What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scatah.1483


Now i am not new to the MMO genre i have played MMOs for most of my gaming ’’career’’ and i wanted to share my opinion on GW2 and i hope someone hears me.

So a fried of mine told me to buy the game, ‘’cuz its the best MMO ever’’ he said. After buying the game i was soooo disappointed. So i wanted to share why.

Now first things first i never found PvP interesting in any MMO game i think it is the worst thing that can happen to a MMO game. Now GW2 is completely PvP oriented and this is wrong, because there are a lot PvE fans out there. I dont get why the developers decided not to implement ‘’The Holy Trinity’’ as it is the best way to make a game enjoyable, and why for fook sake there is no raids?

The gameplay is not that amazing i dont want to talk about that a lot but all the classes feel the same i did not enjoy any class and i dont know why.

The lvl-ing is really good but its wrong to focus on lvl-ing as it is the worst aspect of a MMO after PvP-ing of course. Instead of amazing lvl-ing the developers should have focused on creating something like raids to keep the PvE players to the game (cuz im quiting, there is just nothing for me in this game).

So yeah thats my opinion on whats wrong with GW2 i hope someone in ArenaNet hears me i really tried to feel the game but, well its not really world class game i cant say its better than games like WoW and minesweeper…

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Weirwynn.2390


Something tells me this thread is going to go south very quickly, so let me be the first to say goodbye

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


First off, how is gw2 “completely” PvP oriented? I recall a huge number of PvE updates in the past month alone. The holy trinity is an outdated, overused concept that worked in very few games. As for raids, how would you classify them? What do they bring to the game that dungeons do not?

Your views on gameplay and classes are completely subjective.

Who says raids would keep people playing? Many forum goers absolutely despise the idea of raids. The title for this thread should be changed to “What is wrong with Guild Wars 2 in my opinion”.

Please keep in mind that a lot of your negatives about the game are the reason people bought the game in the first place. Lack of trinity, no gear grind raid kitten, and good PvP were huge selling points (Still a little iffy about PvP) for a lot of people.

I guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree. Enjoy WoW or whatever other game you move on to.

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


Now i am not new to the MMO genre i have played MMOs for most of my gaming ’’career’’ and i wanted to share my opinion on GW2 and i hope someone hears me.

So a fried of mine told me to buy the game, ‘’cuz its the best MMO ever’’ he said. After buying the game i was soooo disappointed. So i wanted to share why.

What you got to ask yourself here is:

  • Do you find GW2 disappointing because the game itself is disappointing, or;
  • Do you find GW2 disappointing because of your expectations based on other MMO’s?

Now first things first i never found PvP interesting in any MMO game i think it is the worst thing that can happen to a MMO game. Now GW2 is completely PvP oriented and this is wrong, because there are a lot PvE fans out there.

That’s why we’re getting PvE content every 2 weeks…

Not sure if you’re basing this on your own observations or you’re just copying what some other people are saying.

I dont get why the developers decided not to implement ‘’The Holy Trinity’’ as it is the best way to make a game enjoyable, and why for fook sake there is no raids?

How is The Holy Trinity the best way to make a game enjoyable? I’m pretty sure engaging, immersive gameplay is the best way to make a game enjoyable.

Also, a dev a while back said they’re working on raiding, in some way, shape or form.

The gameplay is not that amazing i dont want to talk about that a lot but all the classes feel the same i did not enjoy any class and i dont know why.

All classes feel the same? Not sure I understand.

The lvl-ing is really good but its wrong to focus on lvl-ing as it is the worst aspect of a MMO after PvP-ing of course. Instead of amazing lvl-ing the developers should have focused on creating something like raids to keep the PvE players to the game (cuz im quiting, there is just nothing for me in this game).

If you’re going to half-kitten a part of the game, you might as well leave it out and have no levels.

So yeah thats my opinion on whats wrong with GW2 i hope someone in ArenaNet hears me i really tried to feel the game but, well its not really world class game i cant say its better than games like WoW and minesweeper…

All in all, I can’t say I agree with you at all.

Suggestions are pretty poor, and you have no reasons to back up why they would add to the game and make it better.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Goatjugsoup.8637


So to make gw2 a fun game for you they would have to make it WoW? Thats what you are saying right?
Honestly just go play that game instead, I promise you we will not miss you.

Most wanted in game additions: Beastiary, readable books

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Animag.7634


Sounds like GW2 is not you or maybe you just got the wrong first impression

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draconius.9076


Okay mate because you’re new to the game I’ll give you some advice because some the things you’re mising are ingame after all.
PvP is a big aspect in GW2 true but not everyone is so repulsed by PvP as you do ofcourse and Arenanet wants to keep as much customers as they can happy as any company would.

Now I do think there is enough PvE for you to do, theres so many storylines, dungeons, jumping puzzles, living story missions, … (I’m probably forgetting a large number of things) You just need to find them and get yourself to it.

Now depending on your build your game experience can be dramatically different, when I’m on my mesmer I don’t have to try doing the same crazy things I do on my warrior. xD

Now if you miss raids there are 2 things you can do, one is implemented ingame exactly to create raids for players: Dungeons!

The second one you just do yourself, join a guild who frequently does raids and famring trips into Orr or other high level area’s.
You could make a nice profit out of it, just saying

Now it could be I have not convinced you but I do hope I have driven you so far as to reconsider your opinion a little (if only a bit I’m content :P)
I hope you have some value on my post so I did not just waste a couple of minutes of my life :P

Guild: Order of an Allied Tyria [OAT] ~°~ Co-leader
Server: Underworld

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Arkham Creed.7358

Arkham Creed.7358

I dont get why the developers decided not to implement ‘’The Holy Trinity’’ as it is the best way to make a game enjoyable, and why for fook sake there is no raids?

Because the target audience of Guild Wars 2 does not like either of those things. I’m sorry to tell you this but you, and so many others, were lied to by the hype. Guild Wars 2 is not the “next great MMO,” it’s a niche title. It is a game designed specifically for people who dislike certain tropes of the MMO genre, including the holy trinity and raids.

Early marketing reflected this, or rather the lack of marketing reflected this. But then just before beta all these jaded WoW players (I’m looking at you Total Biscuit) latched onto the game just like they do with every new MMO and started cheering “WoW killer” (the first time anyone used that term in relation to GW2; core fans knew WoW players were going to despise this game) and started up the hype train, then NCSoft threw some money behind marketing to just go along with it, and suddenly GW2 changes from a humble little alternative to mainstream MMOs to “the game that will redefine MMOs forever.”

Yeah…..NEVER listen to hype. Especially not month-before-release hype.

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Direksone.3867


Where are the suggestions again? The game does NOT focus on PvP, quite the contrary actually. They don’t have raids in there for a reason, eventhough I am hugely fond of raiding I am also sceptical due to the combat system they have (which is awesome by the way!). Raids would be chaos probably, something close to the Dragon Events we have now (which somewhere you can call raids).

All this post boils down to is some guy/gal complaining what he didn’t like without coming up with any good arguments or improvements. Next please.

Blood And Metal is a guild on Gunnars Hold that is all about metal, punk,hard rock etc.. Join us!

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Harbard.5738


Are you kidding me? This is the best leveling experience in 10+ years of MMOs. So much I have 8 chars.

No raids for the love of Hodor. There’s an amazing ope world out there, we don’t need more instances. If you want to turn high level zones into “open-world raids” though, that would be sexy.

As for the trinity, not so sure, but whatever makes for more defined roles, like, making dps, support and control builds equally meaningful across all classes, especially against bosses and in dungeons.

Getting rid of the “defiant” buff and giving bosses skills would be a start for better group combat, IMO.

Give me game. Not grind, not gating, not RNG, not +stat junk, not checklists.

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scatah.1483


I dont get why the developers decided not to implement ‘’The Holy Trinity’’ as it is the best way to make a game enjoyable, and why for fook sake there is no raids?

Because the target audience of Guild Wars 2 does not like either of those things. I’m sorry to tell you this but you, and so many others, were lied to by the hype. Guild Wars 2 is not the “next great MMO,” it’s a niche title. It is a game designed specifically for people who dislike certain tropes of the MMO genre, including the holy trinity and raids.

Early marketing reflected this, or rather the lack of marketing reflected this. But then just before beta all these jaded WoW players (I’m looking at you Total Biscuit) latched onto the game just like they do with every new MMO and started cheering “WoW killer” (the first time anyone used that term in relation to GW2; core fans knew WoW players were going to despise this game) and started up the hype train, then NCSoft threw some money behind marketing to just go along with it, and suddenly GW2 changes from a humble little alternative to mainstream MMOs to “the game that will redefine MMOs forever.”

Yeah…..NEVER listen to hype. Especially not month-before-release hype.

Well u sir seem to be the only one here that gets my post

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Scatah.1483


How is The Holy Trinity the best way to make a game enjoyable? I’m pretty sure engaging, immersive gameplay is the best way to make a game enjoyable.

The trinity ads more THINKING to the game and thinking is whats missing from GW2 thats why its the best way to make it enjoyable ucz it ads thinking AND u feel a part of something and that i u were not there they wont be able to do it. That is what i was trying to say. The gameplay is NOT the most important thing in a MMO

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skymourn.3216


The lack of a “holy trinity” was one of the major reasons I left GW2. Well, more accurately the lack of role specialisation. I’ll try to explain…

One of the major reasons I enjoy MMO’s (and table-top roleplaying and LARP) is the fun had working as a team. Seeing one of your team-mates being chased by the Big Bad Gnarly Beast while heavily injured and dropping that large heal to keep him up or taunting the BBGB off are two conspicuous MMO team activities. Oh there’s combo attacks, but when it comes down to that heroic save of a team mate, well there’s nothing you can do apart from keep pew-pewing away.

In GW2 groups of players aren’t teams, they’re mobs in which everyone has to look out for themselves. There are even posts that basically explain that outlook and how to optimise different classes to achieve self-reliance. Which also means that every character is essentially the same Self-Buff/Self-Heal/DPS archetype, with minor tweaks.

For some that’s fine. If you want to play as a group of individuals, then GW2 is your thing. But if you want to work in a team with the individual specialisations and responsibilities that entails, then GW2 is not the game for you.

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheDaiBish.9735


How is The Holy Trinity the best way to make a game enjoyable? I’m pretty sure engaging, immersive gameplay is the best way to make a game enjoyable.

The trinity ads more THINKING to the game and thinking is whats missing from GW2 thats why its the best way to make it enjoyable ucz it ads thinking AND u feel a part of something and that i u were not there they wont be able to do it. That is what i was trying to say. The gameplay is NOT the most important thing in a MMO

I can’t say I agree the Trinity adds more thinking. I played a Healer and Tank in raiding for a good few years, and I can’t say I had to actively ‘think’. At the same time, you can have thinking, and teamwork, without the rigid roles.

As for ‘gameplay not being the most important’, I can’t say I agree with that, since it’s the gameplay (mechanics and content) that brings the players together for a common cause.

Sure, GW2 hasn’t got the mechanics of the flexible roles and the fluidity of being able to swap roles in battle completely down yet, but since most MMO’s before have stuck with the rigid role system, it’s a work in progress.

Life is a journey.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Hisoka.4516


Well, what he described is every other mmorpg and thats not the way gw2 should go. What I am personally dissapointed is that those so called PVE updates are making game look like Donkey Kong…jump, run, jump some more, collect crystals, talk to this guy talk to that guy, do some childish mini games…
I would like to see more dragons or similair stuff.

Best regards.

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


“What is wrong with GW2” There are many thinks that could be better.
one world in stead of instance based maps, fractions, mounts, better guild management tools, traditional quest, (open word) housing, more stuff to farm (make rare mini’s, and skins drop from mobs or dungeons), less currency / gold driven, fun crafts.

Some of them are big issues other small.

But at this specific moment the biggest problem is temporary content what is the result of gem-store focus (in stead of expansions focus).

The suggestion would be.. do something about the above.

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nannernut.3460


Devata, it seems as if youve hit the nail on the head. Though through the gem store anet, I mean NCsoft makes their money. There are quite a few of us which would prefer anet to take their time and deliver quality content rather than trying to barf out new stuff every month which does little to improve the game. That being said, I am appreciative of the updates to the game system. I just wish anet would scrap the whole living story and improve upon what was mentioned above. For example, I was far more excited about the new rewards system than the sanctum in this recent patch.

I also want to say that anet, you really need to do something about the pristine fractals relics other than giving us non-infused rings.

In summary the temporary content you are giving us, anet, is beautiful but also very meaningless. Most of us know you are alot better than this. We would like to see more of the internal workings of the game evolved just like the achievement system, dungeon patches, and issues above.

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: alamore.1974


The holy trinity is a relic if the past. All it does is restric class builds and makes games simple. Make players predictable. All aroind borning
O look a rouge glass cannon
Here come a cleric healer.
Ect… There is no thinking there.

In gw2 ypu can have one class play mutiple rules. Support .tank .dps.

Mostpeople that still insist that the holy trininty is still ‘gawd’ are avid WoW players who prefear simple and basic games. And they will nvr change there minds abput how WoW is still gawd of all mmos

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


The holy trinity is a relic if the past. All it does is restric class builds and makes games simple. Make players predictable. All aroind borning
O look a rouge glass cannon
Here come a cleric healer.
Ect… There is no thinking there.

In gw2 ypu can have one class play mutiple rules. Support .tank .dps.

Mostpeople that still insist that the holy trininty is still ‘gawd’ are avid WoW players who prefear simple and basic games. And they will nvr change there minds abput how WoW is still gawd of all mmos

I did not touch the the holy trinity but I do have an opinion about that as well (no surprise there). The idea of taking away the holy trininty is not bad in my opinion. I don’t think the holy trininty is bad but trying something else is also not bad.

However it worked out wrong. The fact is that many matches require less tactics and many people now only want 2 or professions for there run (Guardian and Warrior mainly) because the rest slows them down.

Personally I would love to have seen that when taking the holy trininty away they would make sure that all professions where still very useful and all had there own necessary task. So you need for example at least 4 (maybe even 5) different classes and different builds to successfully complete a dungeon or complete a mission where every profession had it’s own task.

I do understand thats hard to do but it’s doable and would imho be much more fun. Done correctly it could be more fun then the holy trininty but as it is now I think the holy trininty is better because it requires more tactics and people more have there own task.

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: gooseman.6182


I’ve come to discover that if you want to have fun in this game you have to seek it. It’s not something that is handed to you on a platter with direction arrows and light up signs much like wow is, this is more mature and requires exploration. There’s constant updates going through this game so there’s no excuse for it to get boring, and if you do get so bored go RP. And I personally like the pvp, it’s simple pick up and go fun.

What is wrong with GW2 (some suggestions)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Skymourn.3216


I did not touch the the holy trinity but I do have an opinion about that as well (no surprise there). The idea of taking away the holy trininty is not bad in my opinion. I don’t think the holy trininty is bad but trying something else is also not bad.

Personally I would love to have seen that when taking the holy trininty away they would make sure that all professions where still very useful and all had there own necessary task. So you need for example at least 4 (maybe even 5) different classes and different builds to successfully complete a dungeon or complete a mission where every profession had it’s own task.

This was the point I was trying to make as well. I’m not for or against the so-called “Holy Trinity”, but (IMO) to have a sense of teamwork you need some sort of specialisation. Teams are built on the reliance and trust that everyone will do their particular job. If everyone has the same job (DPS/Self-buff/Self-heal) and, even worse, the system is predicated on every player only looking after themselves , then there’s no teamwork and no team. Just a mob.

I’m not saying the Tank/Heal/DPS is the best or even only way to go. It’s just one method for introducing specialisation. Personally I think Rift did a better job of removing at least the static nature of this specialisation in its idea of souls, which really allows for dynamic specialisation.