I did like the icons you’d get on the map in GW1 as you completed missions, got the bonus objectives, and then did hard modes and vanquishing. Good idea, OP.
User was infracted for being awesome.
I like this, and also that Icon could then serve as your 1 click (free?) tp to that zone. This allows for the map completion TP reward a described in previous suggestions.
Jade Quarry
Personally as I do not leave a zone until it is 100% and have so managed to avoid any bugged challenges I do not need this to indicate what I have left to do. However, as you tell I am a bit of a competionidt so for me that icon would be like a well done on the map and would just make me happy! So more than one reason to implement a great idea!
Rocking on Piken Square – the un-official EU roleplay server.
+1. Seems like a great idea. Would love to see this getting implemented.
One who prefers their own Elysium, a collected being of brilliant ambience and nurturing.
This sure would cut down on travelling expenses. It’s either this or frequent waypoint miles Anet :P
“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”