What makes me open my wallet and what doesn't

What makes me open my wallet and what doesn't

in Suggestions

Posted by: Grim.6415


I was tempted to post this in the general discussion or Halloween event for the higher traffic, and I hope it will not be ignored by anet or other players here.

Below are some simple instructions to take my money in a far more efficient manner for future events or just in general.

First let me sum up the things I have purchased to date:

3 additional character slots (I don’t even have time to play them all, but I knew I wanted one for each profession (I bought these in GW1 as well): 2400 gems

Additional Bank storage: 600 gems

Primeval armour skin: 500 gems

Crafting booster pack: 150 gems

Black Lion Chest keys: 450 gems

These were all purchased with real money and none of it was converted from in game gold as I only have about 15g to my name.

Planned future purchases:

Either the Witch or Mad king costume (yet to decide and only because the skills they offer for costume brawl). 700 gems

Krytan and Profane armour sets if they look good on my alts when they reach 80 and I can put them on some exotic gear. 500-1000 gems

Recommendations for future offerings at the gem store:

Offer more cool armour/outfit skins that can be used in combat similar to your chest RNG chance.

Offer some cool weapon skins that can be used in combat similar to your halloween chest RNG chance.

Offer the permanent banker/TP access that can be used anywhere similar to your chest RNG chance.

Complete aesthetic remakes for my characters (completely back to the character creation screen other than same race and storyline decisions locked in still) I understand this one might be in the works already.

A really cool emote pack that will display huge cool emotes like a dragon swooping down or something neat like that. Make it so either they can’t be spammed or people can filter out seeing these things if they are to obnoxious in towns or large gatherings.

A permanent movement speed increase in town that is not consumable and can just be toggled.

Anything that can avoid huge grind for me and not give me a gameplay advantage, just time savings.

What I will not buy from the gem store:

Almost any consumable. The crafting one was a pretty decent time saver for the level increases so that was a bit of an exception. I like to have something tangible at the end of the day.

Any more keys for RNG chance of getting something. I consider my luck as poor and I was not disappointed with the 5 keys I purchased and the 3 I had laying around which I used during this event.

RNG chances for minipets. There are probably a few minipets I would spend money on, but random packs don’t tempt me. I pretty much never use the minis from my hom rewards so this isn’t a big draw for me anyways.

RNG chances at dyes. Once again with my perceived poor luck I won’t take the chances on dye. Separate them and offer each for a fair price and I would consider it.

Of all my purchases the only one I am unhappy with is my most recent purchase of keys which I gambled on and lost. Either your keys cost way too much or the rewards that I want are too poor a drop rate or I just shouldn’t gamble. I’m not angry and it hasn’t soured me from the gem shop completely, but I will never purchase anything relying on RNG again.

You now have some insight into what makes this gamer open his wallet and what makes me annoyed when it comes to your RNG offerings. I do not represent all gamers and my spending habits may not be the same as others, but if anyone else has suggestions on what they did/would/wouldn’t buy then please post that as well.

What makes me open my wallet and what doesn't

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fildydarie.1496


I agree; this is consistent with how I tend to spend my money and what I look for.

When it comes to things like dyes, I would be much more tempted buy a single random rare dye than a pack of dyes I probably already have, since I have so many common colors already.

I don’t use minipets enough to have more than a passing interest in collecting them. Give me a minipet slot and we’ll talk. Give me a minipet slot and automatically summon while I’m wearing town clothes and I would probably start buying some minis. Add in automatic transition to town clothes in town (as an option, not compulsory) and TAKE MY MONEY NOW.

I’m ok with the results of opening chests (especially after being given the ability to convert 2 black lion chests to the holiday chest, that was a nice addition, and one that I hope will be standard for future events), but I do have one chest-related suggestion. There is a huge glut of chests on the market. Simply making keys cheaper or drop more frequently is not a good solution for that. Mystic forge recipies that use them only offer so much of a solution. I propose adding additional keys that give alternate reward sets. Open a black lion chest with an Orrian key, for example, and you get loot that you could get in Orr—t5,6 crafting materials, etc. Double duty for helping to curb inflation, make the keys purchasable with karma (I have ~150k karma and nothing on which to spend it).

I don’t want to derail the initial thread with this, but as gem discussions often turn to black lion chests, I felt it was a natural addition.

Hutchmistress of the Fluffy Bunny Brigade [FBB]

What makes me open my wallet and what doesn't

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


The mini slot should be in already and town clothes should be wearable while fighting.

Also, tonics should allow you to still use your regular attacks so that you actually WANT to use the stupid things. It’s why the halloween and elf tonics were the best from GW1, while that everyone just hucked the rest away and used them solely for cash or party points.

What makes me open my wallet and what doesn't

in Suggestions

Posted by: pdg.8462


I’m totally with you OP. I will not buy anything that uses the RNG. I will only buy what I know I will receive and only if I think it is a fair price.

What makes me open my wallet and what doesn't

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sollith.3502


I don’t know about town clothes being wearable while fighting (that might look kind of… lame), but I do know that in many free to plays that I have bought things in it has always been for costume skins (and only IF they look decent).

Anything to do with RNG I have not and will never buy.

Their Halloween masquerade thing is interesting, kind of cool, and seems like fun though; really tempted to buy a town costume for that

What makes me open my wallet and what doesn't

in Suggestions

Posted by: GADefence.5634


“(that might look kind of… lame),”

So most of the light and medium armour is lame to you? And fighting as mad king thorn is also lame?

There’s a few that would look weird – ex : The boxing gloves. But kitten you could fight with bunny ears in GW1!

What makes me open my wallet and what doesn't

in Suggestions

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


I agree that a lot that is offered currently on the BLTP are things I am not interested in for several reasons.

1. Black Lion Chest Keys are way too expensive for the return from any of the chests I’ve opened to-date.
2. Armor skins – the ones I do like I can’t use on any of my characters.
3. Fluff items (sun glasses, hats, etc.) I can’t see using in the game as they remind me of cheap carnival-style prizes that get thrown away after a few days or weeks.

If they made changes or exciting additions, I might consider the purchases. So far the only purchases I have made are for gems to convert to bag/bank slots.

Nothing more to tempt me at this point in time.