What Living World Should Be

What Living World Should Be

in Suggestions

Posted by: LuckySho.4286


Get ready for this great idea, players of GW2 and Anet, your minds about to be blown!!…
A living world that’s actually a living world! Here’s how…

example(and to be brief):
1. Open a new zone, in the Northern Shiverpeaks. This new zone needs to be cleared out from icebrood.
2. Icebrood get cleared.
3. 2 weeks later, release settlements and towns.
4. Most waypoints in the zone that were contested are now solid towns and uncontested.
5. More clearing of the zone.
6. Hearts are now in the zone.
7. 2 weeks later, release another zone further north…(yadda yadda) repeat up until the players have successfully fought their way through new zones up to Jormag and kill him in a new cool dungeon that requires 8 players to complete instead of the usual 5.

As Mr. Koolaid would say, “Oh… YEAH!!!”

What Living World Should Be

in Suggestions

Posted by: jennersboo.9056


“oh YEAH” sounds good to me do that plz k thanx

What Living World Should Be

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


But that means anet would have to release permanent content.