What to buy with Achievement Points?
I disagree, you already get something for achievements: bragging rights.
And there shouldn’t be more. We have enough currencies, we get multiple currencies for everything we do. Why add even more?
They already added certain items if you finish some achievements. That is more than enough.
I’ve always wondered why they have points. If it was only about bragging rights and titles, there would be no point system. But I also agree, we have way too many types of currency.
Since we do have points, what would we do to trade them?
Legendary, I’m sorry no; that’s way too easy to just buy them. But perhaps they are needed to buy an aspect of it. The player is rewarded for actually playing the game.
Elite armour would be cool, something to stand out from all the other players.
Raspanthia -sylvari engineer (Predator)
In no way shape or form should you get progression towards your legendary with achievement points, it makes it less valuable, less unique and less special. Achievement gear, or things that are just show and tell, sure, I like the idea. But adding legendary items for achievement points, lol just no. But for the most part Meluna is right, with the amount of currencies we have now and we’ll probably get, this would be just annoying.
I’d like a chest with something special for completing a tab. For instance the explorer tab would give you a different interface you can toggle. Slayer could give you a pet or something. And so on and so on.
I agree that we have many currencyes but you have to do something with the achievement points. Not all people care about bragging. Like hey I got all jumping puzzles and stuff like that. The idea to implement legendaries was just an opinion, for the hard work to get 4k,5k,6k,7k and so on of achievement points I believe you must be able to get something legendary. Yeah some cool unique armor would be great. But I don’t believe that a legendary should mean only hundreds of hours of grinding gold, karma, and TIME! You also grinded your achievement points. I think I have a point there. And you had to do it on multiple chars, multiple proffesions for the hero achievement for example and now to get a legendary you can use only 1 char. And again is just an idea. There are people who like to farm achievements, not dungeons and other stuff. I think that there should be multiple ways to get the legendary weps. Not only the old karma, gold, dungeons farm. Guild Wars 2 can be played in multiple ways like grinding, doing events,dungeons all combined and other stuff. I hope it will remain like that in the way of getting the best weps in game.
I’d like to note that you wouldn’t be buying something with achievement points, since you wouldn’t be losing the points in exchange for the items. Instead, they had mentioned that we could potentially earn some currency (possibly laurels) based on the earning of achievement points.
So, it would be essentially the same idea, except your achievement points number wouldn’t go down as a result.
and the stupidest grown-ups who are the most grown-up.”
- C. S. Lewis
They should be used as the equivalent of HoM rewards whenever Guild Wars 3 comes out.
They should be used for a current HoM, with skin rewards.
Make it like the weapon tickets, where you can’t buy everything, but can still trick yourself out.
maybe add quests available only when you are at a certain level of achievement point?
the one that kick the quest can invite to it his party with or without enough points. you can do it once a week no matter if it fails or not.
only the one who kick the quest get the awesome rewards, the helper get money, karma, rich loot, whatever else (suggesting this in case the reward is a precursor).
or maybe achievement points can give you gems so you can finally buy some bank slot or bag slot for free, with no gold or real money. nice awards for dedicated players
Join the Rainbow Pride
I don’t think it should be a currency but a milestone system. Reach 1k total points unlock an exclusive dye for all your characters. Hit 5k and say gain access to emote auras like gw1 collectors edition had. Different milestones various visual rewards. There would be a vendor say in HoM that once you hit the milestone could always pick up.
Possible awards.(preferably things only gained this way snd not anywhere else in game)
Unique armor skins
Weapon skins
Mini pets
Ability to apply different colors to spell effects
Class specific visual upgrades.
Back skins
Elite skills
There are potentially more.
I want to clarify a few of these.
Class specific upgrades. These would be visual changes only. For rangers they could gain new skins for their pets. Same skills and stats but the wolf could have a dire wolf skin. The bears could be decked out in armor etc. Engineers could gain new backpack and turret skins. Not all classes would be as easy. But seeing as they are account based would encourage people to try new classes.
Auras these could be added to the dye panel. Applying the aura would apply a particle effect to the coorisponding armor. Likely a very high milestone to ease fps from going toocrazy. Also very fitting to show off those with high achievement scores.
Coloring spell abilities could be a buff you apply with a huge timer. It would be a full change not a spell by spell choice. You pick the theme you want and all your spells are color shifted. So a pack called Balthazar’s wrath could turn all guardian skills from blue tinted to red tinted. Mesmers could have clones shatter red and red projectiles. Some skills would just recieve some tinting. Like any eles boomerrang air circles. They could gain some red tinting to the dust along the path and maybe a little on the circles but would remain mostly as is. It would be a color scheme designed by the devs to allow some variarion and showing off of achiement while preserving overall spell look.
Elite skills may seem like a instant ‘no what are you crazy idea’ but we already have one in game. Mistfire wolf. So why not add more elite skills. Strong generic skills that all can obtain eventually. Just like current elites, they would require a little work put in. But if at at the correct mile stone would begin to be obtainable shortly after your first character gains their first elite. There of course could be several at different milestones.
I say Luarels, they are already based on daily and monthly achievements. Just give me Laurels or the option to purchase Laurel vendor gear for achievement points.
Pretty sure when they said there would be rewards for achievements they meant specific rewards for specific achievements. Like certain titles for certain achievements, not a currency, especially since they already debunked the theory that achievements might grant laurels.
Pretty sure when they said there would be rewards for achievements they meant specific rewards for specific achievements. Like certain titles for certain achievements, not a currency, especially since they already debunked the theory that achievements might grant laurels.
I don’t think that titles should be the only things we can get from achievements. Yeah are cool for some people but others don’t like them or think are not worth the effort. That’s why there should be titles and other cool very rare stuff or unique for the dedicated players who worked hard to get as many achievements as they can. So Titles are no way enough for this or the bragging rights.
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