be infront of you.
4;toss your sword like a javelin, causing a great hit on 1 target, and a short immobilization.
5;smash your target with the flat side of your great-sword, causing a stun
F1; Generating Momentum you whirl with your greatsword hitting 6 times, each hit faster than the last.

Example; Agile Stance
1; 2 decent speed decent hitting strikes, followed by a spin.
2; a ‘’blade dance’’ which essentially is a beautiful performance, striking foes one at a time in front, on both sides, and on your back side.
3; Slide foward 400range with a single thrust of your sword, pushing foes in the opposite direction they were hit
4; Leap at your target and strike vertically when landing causing vulnerability (Chain-> roll back
5; Stab your foe causing bleeding ~autochain~> Twist your sword to interrupt and cause more bleeding
F1; Activates like a signet, grants swiftness/quickness. (Adren levels; 5/2 8/2.5 12/3)

This could function as follows;
Equipping a weapon would give its generic skillbar.
However under the Weapon Skills Tab (H) you could check a box by each weapon for which Stance/Style you want to use.
^That being said, there would be no bar swapping in combat!

Ranger Longbow suggestions;
-Sniper Stance (More long range, with slower more powerful hits)
-Fearless Style (Closer, Quicker style, with evasive shooting)

Elementalist suggestions;
-Projectile Style (More projectile based casts)
-Casting Style (More cast times (1~3seconds) but more powerful end results)
-Wild Card (Like another generic skill bar giving a handful of skill types, just more variety)

(edited by Tekietee.5037)

Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


If you want attunements, you could roll an elementalist.

Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tekietee.5037


If you want attunements, you could roll an elementalist.

I feel you completely ignored anything I said.

You wouldnt be swapping from ‘stance’ to ‘stance’ by any means.

let me throw out some suggestions…

Rangers could swap their bow stances to ‘Sniper’ for more long range, slower, and more powerful bow attacks. or even ‘Leeeerooyyy’ which would be a closer, faster, more hectic style.

Time to blow your mind. Even Elementalists can have ‘stances’
Now that i’ve thought about it. Maybe change my word of stance, to style.

I’ve only gotten an ele to about level 10 so I dont understand them too much, but I’d say even they would want to change their attunement bars.

One style could be more Projectile based, or ground target based, or Long Casting based.

Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tekietee.5037


-forgot to mention.

The good about having different Styles of Skillbars, would be.. Say you’re running a team with 5 Elementalists, and you all want to play Dagger Dagger, but you just dont think it would work out..

With this idea, chances are, all 5 ele’s could be playing in different Styles. Some could be the generic style, however others could be in more projectile, or casting style, all with the nice fast-paced in your face, dagger style, that a lot of ele’s love.

Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Again, you really just want to play an Elementalist but you want to play it as a Warrior.

You want to be able to change your playstyle mid-fight. That’s what changing an attunement does.

Maybe that’s not your cup of tea, maybe you don’t want to cast spells as much. Then there’s still another profession for you. It’s called an Engineer! Yayyyy~

Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


Again, you really just want to play an Elementalist but you want to play it as a Warrior.

You want to be able to change your playstyle mid-fight. That’s what changing an attunement does.

Maybe that’s not your cup of tea, maybe you don’t want to cast spells as much. Then there’s still another profession for you. It’s called an Engineer! Yayyyy~

No, you didn’t actually read what he said.

Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tekietee.5037


Again, you really just want to play an Elementalist but you want to play it as a Warrior.

You want to be able to change your playstyle mid-fight. That’s what changing an attunement does.

Maybe that’s not your cup of tea, maybe you don’t want to cast spells as much. Then there’s still another profession for you. It’s called an Engineer! Yayyyy~

No, you didn’t actually read what he said.

Thank you.

I’ll reiterate for you a bit clearer lol..

Your skill bar would NOT be switching during combat.
^That is not an elementalist.

Your skill bar would be swapped upon checking a different box in your Weapon Skills Menu in (H).

Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Okay… then… change your element while out of combat!

Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: gimmethegepgun.1284


Okay… then… change your element while out of combat!


Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tekietee.5037


Okay… then… change your element while out of combat!

Thanks for trolling.

I edited the main post a little to reiterate somethings.

Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


when ever i think of stances, i only think of one game

maybe the op wants this to be implemented in gw2 as well (i really like it also to be implemented)

in this pic/game the sniper using a bayonet and has 4 stances, each stances has 5 abilities

first stance is a standing shot where blinding and knockbacks are the main

second stance kneeling shot wherein you cannot move, but has a precised strikes

third is defensive bayonet wherein most skills are melee range

last is assassin stance wherein you lie on the floor using stealth tactics so you cannot be easily targeted


Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tekietee.5037


Uhhm.. I’m not so sure why you felt like posting that picture would help anyone. XD
I cant read that.. I’d be amazed if the vast majority could either. (not trying to offend!)

Uhhm.. I’m not so sure why you felt like posting that picture would help anyone. XD
I cant read that.. I’d be amazed if the vast majority could either. (not trying to offend!)But thanks for agreeing on some part that having alternative skill bars (just more options) would be great.

Uhhm.. I’m not so sure why you felt like posting that picture would help anyone. XD
I cant read that.. I’d be amazed if the vast majority could either. (not trying to offend!)But thanks for agreeing on some part that having alternative skill bars (just more options) would be great.Variety! We want it!

Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meryt.9823


Sounds like too much of a re-working . Maybe GW3 will eliminate classes altogether (Like certain upcoming titles, and seems to be the new trend for MMOs and not before time either)

He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster.

Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tekietee.5037


There isnt going to be a GW3? lol.

Even without stances.. Even if its called literally Skill Set 1, 2, or 3.
And you can unlock the skillsets by defeating Weapon Masters.

It could be literally that simple. Just a little variety lol. I hate only having a few weapons to choose from, and thats as indepth as my characters attacking will get, aside from a few utilities, which we all know each class only has maybe 6 decent ones to choose from out of the dozen they give you. Not to mention the horrible elites…. God their bad.

Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: HELLruler.4820


If I got the idea, you want more kits for each weapon. That would be great imo, won’t happen though
Btw, Granado Espada has that system just like the pic showed us

Weapon Skills Based on 'Stances'

in Suggestions

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


If I got the idea, you want more kits for each weapon. That would be great imo, won’t happen though
Btw, Granado Espada has that system just like the pic showed us

yep granado espada is the name of that game, wherein the elementalist is a formidable foe with an insane amount of stances given to a single weapon