What about mines? (engineer)

What about mines? (engineer)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


Why isn’t there a mine kit that works like the med kit? being many mines as skill from 1-5? also they atm got kitten range, and I mean a kitten that just drank an elixir S (not toolbelt version), also the range seems pretty buggy (its range trait’s not even working), also the knockback has issues, and the toolbelt version won’t even trigger a knockback so…

any ideas about this?

I feel like we could repick a shrapnel mine from GW: Nightfall can’t we?

Right now they are considered underpowered and never ever used both in pvp and pve so…

(edited by Rfreak.6591)

What about mines? (engineer)

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


The landmine skill was like that. It’ll give you 5 mine skills you could place around, and the belt skill would make them explode at the same time.

It was considered overpowered and they replaced it with a single sequence skill with a big mine, and a single belt skill with several mini-mines.

No exceptions!

What about mines? (engineer)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zinwrath.2049


i do miss being a mine layer…though i thought the kit was kinda weird. Problem is the strength of the mine feels underwhelming over many other abilitys and the toolbelt mines (ever since the massive nerf a couple patches ago) left them kinda…meh. (they shouldnt have a casting time if your gonna nerf em). But i’m sure its on the radar…i honestly dont expect any serious balance changes or love for these things untill the E sport scene gets going, suddenly they get a kick in the balls to actually start balancing when that happens. Right now its just bug fixes, exploits, obviously over powered stuff getting any attention. Stuff that is crummy..badly designed, probably wont see love for a couple months.

What about mines? (engineer)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


well we could turn it back to what it was if we take out the knockback for an unstackable 1s daze/stun (so that just one mine lands the daze/stun if triggered at the same time) OR make the knockback effect a trait with Xs CD (maybe 15s would be ok), adding to that very trait maybe the “not dodgeable” feature that necro’s marks got.