Weapon Upgrades
I sort of agree and but sort of disagree.
I feel like for me in GW1 this was one of the elements I didn’t really grasp until I had finished the game, by which point it mattered very little.
There are a lot of players like me who take time to get their heads around all the more intricate aspects of gameplay and mechanics.
Weapon and armour modification is something that you can’t really do until you’re at max level because before then you are continuously changing equipment as you find better loot and you level up.
I think that is really the main reason they haven’t implemented a system like GW1s.
Getting to level 20 in Factions and Nightfall didn’t take long at all, at which point you could figure out the weapons and armour systems and make something that works well with your build (Prophecies as a bit of a different story xD). But GW2’s huge level ramp makes something like that way too annoying for anyone who isn’t at endgame.
Even now, I find myself in constant need of trans-stones simply to keep the armour I like the look of while getting the improved stats of new loot as I level up >.>