What class would I add? Alchemist.
A class like FMA Edward would be cool, ha ha :-)
I make PvP & WvW videos
A class like FMA Edward would be cool, ha ha :-)
Yeah I know, using metallic prosthetic limbs and transmuting them into weapons would be epic.
They would have to create new weapons for them, and limit them to auto-mail limbs instead of a sword or something. And then the weapon skills of the limbs would have to be like, auto attack could change your limb shape into a sharp sword-like object, and then maybe the number 2 skill would be changing quickly into a mace-like form to stun an enemy. It would be possible!
Chronomancer i guess
Really, when I think of an alchemist class I just think of my engineer. An elixir engie basically IS an alchemist, albeit limited.
The problem with a class trying to be similar to FMA’s alchemist would be the view of the player on the class. An FMA alchemist is hardly limited at all by what shape of item they can make, so they come up with all kinds of neat designs and clever concepts to fit the appropriate situation. You couldn’t do that in the game and it would become disappointing fast.
Perfect example of DC Universe Online. Their addition of the green lantern powers was amazing… until you played it. Sure, it was fun… but the limitation of only being able to make 5-10 constructs, and EVERYONE using those exact same constructs, was sort of an immersion killer when you think of what the green lantern powers would actually be able to make.
Honestly, what I would love to see is an expansion add more utility skills to Engineers so that they can expand upon what alchemist like abilities they already have.
Wishful thinking, but still it’s a nice idea xD
Bard or Monk.
Mainly because you’d be able to use Bard as an anti CC, and Monk because there are Monks in the AC dungeons, and were obviously in GW1.
I hate it.
We already have elementalists to control the elements which is mostly what they do in Full Metal Alchemist. There is very little, if any, alchemy performed. The only thing that really happens is manipulating one of the four elements. The only character who really performs “alchemy” is Ed. But even then there really isn’t any real consistency to Ed’s alchemy.
And the level of external control just wouldn’t be fitting for this game or any currently existing game. You’d need to create a brand new license for that type of physical manipulation to make sense.