When the mist invaders actually invade

When the mist invaders actually invade

in Suggestions

Posted by: TyPin.9860


So. I have thought about that for some time now. I was thinking, what happens, if the winning server could invade the PvE area of the lossing servers in the matchup? So the invaders are actually invading not only in the mists, but also in the “real” world.

Now, I know what you gonna say, so hear me out. Or should I say read me out?^^

Each time a server reaches a dominatn position (no idea what the best way is to meassure that) in the lossing servers’ PvE maps events show up. Cracks opening creating portals from the mists into the “real” world. But to exploit those cracks, the dominant server has to finish some events in WvW, where the other servers could interfere and prevent them from succeeding. On the other hand the servers being invaded has the possibility to close those cracks (via PvE events).

Those cracks have 3 stages:

  • stage 1: Here only small groups of NPCs come through the cracks. Like shades and stuff, who can be fought off.
  • stage 2: They are like the stage 1 cracks, but in additon small groups of Players from the invading server can use the cracks, they enter from the WvW maps. Those players gain the buff “mist invader”, that allows them to exist in this world. After some time the buff wears off and they are moved back to WvW. If those players die, they lose the buff too and are moved back to their world. Using portals also removes the buff. After a certain number passed through, the cracks close for some time, but open at stage 2 again eventually.
  • stage 3: Any number of players can pass through the cracks. The crack can be used both ways.

How the cracks grow and shrink:
For each stage there are events both servers have to do, to let the cracks grow or shirnk. The invading server has to do events in WvW solely. The defending servers can interfere with those events in WvW. The defending servers also can shrink and close the cracks via PvE events in the area where they appear.

With this setup, still just an early scetch, more PvE players are some way involved in WvW. Also it could unify the two weaker servers in a matchup against the stronger one.

I am just throwing ideas arround. So be mean and call me names now^^ Or add ur own ideas and opinions about that in some more civiliced manner

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

When the mist invaders actually invade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sitkaz.5463


This sounds like a great sci fi story Not sure if it’d work in game, but I like it.

It brings to attention the truth behind the mists: we are in fact fighting other real people for no reason that we know of, an ongoing war against unknown adversaries who live in a world that’s actually nearly identically our own, if only we knew it…

head explodes

When the mist invaders actually invade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snowreap.5174


I like the sound of it, but I can’t help but think that there are servers where this would have the opposite effect: instead of making people more interested in WvW (specifically, in playing to win) we would have people who try to lose deliberately so they can farm the PvE world defense events.


The Purge [PURG] – Ehmry Bay

When the mist invaders actually invade

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phlogus.2371


I love the idea of bringing the WvWvW concept into the PVE maps of our opponents. Instead of calls in Lions Arch to defend bay it will be a call to rally in LA and move to the cursed shore to close the breach. It would make that PVE commander tag relevant. I would also like to be part of that five man roaming team that invaded and started ganking the unsuspecting PVE lama’s. The tears would flow!

Phlogustus Male Char DD Ele
Molen Labe Female Human Necro
Devonas Rest – Black Rose Legion -CF4L

When the mist invaders actually invade

in Suggestions

Posted by: basketcase.3894


Sounds pretty cool, but I can imagine the QQing that would come from PvEers. Would “leading” be based on PPT or total points? I feel like total points could lead to some depressing weeks, whereas PPT would cause things to switch more often assuming matches were even.

Some thoughts to keep PvEers from getting destroyed too badly:
1. Make sure the matches are more balanced first. As it stands now there would be servers being overrun far too often.
2. Make sure there are ample PvE events for the defending server to push back from their home world before having to deal with invaders. Stage 1 should be fairly extensive to give the PvEers a good chance to stop their impending doom. It would be quite unfair for the PvEers of a server to suddenly be getting slaughtered simply because their WvWers couldn’t keep up, so they need to be able to pull together and stop it too (at least temporarily).
3. Consider adding this only to specific servers, and give the option for free transfer off of those servers (to a server without this mechanic). I don’t think this is the best option, but it would give people the option to flee if they really hated the idea.

When the mist invaders actually invade

in Suggestions

Posted by: TyPin.9860


We could have some specific WvW servers (like in other games there are PvP, PvE and RPG servers).

[ROSE] – Fissure of Woe
Chronomancy works, I am proof of it. Now stop asking me questions. Time must be preserved!

When the mist invaders actually invade

in Suggestions

Posted by: EnRohbi.2187


This kind of implementation would make Guild Wars 2 leagues more fun for me.

I support it 100%,
And I say that, knowing that it will never come to fruition.
The amount of development resources that would go into making this happen is not going to be devoted to WvW for a long time.

I would also love to see WvW specific servers (Perhaps have those servers in a separate league from the PvE servers, and that would be a clear way to have those who play WvW casually on the PvE servers and those who play WvW dedicated on the WvW servers.)

Any implementation of this, though, is going to lead to so much QQ that I don’t see it happening.


When the mist invaders actually invade

in Suggestions

Posted by: ShinjoNaomi.1896


Interesting idea. One that, if it was implemented, I’d actually support… But only if servers were set aside for this sort of thing. Otherwise, way too much potential for griefing by jerkwad players. :p

“If half as many people were half as brave in real life as they were online…
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’

When the mist invaders actually invade

in Suggestions

Posted by: DeadlySynz.3471


I actually like the idea, but coming from TC, I can only imagine the debacle it’d cause.

On one hand, it may cause even more people to flock to WvW which is great; however, that also means the servers with already overwhelming numbers, would still in effect, have overwhelming numbers.

On the other hand with this new match making system we still have many blowout matches which would mean those who enter the match up already know at some point their server will get invaded.. Would this be a positive or a negative?

Then questions follow:

How do the invasions work? Can we just flock into Lions Arch per say and just kill everything in site? Players and NPC’s included? (I can only imagine the skill lag)

I personally like the idea OP, and I think it could be implemented with one simple stipulation: The invading server must control all towers, keeps, and garrison on the enemy borderland. This doesn’t include camps, because realistically, these get continually flipped making 100% takeover virtually impossible for any more than 5 min.

What kinds of challenges could this bring? Well it’d definitely make sure the players are now defending their home borderland. It’ll also breed incentive to guard all the towers, keeps, and garrison. It also emphasizes the break up of zergs, and it also breathes a new reward system.

Seems like a + + to me.