Whats the point of Hard dungeons vs Easy.

Whats the point of Hard dungeons vs Easy.

in Suggestions

Posted by: GabrielD.9582


I alredy know you do dungeons for either gold or tokens, and i also now endgame is based on skin, everyone knows it so please dont aswer me saying ‘’ you do it for the skin’’

Now, my point is. If you read the forums you prob saw more then once someone saying that veterans,champions and bosses need a LOT better loots, its really disappointing killing a champion strong as hell and getting a grey loot, everyone knows the best way is to just kill regular mobs and ignore anything that takes time. Now, you got a dungeons like Arah, and a boss like giganticus lupicus ( calm down, i am not gonna say its too hard or need nerf or any crap ) To be honest, i had a lot of fun doing it for the first time, even though it was super hard, thats was fun, BECAUSE it was my first time, and thats it. A super hard fight, which took a long time, i enjoyed it a lot, but got a bunch of crap blues in the end. So why the hell would me or anyone, ever do that more the once? The time it takes i can just do AC all paths, only if i really wanted that Arah armor set, which i dont i think it looks horrible as hell. So it limits a lot the number of players who would do it, if you doubt me just login, look for an AC and for Arah group and see how HUGE is the diff of time for each, and all the people i do AC with are usually more then good enough to do Arah, but why would they? after the first time its not fun, because you alredy did it, and sure not rewardfull. In my opinion the drop system in this game just let a lot of content go to waste.

Whats the point of Hard dungeons vs Easy.

in Suggestions

Posted by: GabrielD.9582


Any thought on this?

Whats the point of Hard dungeons vs Easy.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erlex.4518


I think this is something they really do need to look at. Veterans – Champions should have increasing number of items drop, as well as a higher chance of rare/exotic. That being said, the “big chests” are pretty terrible as well currently.

Whats the point of Hard dungeons vs Easy.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Annonith.4032


I agree that the drop system is rather bad. I barely even do PvE ATM ‘coz of some peeps that prefer to deliberately fail the event just to farm it (Grenth for example). Same with dungeons – I just go each path once to get the achievement, see what game has to offer and never go back again. If you don’t like the skins dungeons offer (and I don’t) then they are only useful if you are making leggies. It takes way too much effort to gather a party, wish they are good enough to survive dungeon and cross your fingers in hope nobody will have to leave/will ragequit in the middle. And even after you are done chances are that you would get far better loot just staying on a karma road for this time. Mad King was okay – there were high chances to get exos from final chest and some boosters or TP items. IMO it would be far better if every dungeon or event chest was like this.