What about a 100% underwater new area?

What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cassius.4831


I know, a lot of people hate underweater areas, but imho this is because underwater gameplay isn’t enough developed:

- too few skills are usable
- best breather is green

A new 100% oceanic area, for everybody that has defeated Zhaitan could be great to push people to finish their personal stories and to add new unique skills that could be used only when diving

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~ G. Orrwell, great shaman of the new flame legion, 1984 AE.

What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

Waar Kijk Je Naar.8713

I’m sure we’ll get one of these, as soon as Anet decides it is time to fight Bubbles..


What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vodac.9742


I know EVERYONE is going to look forward to the under water dungeon. Dungeons are going to be a lot of fun when players can’t exploit out of reach from enemy “safe zones”…right guys? Riiiiight?

In all honesty I hope they further develop the games underwater gameplay….its one thing that is kinda unique to this game in the amount of time spent fleshing it out for us. An underwater region or even expansion will most likely be added at some point…especially when we get more into the 5th ocean elder dragon.

What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I’m sure we’ll get one of these, as soon as Anet decides it is time to fight Bubbles..

Yayyyyy, Bubbles and Largos and Quaggan and maybe even Friendly Krait~!

What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: knives.6345


Nice idea. Maybe they could introduce a new race along? What’s the race of the blue assassin girl on the story? The friend of Treahearn (spell?)? The one with black wings?

That race.

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: AstralDusk.1670


I wouldn’t be surprised if there were heavily aquatic areas in the future. I only hope they significantly tweak our underwater capabilities so that instead of losing over half my utilities, I can either keep them or get some fun replacements.

What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Saturn.6591


Nice idea. Maybe they could introduce a new race along? What’s the race of the blue assassin girl on the story? The friend of Treahearn (spell?)? The one with black wings?

That race.


What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: DandySlayer.7019


An underwater Zone would probably saved for an expansion for our battle against Bubbles. I think after they decide Zhaitan is dead we’ll shift to the North and face Jormag next. I wonder what will happen to Orr with its lack of the unliving hordes?

What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: knives.6345


Nice idea. Maybe they could introduce a new race along? What’s the race of the blue assassin girl on the story? The friend of Treahearn (spell?)? The one with black wings?

That race.


Yep. That one. Thanks!

Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Celebratty.1632


Revamp water fighting, make 3 water-based maps with little land, release Largos as a playable class.

We can dream..

Lulu [LGN] Anvil Rock
Garbage at every profession 2015

What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: colesy.8490


An underwater zone would have a tiny amount of people in it, unless the loot was good. Then people would put themselves through any pain to get it.

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What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: TriggerSad.2597


I’m sure we’ll get one of these, as soon as Anet decides it is time to fight Bubbles..

Yayyyyy, Bubbles and Largos and Quaggan and maybe even Friendly Krait~!

Friendly krait..? I’d by “friendly,” you mean, “will give us a quick and painless death,” then I can imagine that… :o

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What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


I’m sure we’ll get one of these, as soon as Anet decides it is time to fight Bubbles..

Yayyyyy, Bubbles and Largos and Quaggan and maybe even Friendly Krait~!

Friendly krait..? I’d by “friendly,” you mean, “will give us a quick and painless death,” then I can imagine that… :o

Nah, the Krait are just mad that they’ve been getting pushed out of their homeland for a few hundred years by Bubbles. They just need some tlc.

What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fishbait.6723


Whole underwater map you say?
Welcome to Ranger Wars 2 I say ;p

“We want you to play the game, not the UI” Arenanet.
Rocking Wizard Wars until this mess of a game is fixed…

What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


I know EVERYONE is going to look forward to the under water dungeon.

Not EVERYONE. I hate underwater areas. I avoid them as much as possible. That being said I don’t care if they add one. I have plenty of other things to do.

The Burninator

What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: DandySlayer.7019


I know EVERYONE is going to look forward to the under water dungeon.

Not EVERYONE. I hate underwater areas. I avoid them as much as possible. That being said I don’t care if they add one. I have plenty of other things to do.

I do believe he forgot his /sarcasm tag.

What about a 100% underwater new area?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

I’m sure we’ll get one of these, as soon as Anet decides it is time to fight Bubbles..

Yayyyyy, Bubbles and Largos and Quaggan and maybe even Friendly Krait~!

It was confirmed before launch in a press meeting (where they got to make a dynamic event in Timberline Falls) that the Krait are inherently evil like the Sons of Svanir and Inquest and cannot be turned.