Weapons for Thief
You’re forgetting Thief has context sensitive dual skills which increase its total weapon skills. Adding Axe would actually give Thief more weapon skills than Ranger because of dual skills.
i think main hand shield or even axe added to thief would be kinda cool add on.
I’m not sure what Thief archetypes you guys have been hanging around but the ones I know never even considered wielding an Axe, let alone a Shield.
I do agree that the Thief needs a few more weapon options.
A Sword off-hand is the most common suggestion since we already have it as a main-hand weapon.
Rifle is another popular suggestion assorting it with some sort of “sniper” archetype.
Most other ideas don’t sound very typical of thieves but there’s always room for more.
Well axe is a common assassin weapon. Just look at Assassin Creed 3. Tomahawk is the future !
And Thaiden. That context sensitivity skills your talking about, you would really use 1 hand weapon wihout offhand to get a 3rd different skill, which btw it’s useless compared if u have an offhand. So no, it’s same basic skills, 5 with total cause I don’t know 1 thief that would use only 1 main hand for the 3rd different skill (the one without offhand).
This is a stretch but I’ve often wondered if the Thief profession could get away with a weapon augmentation. You could do this with a few different weapons to diversify the their weapon palette but stay true to a thief’s nature.
By augmentation I’m meaning that they would equip a particular weapon but it would look and function like;
- Long Bow = Crossbow
- Rifle = Blow Gun
- Mace = Sap
- Greatsword = Whip
- Axe = Throwing Stars
This way anet wouldn’t have to add new weapons for them and it would be something similar to an engy’s kit or ele’s conjure.
Down side is there wouldn’t be any new weapon textures unless every 10 levels they got a nicer looking replacement but still there wouldn’t be any choice on what it looked like.
Oh coming back this topic i was fighting a monster in Ta story mode we should add Whips to thief that would be so cool
And Thaiden. That context sensitivity skills your talking about, you would really use 1 hand weapon wihout offhand to get a 3rd different skill, which btw it’s useless compared if u have an offhand. So no, it’s same basic skills, 5 with total cause I don’t know 1 thief that would use only 1 main hand for the 3rd different skill (the one without offhand).
What I mean is if you add axe as a main hand and offhand you also need a bunch of new dual skills for the new combinations. Which pushes the total past Ranger. Whereas adding a new 2H weapon, such as Rifle, would skip the issue and probably fit much better with Thief ( in a sort of sniper/sharpshooter type role ).
Personally, I’ll take any class that has a sharpshooter feel to it with rifle. But there isn’t one thus far. Warrior uses it like a WW1 infantrymen and Engineer uses it as a shotgun for some bizarre reason.
Actually… Rifle would be awesome.
Anybody thinking of Sniper?
Engineer got lesser weapons available.. That being said I see bandits with rifles and torch! I want that as well.. Axe, not a bit fan but could be cool.
Torch should have a dual skill were you blinded the foe and then stabbed him, scourge the ground in front of you burning the area in a small PAoE cone for burning, throw torch set the foe ablaze and shadowstep to him stabbing him:D
S/T obscure the vision of your foe blinding and adding blind while sladhing him with the sword for bleed.
D/T set the torch in the ground greating a smoke field, and evade behind him for a backstap ( not the stealth version), combo field smoke, last 1-2 sec, not more since it shouldn’t replace pistol offhand.
P/T set the foe ablaze and shadowstep backwards finishing him with a barrage of bullets:)
A/T hit the foe with the torch dazing him for 1 sec and slash him several time with a axe i a PAoE cone causing weaknes for 3 sec.
S/S Parry the next incoming attack and kick the foe turning him around, finish with a back slash.
X/S 4: deep wound, drill the sword deep into the foe causing heavy bleeding and weakness
5: slash the foe in a PAoE cone in the face causing bleed and blind.
Precision shot: shot the foe for dmg, 1200 rng, shot the foe again shattering his armour, cause vulnability, 1200rng, shot a finishing shot at the knee cap, putting an end to him being an adventure, cause cripple, 1200rng.
2: Flare: ground target, shot a flare that burn the area, combo field fire.
3: Penetrating shot: Shot a focused penetrating bullet knocking back the first target.
4: Scatter shot: fire several bullets hitting multible foes in a cone causing bleed.
5: Infiltraters resort: Shot a sniper shot at target dazing them, evade back and stealth.
Mig be a bit OP some of it.. But think it can easily be balanced by removing, adding or changing some of it:)
Tbh I don’t care if it becomes UP, just like to have the option to walk with a riffle or a torch (why do I keep wanting to add an “u”-_-’)
You guys are right thieves and rangers should be nerfed
Thieves – one shot vit tough builds
Rangers – one of the highest range classes with second highest burst
I completly agree guys Anet nerf Thieves and Rangers soon before they cry about not being able to do everything
Masters in Geek Mythology
Ohh my whip suggestion did post:/
Well well might do that another time.
Throwing star utility, trickery: throw four stars in a cone in front of you causing dmg snd bleeding. 600 rng, 45 CD.
Blowing gun utility, deception?: fire a poison dart at the enemy causing poison and daze, do not break stealth (as if it matters -__-’). 900 rng, 45 CD.
Sap utility, trickery: shadowstep to the taget dazing him and entering stealth. 900 rng, 60 CD.
You guys are right thieves and rangers should be nerfed
Thieves – one shot vit tough builds
Rangers – one of the highest range classes with second highest burstI completly agree guys Anet nerf Thieves and Rangers soon before they cry about not being able to do everything
Stay on topic--’ the nerfing a rebalancing is in procces:) Like making the utility skills more lukittenll for the players to use. And remember it is a fairly new game:) so most ppl are not used to the professions:) but it is coming slowly, just heard about a staff elementalist in the higher sPvP ranks owning ppl --’ unbelievable, since elementalist are the weakest link imo.. But I guess I am just a nub when I play on them-__-’
On topic, I think more weapon would be fun, it would not make them OP as long it is kept down and balanced, but give us more options to costumize our thives after need..
Also wants just a few more weapons for the eng.. Yeah I got tool kits and cool flamethrower, but still, what about dagger or two handed mace >:D
This is kind of cliché, but I would love to see the katana added as a new weapon type for warrior(samurai), thief(ninja), mesmer and/or ranger. I know the 1handed sword is already in the game but it seems that most of its moves are focused on stabbing/lunging, rather than slashing/deflecting.
(edited by Heretic.7528)
I think the thief should be a stealth class and not be able to use any weapon that is not silent. Pistols should be removed and replaced with throwing daggers/axes. They should not be able to use any 2 handed weapon unless it is a bow or a blowgun.
Thief class-
All you should get are daggers and swords. You can do everything the rangers can do except have a pet. Rangers can’t even stealth.
Charr – Ranger
Human – Guardian
I’m not sure how this would work in but a key might make an interesting off-hand weapon for thieves. Perhaps it could be something like focus that would alter stealing, provide stealth or break out of CC.
Thieves are a particular class. Most of their weapons wouldn’t translate to other professions and many existing weapons doesn’t fit them. They almost need a kit or conjure mechanic so they can have an interesting palette of weapons without adding unneeded items into the pool.
I kinda feel like adding more weapons for thief is an attempt to make him/her more like the Ranger… I’d like to see sword available for dual wielding, but greatsword seems weirdish and too… well, big. I love the short bow too and see no use in needing a longbow… leave the long range to Rangers and stuff. Whip sounds pretty cool, but meh to others.
Shields (bucklers) could actually work well for the more swashbuckling kind of thief, I think. Rifles also seem to be a logical addition, though I get the feeling the thieves in this game are meant to be very light and nimble, hence shortbow instead of longbow.
Maybe instead of adding more weapons, add a unique mechanic to existing weapons, make them more interesting? Daggers could execute people, swords are good for parrying, etc.
I’d happily agree to giving thieves rifles. Personally, I rather think it fits in with a sort of sniper-ish assassin, which gives more interest than just stabby stabby.
Thief class-
All you should get are daggers and swords. You can do everything the rangers can do except have a pet. Rangers can’t even stealth.
I have never played a ranger, so I do not understand your point. However, I would gladly give up the idea of bows/blowguns, if I could have throwing daggers/shuriken with a range of 15 feet.
Thief class-
All you should get are daggers and swords. You can do everything the rangers can do except have a pet. Rangers can’t even stealth.
Pls explain a bit on how thieves and rangers are nearly the same (red. Can do the same)?
Thief is but a name I guess.. I don’t see us a stealthy type, you can do a build completely without it, the effectiveness of this build can be discussed.
I see it more like an assassin. A killer, but using technique instead of brute strength:)
coming back to this topic after awhile i think giving thief a rifle would be a bad idea. because only thing in my mind that make a Thief not OP is it lack of ranged combat. most classes out range thief But we can out dps them in seconds by giving them a rifle it just become to deadly that just my view on it.
Thieves have seven possible weapon sets. That’s just fine. Let’s break it down for emphasis:
Warrior: 19, but only gets the F1 button.
Guardian: 12, but only three virtues.
Ranger: 11, plus a pet skill.
Mesmer: 10, plus shatters, clones and phantasms.
Necromancer: 10, plus death shroud.
Thief: 7, plus 20 stolen skills.
Elementalist: 5, but 20 skills per weapon.
Engineer: 3, but the largest selection of F1-F4 ablities.
That’s a good spread, considering class mechanics give significantly more variety to people who have less weapon sets. It doesn’t need to change.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
Crossbow addition would be nice, not just for thief but guardian too, and would act as a longbow with slow shots but long range(no multi shot since it would just feel awkward). Sword off-hand definitly would be nice, dunno why it isn’t already there but I digress. I for one would like a new thief shortbow basic attack. Slow attack speed boncing arrows is just not that useful or strong.
And nels, you can’t count thief stolen skills all at once. They only get 1 every 45 seconds and it isn’t cycled through, its stolen from that particular enemy. Steal basically counts as one just like any other F1.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Steal, plus any of the 20 skills it gives you... Yeah, that’s still 20 skills. Just one is what warriors get, where they get one button that does one thing for their weapon.
The game is perfectly balanced, as is. There is no reason to destroy that.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
So you suggest to never add onto the existing professions? Don’t understand what adding atleast 1 new thief weapon would harm. And by your logic, warrior gets 1 for each main hand weapon so thats 8, adding to your 19… we got a different approach to these 20 skills when you get them by selection, not by what you’re fighting. Starting to think you never played thief.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
Ed, profession mechanics are profession mechanics. Having the largest array of environmental weapons in the game is what offsets the thief having a smaller selection of weapons. Adding more to them can happen when rangers get rifles and warriors get something all new that doesn’t even exist yet that nobody else gets.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear
You think Thief is boring? And Ranger is fun?
You have hit your head.
It’s a personal preference thing. Unbalancing the game just because one person would rather play their class than another class is hardly a good idea.
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
- William Shakespear