What should be added to the store

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aristio.2784


So, if ArenaNet were to add something to the Gem Store that you ABSOLUTELY have to have, what would it be? This could range from completely serious things to completely crazy ideas. I wanted to get the community’s opinion on what ArenaNet should add to the store. Keep ideas neat and to the point, how much it would cost, and please make sure they are not Pay to Win. An example of this Pay to Win would be buying weapons from the Gem Store that would be stronger than the current level 80 exotics or buying Dungeon Tokens/WvW Tokens. An example of not Pay to Win would be basic siege blueprints.

So to start:
1) Pay a fee of $10-20 to send in a personal guild emblem to ArenaNet to give you and only your guild the ability to set the Guild Emblem to that style.

2) Pay a fee of $2-5 to buy some unique animations. This could be Grenades on Engineer looking different from regular Grenades, dodge animations, /dance animations, or changing the color of Fireball to be a blue Fireball.

3) Pay $5 to enter the Character customization screen to change my appearance, minus sex/personality/race/profession/personality changes. This would be purely cosmetic.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Rukia.4802


Name change 1234

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: LordYz.8941


Great suggestions. I believe they should do 1) and 3) . Add more Gem purchasable armour skins please!!!!

Sea of Sorrows, Black Snow Suave.
Recruiting dungeon raiders.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: mulch.2586


Town clothes that aren’t dumb gimmicks.

Change appearance.
Change name/sex.

Something we had when i played EQ2 was you could station store (their version of gem store) to buy crafting mats.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: NoizeMaker.8367


instead of worrying about the gem shop. How about get the alliance system finished and get rid of multi guilding.

Commander Ovi Bell: 80 – Guardian
Commander Skigoboom: 80 – Engi
Protocol WvW Lead [PRO] Dragonbrand

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kiijj.3594


The ‘Gangnam Style’ dance.

Nirmu 80 Guardian [GC]
Nirmuu 80 Warrior [GC]

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aristio.2784


instead of worrying about the gem shop. How about get the alliance system finished and get rid of multi guilding.

Because I’m not trying to derail this thread off topic. If you wish to discuss that, please make your own thread about it.

Anyway, I would also pay a little coin to get a pack of those transformation consumables. Maybe 50 cents a transformation for a half hour. By transformation, I mean the things you occasionally get from Mystic Chest.

Edit: Would love to buy me some Gangnam Style dance myself as well.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: mulch.2586


well duh, yes fix the stupid bugs asap
Finish guilds and groups and all that’s so late getting ready.

Those teams have no over-lap with the teams that would design new clothes, or gem-store things. It’s not an exclusive either/or for development.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: ounkeo.9138


they need to add much more style armor items. currently 1 set per armor type just doesn’t cut it.

So here’s my list and what I would willingly pay money for:

1. Cloak (back) designs. ~$2.
2. Various armor skins. ~$2 per piece/$12 whole set
3. Cultural T3. ~ ~$4 per piece/$24 whole set
4. Cultural Weapons skins. ~$4 per skin
5. Dungeon skins (only). ~$5 per piece/$30 whole set
6. Town clothing (a lot of Variety!). ~$5 per set

Those are reasonable prices. Currently, i don’t care what the excuses people give for it, but $500 real dollar conversion for a T3 set is ludicrous and clearly shows they are, as yet, completely insincere about their efforts in the item shop.

I’m surprised that a game as old as EQ2 has all of that and then some in their store. And I’ve spent well over $100 in it whereas I have spent ZERO in GW2’s store. right now, the store and gems are effectively saying “We want your money” and that’s it. It’s useless in its current form and the shop is essentially little more than a very expensive in-house gold seller.

Give us something to do and buy with the shop! And for the love of the motherland, can you please be more reasonable about your pricing!

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: gillius.2856


(more words)

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crazylegsmurphy.6430


Tickets to social events in game (provided they offered me something cool for coming to the party)
Tickets to play games at the carnival
Town clothing
Player housing (furnishings, etc)
Mini-games (Chess, checkers, etc) I could play in game
Transit pass to travel for free for a month
New in-game music
Pets (that I can actually choose)

(edited by Crazylegsmurphy.6430)

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Swagman.9013


I’d buy a suit ASAP if it were on the bltc. I have a nice fancy tophat but commoner rags to wear with it.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I would love to see more armour skins in the store.
A permanent Tp/bank NPC- this can be character bound and I will pay $10 for it easy- even more if they think it is too cheap.
I would like to see cosmetic packs for hairstyle changes etc.
If player housing gets implemented I would like some cosmetic stuff for you house

Gunnar’s Hold

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


they need to add much more style armor items. currently 1 set per armor type just doesn’t cut it.

So here’s my list and what I would willingly pay money for:

1. Cloak (back) designs. ~$2.
2. Various armor skins. ~$2 per piece/$12 whole set
3. Cultural T3. ~ ~$4 per piece/$24 whole set
4. Cultural Weapons skins. ~$4 per skin
5. Dungeon skins (only). ~$5 per piece/$30 whole set
6. Town clothing (a lot of Variety!). ~$5 per set

Those are reasonable prices. Currently, i don’t care what the excuses people give for it, but $500 real dollar conversion for a T3 set is ludicrous and clearly shows they are, as yet, completely insincere about their efforts in the item shop.

I’m surprised that a game as old as EQ2 has all of that and then some in their store. And I’ve spent well over $100 in it whereas I have spent ZERO in GW2’s store. right now, the store and gems are effectively saying “We want your money” and that’s it. It’s useless in its current form and the shop is essentially little more than a very expensive in-house gold seller.

Give us something to do and buy with the shop! And for the love of the motherland, can you please be more reasonable about your pricing!

You aren’t meant to pay for the T3 with real money, maybe a little to get you a long the way, but you could play the trading post and farm vendor trash. Most DE income comes from selling grays, blues, and greens to vendors unless you’re late or unlucky.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dariroch.6482


I second the transit pass!

Great Idea!

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fozzik.1742


I’d like to see them get rid of blatantly exploitative gambling items like the chests/keys…and instead add more cosmetic items.

I would be interested in a wider selection of town clothes (actually it would be nice if there were a wider selection in game as well). I also think it would be neat to have custom spell effects / colors for sale, or special animations.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Tosha Daydreamer.9251

Kittens. Boxes full of ’em.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revenant.2691


If they put the “micro” into micro-transaction, I’d buy a lot more stuff. For instance, I’m not going to pay $2.25 US for one black lion key, ever. Especially since your return on that investment, is, at best, a couple transmogrify tonics and a random booster… most of which are cheaper to just buy themselves, along with the guarantee you’ll get the one you want.

If the keys were, say, $.25, I could see myself buying a few dozen. As it is now though, the Collector’s Edition upgrade’s about $30 USD as opposed to the $10 extra it would have been if I’d had an extra $3 in my wallet when I picked the game up at Target. Bought it with gold conversion back when it was 1g = 500 gems, thankfully, but I don’t see anyone paying three times as much money for it if they wanted it to begin with.

As for new stuff?
Town clothes that fit the fantasy theme
More armor/weapon skins (GW1 Kurzick Warrior heavy armor pleasepleaseplease!!! =p)
Unique ranger pets would be cool
+1 on the character customization
Unique hair/face styles for character customization
Social animations

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gaiawolf.8261


instead of worrying about the gem shop. How about get the alliance system finished and get rid of multi guilding.

Different deartments. One does not preclude the other.

I’d probably pay dollars for an expansion, but mostly gold for everything else. Possibly a few bucks here and there for new skill animations and a reasonable sum for a custom emblem. Would be nice if we could develop personal emblems, too, not just guild emblems.

Lone Wolf Mesmer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Dissentient [DIS] ~Tarnished Coast

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

1. Mermaid costume for underwater fun! Comes complete with tail and seashell bra.
2. More town clothes like gowns.
3. Race change. (comes with personal story reset)
4. Name change.
5. Appearance change.
6. Dances.
7. Hairstyles.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: MrsAngelD.6971


  • +1 to the transit pass idea
  • More cosmetics based on GW1 armor. I would love to be able to wear the paragon armor from GW. As well as some of the Elementalist armor sets.
  • Plastic surgery for my toons
  • Sex changes
  • Haircuts
  • Tonics that aren’t account bound so I can share them with my friends
  • Capes
  • Boxing outfit to go along with those cool boxing gloves

That’s all I can think of right now.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Screenager.7804


two thigns are on my shopping list

1: I’ll be having dances as soon as somebody stocks them

2: Guild logos in whatever form they come in. i can assure you I would flat out pay an exhorbitantly stupid cost to get our actual guild logo in game. I’m not going to pretend like it matters a little I’d pay stupid money for it. Its part of your guilds branding and its def one of the ones we’d love to see

Executed [ExE] – Piken Square

(edited by Screenager.7804)

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: WasAGuest.4973


Game needs more armor in game – not Gem Shop only stuff. So I partially disagree with that one. Now, if they added armor that costs Coin AND Gems; that would be a fair trade. – There’s not much to work towards at this point.

What I would buy (All items must be account unlocks as I will never buy single use items or per character items – this is a personal rule of mine):

Old GW1 Guild capes
Town Clothes that are on par with some of the ones the NPCs are wearing

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Qelris.6901


Fiery Dragon Sword skin 30$/2400gems.
More armor skins for the same price(6$/500gems).
30day Golem Banker 6$/500gems.
Special Emotes(Special dances, etc). If the item isn’t consumed on use, 6$/500gems. If consumed on use, 0.50$/40gems.
Character Re-Customisation 5$/400gems.

I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


Name/gender/appearance change
More appearance armors
Townie clothes
More dances
More emotes
“Fluff” for explorers and rp-ers like backpacks, portable campsites, portable kegs, pack mules, etc.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revenant.2691


From what I’ve been told, GW1-style capes are in the works and were even intended for release, but they ran into a lot of clipping issues with them so they decided to hold off until they’d look good. So, backpacks for now, capes when they’re ready.

And in the meantime don’t give them the idea of making us pay money for them if they’re gonna give them to us fo’ free ;p

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redscope.6215


The only thing problematic with real-time additions to the game (i.e. Guild Emblems) is that they require man hours be budgeted towards an endless project that needs to be consistently making money or else it can’t sustain itself.

In other words, it wouldn’t be something you could buy at the gem store since gems can be bought with gold.

However in-game features that are handled by automated systems that don’t require food, sleep, shelter, and a disposable income, can.

Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of custom emblem designs. I just don’t see it happening. But I’m not in the Anet marketing/accounting departments so I don’t know.

That being said, here are a few of my gem store suggestions:

  • More Emotes
  • Alternate UI designs by Anet
  • Additional ‘Special’ guild emblems (with effects like twilight)
  • Class-themed backpacks:
    • Guardian Tome on a Chain
    • Necromancer Necklace of Flesh
    • Engineer Test Tube Tool Belt
    • Mesmer Phantasmal Cape
    • Warrior Banner Attachment
    • Thief Hooded Cloak
    • Ranger Quiver of Arrows
    • Elementalist Floating orbs of Power based on Element Attunement
  • More costumes of course
  • Additional armor set slots (set 2, 3, 4 only switchable out of combat of course)
  • Player/Guild housing (which could pan into a host of other things)

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: FumikoM.6029


Hairstyle change.
More armor/cloth skins, only 3 so far in the gem shop. I want tons more
More expensive armor/cloth skins that I can use no matter if I can only usually use heavy armor, for example.
Or expensive transmutation stones that allow me as a warrior to use light and medium armor skins. I would love to use the winged light armor set!
Some town cloth.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: WasAGuest.4973


From what I’ve been told, GW1-style capes are in the works and were even intended for release, but they ran into a lot of clipping issues with them so they decided to hold off until they’d look good. So, backpacks for now, capes when they’re ready.

And in the meantime don’t give them the idea of making us pay money for them if they’re gonna give them to us fo’ free ;p

Oh, didn’t know that. Will keep my mouth shut. lol

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Revenant.2691


As far as “ANet doesn’t make any money when you buy gems with gold” goes, that’s false. Every gem you spend, whether you bought it with gold or real money, was originally bought for real money. Especially now that the gem supply/demand is more or less stable. So every gem store purchase is removing gems from the economy, which were originally bought with real currency.

In addition, when more people start buying gems with gold instead of money, it makes the gem price go up, and therefore makes it a better option to buy gems to sell for gold. Thus, the process is fairly self-regulating. So by adding more items to the gem store that people want, thereby increasing gem sales, they’re making more money regardless of whether people are buying gems for gold or real money.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

Appearance change – hair, makeup

More clothing (I so want that pirate outfit from that one infiltrate mission)

Town clothing I could wear in combat (seriously, why not? I made a swashbuckling warrior and I’m having to toggle his armor off and on for every fight)

A Jump Targeting potion that would let you aim jumps for those jump puzzles … I love the puzzle idea, but I’m horrible at jumping. Make me find the puzzle, make me guess where I have to jump next, but give me something to aim where I’ll land.

More weapon skins. (Rapiers, different guns/riffles, weapon skins of all sorts)

Special effect skins or upgrades (that give glowing effects, sparkles, flames, whathaveyou … maybe not, I don’t want people running around looking like they just walked outa City of Heroes either. But for weapons they could be nice.)

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keziah.2653


I’d love to see the gem store carry a lot of the same things that the current GW1 store offers.

  1. Makeover Pack
  2. Extreme Makeover
  3. Name change
  4. Guild name change.
  5. More armor skins — personally I’d love to be able to buy some of the armor skins from GW1.
  6. Costumes! I really loved the Grenth, Shining Blade and Lich costumes from GW1. And I loved being able to wear them over my armor.
  7. I want a Charr cub pet that will randomly say things like, “I can pretty much kill an ogre,” etc. (I know this will never happen, but I still want one.)
  8. More dances.

As a side note — when can we expect GW2 t-shirts? You guys posted a bunch of designs on your facebook page back in late July or early August and that was the last we heard about it. Are you waiting for the Christmas season to begin before you start selling those things or what?? (And please, please, please offer them in babydoll sizes for women.)

Kiz Nyx (Ele) | Kressida Nyx (Guar) | Phaedra Nyx (Mes) | Ylva Nyx (Ran) | Ghanima Nyx (Nec)
[GCI] Calamitous Intent | Sanctum of Rall

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

Why are the Makeover Pack and EMP the same price? Ya’d figure the second one would cost more. And ten bucks? All I wanna do is change my hair style, burnit! At least give us more than one use for that ten bucks … three uses would be fair.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keziah.2653


Why are the Makeover Pack and EMP the same price? Ya’d figure the second one would cost more. And ten bucks? All I wanna do is change my hair style, burnit! At least give us more than one use for that ten bucks … three uses would be fair.

The Makeover Pack gave FIVE makeover credits — which means you could makeover five different toons or makeover the same character five different times. So really, it was $2 per makeover.

The Extreme Makeover was a one-time, full-monty deal.

Kiz Nyx (Ele) | Kressida Nyx (Guar) | Phaedra Nyx (Mes) | Ylva Nyx (Ran) | Ghanima Nyx (Nec)
[GCI] Calamitous Intent | Sanctum of Rall

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

Oh, well, much better then … I was going to say, I love changing my characters’ appearance over time just because … well, you change a bit over time, but at ten bucks a pop I would go all Lizzie Borden on someone.

Though, ya know, I’d pay more for something like they had in Dragon Age 2; that mirror that let you change your appearance whenever you felt like it … it was so nice to be able to say, “oh my character broke her nose in that last big battle, so I’m going to change the shape of her nose”, “oh, losing a loved one was very stressful, so I’m going to pick a greyer color for her hair now” … and in an MMO it would get waaaaay more use.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: BlackDeath.8106


Able to wear heavy armour cosmetics for my thief.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I have to internet high five anyone who thought of that 30-day transit idea. Even a one day transit pass for $.5-1 I would pay for if I knew I was going to be traveling all day.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: CoffeeBean.8690


I would definitely consider buying:

Character services – renames, appearance changes

Fluff – more armor cosmetics, new hairstyles, cosmetic weapons, more town clothes, more mini pets, ranger pet skins, special emotes ala GW1 original collector edition

I never buy gambles like the Black Lion Keys or temporary buffs, so those things don’t interest me in the slightest.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bad Nursie.2876

Bad Nursie.2876

Change appearance and/or name.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Swagman.9013


Jackie you want sparkly weapon effects… What’s next you want vampire skins too!

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fezzul.7132


More old style armor and weapon types (I really want to complete my myrmidon/hoplite warrior look and need more skins for armor and weapons).

stuff like: Shield, Sword

Feel like it should have been in the game already but I’d probably pay for an animation where my 1 skill actually uses both weapons when dual wielding.

I’d probably pay right now to get some thoughts on what the devs think about the game so far and in what direction they are going with future content.

But yeah, basically just tons more armor and weapon skins so I can make my characters look how I want them to look. Right now I feel pretty limited.

(edited by Fezzul.7132)

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Keziah.2653


Transit pass to travel for free for a month

This is brilliant. +1

And there is even a bit of lore to go with it. Check it out, in the “Edge of Destiny” book, Snaff had a pocket portal which was basically miniature asura gate (I forget what he called it). Players should be able to buy that item in the game through the Gem Store. Players could use it until its power ran out (in a month or whatever) and be able to go anywhere in the world.

Kiz Nyx (Ele) | Kressida Nyx (Guar) | Phaedra Nyx (Mes) | Ylva Nyx (Ran) | Ghanima Nyx (Nec)
[GCI] Calamitous Intent | Sanctum of Rall

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

>>Jackie you want sparkly weapon effects… What’s next you want vampire skins too!<<

That might give me a reason to do some PvP.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redscope.6215


As far as “ANet doesn’t make any money when you buy gems with gold” goes, that’s false. Every gem you spend, whether you bought it with gold or real money, was originally bought for real money. Especially now that the gem supply/demand is more or less stable. So every gem store purchase is removing gems from the economy, which were originally bought with real currency.

In addition, when more people start buying gems with gold instead of money, it makes the gem price go up, and therefore makes it a better option to buy gems to sell for gold. Thus, the process is fairly self-regulating. So by adding more items to the gem store that people want, thereby increasing gem sales, they’re making more money regardless of whether people are buying gems for gold or real money.

And you know for a fact that all gems being sold are being sold by players and not being regulated by a market system that Anet put in place? Gem/Gold exchange rates are definitely player driven. The more players buy gems with gold, the more expensive gems are to purchase with gold. That’s not the same as saying that all gems are being sold by players.

I find it hard to believe that people would spend 10 bucks for essentially 2-3g depending on the time of day. That’s what you’re suggesting.

Can I get Anet confirmation on this…that all gems being sold are generated only by player purchases of gems?

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: robinsiebler.3801


Name Change. They will eventually add all the cosmetic features people want, but they specifically said they would not add name change.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

Transmutation stones that allow you to adopt the appearance of armor types you couldn’t normally wear. So, say, if I find this wonderful looking piece of Light Armor that I want to wear, but I am a Thief and so only wear medium armor, I could use the Stone to transmute the appearance of the Light Armor onto a piece of Medium Armor I already have. I’d keep the Medium Armor stats, but get the look of the Light Armor.

Consumable weapons types. A lot of the heart missions give you these temporary weapon types to play with for the duration and some of them are just loads of fun. So wouldn’t it be great if you could buy consumable weapons of those types that you could use for an hour or so per charge, that you buy in bunches like you get food and whatnot? I think so.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

What should be added to the store

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nairog.3852


@ Keziah.2653

RP community had a discussion on official EU RP forum and the larger part of it was in-game and most people agree with the idea of involving Charr cubs with their Charr characters. Just a head up, there is a community behind cub mini. Hopefully this attracts a developer/community manager reply.
Link to the topic: GW2RP

ANet keep doing good work your doing!