Weapons changes I would like to see.
nice i like it maybe this could happen
Man I can see the devs looking at this and going OMFG SO MANY NEW SKILLS WHYYYYY?!
Not bad suggestions but might mess up the current balance between professions.
Certain proffs could seriously be improved this way for certain.
Albiet the warrior list would become even more bloated.
Seriously onboard for a flail-type weapon…it’s a mace but certainly could NOT be used the way current mace skills are set up. Flails are more like wrecking balls than defending weapons.
i suggested this long ago but no one seemed to even care. In-fact i think i talked about this a few weeks ago. Its a great idea, but great swords can be further separated, great cleaver would be a one edged sword that is much heftier but would do slow but powerfull attacks, and could include blocking using its backside. Double sided would be quicker as a slash can be fallowed up quickly. Sawblades would apply effects like bleed and cripple and the attacks would be used in both slash and drag motions. so on soforth. the same can be said with many weapons and subwepon classes
i would also like to see single handed wepons and double handed to change the skillbar fully and not just the last few skills.
Yeah I think this would add a lot more variety in the game. I’d like an update like this
schytes, chackram, fan, i would be an happy mesmer with a fan as focus
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