I apologize in advance for this long-winded post. Please bear with me.
As a whole, Guild Wars II offers a variety of previously unexplored methods in which gamers can have fun and interact with one another. In general, the community is helpful, albeit a little antisocial at times. However, there are a number of key features that seem to have been overlooked or dismissed for some reason.
Back in the old Guild Wars, guilds had the ability to ally with other guilds. This made PvP way more interesting, as allied characters showed up on minimaps, and there was an ‘Alliance’ chat which allowed everyone to talk to one another. Personally, I think it was a mistake to leave that out of the reincarnation of the game.
Emotes and Commands
Emotes can make for a fun way to socialize with others. Goofing around with silly emotes is how friends are made and guilds are joined. However, I count only 20 simple emotes for Guild Wars II, while other MMOs have over 100. If competition is fierce, then you’ve got to compete!
“But 20 is enough! You can just talk to people anyway.”
Sure, you can chat. But there’s nothing like making an idiot of yourself by /dancing on a precarious cliff or by /slapping a Champion right before a fight. So, in my opinion, the more, the better! Besides, it can be a pain getting strangers to talk. Actions speak louder than words, my friends.
As for commands, I’d really like to see a few more implemented. They make the game easier to deal with. “/Who” in some games tells you how many characters are in your instance, what their levels and classes are, and even their races. “/AFK” sets characters to a sitting position and adds the notice “AFK” to them, so if you whisper to them they’re alerted. This notice is also set above the character so that passersby are aware of the player’s absence.
“/GInvite Player Name” or Target – Invites a player to your guild.
“/Gquit” – Causes you to quit your current guild.
“/Follow” – Causes you to follow another character automatically.
Map Highlights
Guild Wars has a relatively large map, and it can sometimes be difficult to find what you’re looking for. I think there should be a way to highlight all waypoints, quests, points of interest, vistas, and/or skill challenges in areas already explored by the player. Those places aren’t supposed to be hard to see, but sometimes they can be.
Map Pings
While in a party, clicking the minimap should enable you to set a temporary, blinking mark there which can direct other party members. This can be useful for a couple of reasons which I assume are pretty self-explanatory.
Guild Wars II has very little in common with its predecessor, which just about everyone loved. If you hope to compete with other large MMOs that may offer more in the way of combat, content, or activities, it’s probably wise to step it up.
Thanks for reading.