When are there going to be race Changes?

When are there going to be race Changes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Poulet.1375


When are there going be race changes? I know it says it has a lot to do with storyline..but why not introduce available to people after they complete the storyline? They would make a lot more money.

When are there going to be race Changes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263



so simple

The thing for your race change just means – DELETE and RECREATE.
Thats your way for race change. Anything else will never happen (and better shouldn’t regardless of how many QQ about it)

Anet already makes money.. you have an option free to buy yourself another character slot, if you don’t want to delete a character, but you desperately want THAT race X …
Then you shopuld have planned first better, what you want to play…
For those, which just rushed into the game, without thinking about, what they do..for those people is there the option to add more character slots and by that does make Anet already money.

So from that standpoint of view, there is absolutely no need both ways to implemente something such as obsolete as a race change option. Gender Change was something totally different, as Gender Change doesn’t destroy the obvious personal story, which is also a big problem in regard with race change.

Playing through the game first and then changign your race… lol NO.
The only way how it should functionate if at all is, as long you are in the beginner areals without having done the first personal story quest.

Basically you can play the game and level up ect. without having to do a single personal storyline quest (but people do them only, because its just at the start of the game the easiest way to make quick exp to level up, everything else is boring event/dailies grind)

So the only way how a race change could work without havign problems is, as long you don’t do any personal story.

But thats somethign then again, which would be just only abused, because then would people just create only the race with that you have the easiest time leveling up due to racial skills, enemy types, whatever reasons and so on.. so if there shoukld be ever a race change, then personally I would be only for it, if with the race change comes also together a LEVEL RESET to Lvl 1

Only under this condition I’d be personally ever for this feature to prevent that this feature gets abused for an easier leveling up time.
See this condition as basically a REBIRTH.. you want to play as an other race..then you have to be reborn as it and with rebirth you’ll lose your current level ect. and become lvl 1 again so that you can totally start from a new…

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

When are there going to be race Changes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: LizLemon.7843



so simple

The thing for your race change just means – DELETE and RECREATE.
Thats your way for race change. Anything else will never happen (and better shouldn’t regardless of how many QQ about it)

Anet already makes money.. you have an option free to buy yourself another character slot, if you don’t want to delete a character, but you desperately want THAT race X …
Then you shopuld have planned first better, what you want to play…
For those, which just rushed into the game, without thinking about, what they do..for those people is there the option to add more character slots and by that does make Anet already money.

So from that standpoint of view, there is absolutely no need both ways to implemente something such as obsolete as a race change option. Gender Change was something totally different, as Gender Change doesn’t destroy the obvious personal story, which is also a big problem in regard with race change.

Playing through the game first and then changign your race… lol NO.
The only way how it should functionate if at all is, as long you are in the beginner areals without having done the first personal story quest.

Basically you can play the game and level up ect. without having to do a single personal storyline quest (but people do them only, because its just at the start of the game the easiest way to make quick exp to level up, everything else is boring event/dailies grind)

So the only way how a race change could work without havign problems is, as long you don’t do any personal story.

But thats somethign then again, which would be just only abused, because then would people just create only the race with that you have the easiest time leveling up due to racial skills, enemy types, whatever reasons and so on.. so if there shoukld be ever a race change, then personally I would be only for it, if with the race change comes also together a LEVEL RESET to Lvl 1

Only under this condition I’d be personally ever for this feature to prevent that this feature gets abused for an easier leveling up time.
See this condition as basically a REBIRTH.. you want to play as an other race..then you have to be reborn as it and with rebirth you’ll lose your current level ect. and become lvl 1 again so that you can totally start from a new…

English can’t be your first language, but I get what you are saying, I think. It doesn’t cost that much to get the extra character slot, so just do that if you want another race and don’t want to abuse the system. In fact, they ought to let you buy as many additional character slots as you want. I don’t see why they limit it, it would just make them more money and incremental revenue from their existing customer base.

When are there going to be race Changes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Catisa.6507


I don’t see why they limit it …

Whats the limit? I have 9 slots more then enough to make 1 of every class.


When are there going to be race Changes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ragion.2831


Lols this happens in every game like this. Someone always wants a class/race change option.

When are there going to be race Changes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


@ Liz
You’re right, it isn’t. I’m sorry for the language barrier problems.
Was much of it absolutely not understandable? Or more like only, wrong grammar, but basically understandable because I (in the sense of you) can understand what he’s saying (in regard of the context), when I correct the grammar for me?

By the way.. I see also some made typos (or missing words) ^^ This naturally also makes some things not understandable I’ts 5 am for me, I’m sleepy lol this increases typos

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

When are there going to be race Changes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: LizLemon.7843


@ Liz
You’re right, it isn’t. I’m sorry for the language barrier problems.
Was much of it absolutely not understandable? Or more like only, wrong grammar, but basically understandable because I (in the sense of you) can understand what he’s saying (in regard of the context), when I correct the grammar for me?

By the way.. I see also some made typos (or missing words) ^^ This naturally also makes some things not understandable I’ts 5 am for me, I’m sleepy lol this increases typos

You are good, I just needed to look at the context and figure out a few words that were translated wrong and it made a few sentences confusing. Once I realized it was a translation, it made it easier for me to fill in where it did not quite make sense.

I don’t see why they limit it …

Whats the limit? I have 9 slots more then enough to make 1 of every class.

Hmm, I may have understood this wrong, I have 5 original character slots and I thought I could only add one more for 800 gems, if I can upgrade to as many as I want, then that is great. Learn something new every day here.

(edited by LizLemon.7843)