What is to be done against thief hackers?

What is to be done against thief hackers?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hitman.5829


Anet, what are you doing to avoid the so called thief hackers that go on stealth and use cheat programs to boost their speed and teleport hacks? It is impossible to spot those thief cheaters because DUH they do it while on stealth.

I have had a few encounters where I’ m kicking a thief’s butt, then all of a sudden he disappears and is nowhere to be found. If he were to log off then I had get experience but that is not what happens.

What guaranty do we have that you are doing all you can to stop this kind of cheating?

(edited by Hitman.5829)

What is to be done against thief hackers?

in Suggestions

Posted by: CreativeAnarchy.6324


Sword users have a shadow step available. Looks like a teleport.

There is also a skill and a trap(I think) that also does the shadow step teleport thing.

Have to check their weapon to tell what they will be using against you, skills you won’t know. I think the skill is a medium length(30 second) cool down(not totally sure on cool down duration though.)

I speak for my self and no one else. Only fools believe they speak for a majority.

What is to be done against thief hackers?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hitman.5829


I know what skills thieves have available for teleport, However I am not talking about that. There are hacks that allow the player to travel fast, and thieves use this while on stealth and they cannot be seen and thus they cannot be reported.

What is to be done against thief hackers?

in Suggestions

Posted by: lordkrall.7241


If they cannot be seen how can you know they are doing it?

Krall Bloodsword – Mesmer
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square

What is to be done against thief hackers?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hitman.5829


If they cannot be seen how can you know they are doing it?

People out there, please avoid me a heart attack and only read the post and dont post questions like this. Anet knows perfectly what I am talking about! So please do not post more on this suggestion.


What is to be done against thief hackers?

in Suggestions

Posted by: sorrychief.2563


There is a thief trait that allows them to move 50% faster in stealth, remove a condition every 3 seconds and regenerate health.

So it’s not entirely impossible a bad thief who is losing to you can get away with ease.

champion magus
previously rank 2 on old leaderboards

What is to be done against thief hackers?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Perhaps we should take off the tin hats and put on the logic hats to make sense of this.

What is to be done against thief hackers?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Goatjugsoup.8637


tc another thing is something like steal which you can trait to give swiftness, i dont think it will unstealth you if you dont connect with anyone when you use it but you will still get the swiftness. Plus add to that the trait to increase speed in stealth and its entirely possible that what you are talking about is just them playing really well.

rather than getting mad get a video next time and post that because im sure there are plenty of users on here who could dissect what the player is doing and how it probably isnt hacking related.

Most wanted in game additions: Beastiary, readable books

What is to be done against thief hackers?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Esplen.3940


Speed boosts don’t stack. If you have swiftness and stealth speed, your swiftness is useless as the stealth speed is > swiftness boost.

What is to be done against thief hackers?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jayw.1045


LMAO a thief disappeared while losing a fight and was no where to be found… HACKS!


Thief 101

Sword 2
Shadow Step Tel ports to target enemy
Becomes shadow return
Return to cast location I think this lasts 9 secs I don’t use sword much unless fighting a kitten heal away guardian (build in stun breaker)

Shadow step, Same thing as sword 2 but it moves you to a targeted location much like the ele’s lighting flash. But I can return (also stun breaker)

Shortbow 5, same thing as an ele’s lighting flash just doesn’t do damage. (works with immobilize)

^ almost every thief uses these abilities in wvw

Why… it gives us the option to reset the fight as many times as needed.

When I’m fighting an equally good player as I, no matter what class I have to reset the fights at least twice cause I play a backstab thief. Alot of the time they know how to avoid the damage, if they don’t… well those are just free bags.

If your fighting a thief and he is constantly resetting the fight than you are failing to do These following things right.

CC at critical moments. look at his animations If he is raising his arms in the air you have 1 1/2 seconds to cc him. He is trying to use his heal and stealth. It’s channeled interrupt it. You will kitten a thief day up if you stop him from steal thing.

Blow him up in shadow refuge.
I can’t count how many times I got gibbed in my SR cause they just knew how it worked. You can hit thief’s in stealth. Don’t stand there waiting SPAM YOUR AUTO ATTACK!

If you go to the second animation you hit him. You can find thiefs in stealth just run around auto attacking until you hit him, predict his movements. Anticipate jukes.

If you can’t beat a thief you need to play one and learn how and learn it’s weakness.
If you whine about not being able to beat a class or call it op you need to improve your play style. Stop zerging learn to roam, go to fight clubs improve your personal skill level. Stop spaming 1 in zergs and calling yourself good.