When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dr Anthrax.4723

Dr Anthrax.4723

There are so many broken skillpoints, it is hard to remember which zones are 99% and which are already 100% without having to pay crazy stupid amounts of silver to waypoint in and out. to each one and write them all down in a notepad file.

Edit to clarify: The icon would go next to the zone name. For example, when you 100% Diessa Plateau, a little green check mark goes next to the zone name.

Cmon Arenanet. You had this feature in Guildwars 1 with Vanquish and Conquerer, etc, you cant add an icon when a zone is 100% complete?

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


That’ll come in handy. The start you get next to you name could do.

That would make easier checking which areas you have left while zoomed out.

Also, when you are inside a zone you have 100%, you could get a silver star like the golden one you get when you got 100% worldwide, so players can see you completed that area and bothe… I mean… as you for your guidance.

No exceptions!

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Silverwing.3416


I agree with this. I don’t really care how it’s implemented, but I’d love to have an easier way to know which zones I’ve finished than relying on my own memory.

I know there’s a list of zones in the achievements panel to tell me how complete they are, but since achievements are account-wide, I just have to remember which ones ’ve completed or not on THIS character.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Doomy.5726


I want this feature

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


Maybe I am misunderstanding, but when you open a map for a zone, it has a list of what is needed for completion, along with how many you have/how many are in zone.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


I did like the icons you’d get on the map in GW1 as you completed missions, got the bonus objectives, and then did hard modes and vanquishing. Good idea, OP.

User was infracted for being awesome.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Okamifujutsu.1458


This is something that really needs to be put in, it’s simple and would be very helpful.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meret.5943


Maybe I am misunderstanding, but when you open a map for a zone, it has a list of what is needed for completion, along with how many you have/how many are in zone.

Only for the zone you’re in. The OP is asking that you be able to see some kind of completion icon for any zone, regardless of your current location.

It would not be a stretch, as GW1 had this feature.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Must have this.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ingram of Haz.5987

Ingram of Haz.5987

I like this, and also that Icon could then serve as your 1 click (free?) tp to that zone. This allows for the map completion TP reward a described in previous suggestions.

Jade Quarry

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Defrost.1679


Maybe I am misunderstanding, but when you open a map for a zone, it has a list of what is needed for completion, along with how many you have/how many are in zone.

Only for the zone you’re in (…)

@daemonlama.5413 – If there were no WP costs, then it would just be annoying to find zones that are not 100% completed. But as it stands now, if you have not kept track of your 100%‘s, it’s annoying AND very costly.

> To state the obvious, until they add the icons, everyone should record their 100%’s, to save themselves a lot of grief.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yozoh.8179


+1. I support this idea.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zephire.8049


I definitely agree with this. I’m sitting at ~80% completion and it’s at the point where I’ve forgotten some of the zones that I’ve completed. Being able to tell at a glance on the map what’s done and what’s not would be such a small feature that would save quite a bit of time and a decent amount of silver.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Flopjack.5314


Better yet, under the area’s name (or when hovering over the name with your mouse) show Points of Interest, Vistas, Hearts and Way Points with their #/# as well as the total percent. We just need the information we have access to when we are in an area when we aren’t in the area.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cerise.9045


+1 for ArenaNet response.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kaden.3162


+1 id love to have this.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Erin.7521


Personally as I do not leave a zone until it is 100% and have so managed to avoid any bugged challenges I do not need this to indicate what I have left to do. However, as you tell I am a bit of a competionidt so for me that icon would be like a well done on the map and would just make me happy! So more than one reason to implement a great idea!

Rocking on Piken Square – the un-official EU roleplay server.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: chucky.4798


+1 Yes, yes and yes! We would like this.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ascari.2839


+1 I like the idea, though I’m more like Erin on this topic.

Additional idea:
What I’d like to add is maybe something to make the upper and lower layers a bit more easily visible. For me they look exactly like the middle layer, only darker. My hope in this is to make the explorer achievement a little bit less tricky.
It would also help those who have trouble finding points of interests underground.

On my Norn I have all Maguuma and Shiverpeaks maps on 100% but I am still missing 3 and 2 regions if I look at the explorer achievement tab. The maps are no indication of where those might be hiding out.
You can look up in the wiki which vistas, hearts, poi and skill challenges you have and which ones you don’t, but with regions you can’t. So they could be anywhere between Wayfarer Hills to Frostgorge Sound.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sly Maniac.3756

Sly Maniac.3756

I agree with this. I love the satisfaction of seeing an area completed by an icon, also it will be helpful.

One concern for this though:
Will it include EVERYTHING the map has to offer? Or just the typical skill points, vistas, PoI, waypoints and quests?
There are other things like fog discovery, jumping puzzles and hidden areas to take into account.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meret.5943


I agree with this. I love the satisfaction of seeing an area completed by an icon, also it will be helpful.

One concern for this though:
Will it include EVERYTHING the map has to offer? Or just the typical skill points, vistas, PoI, waypoints and quests?
There are other things like fog discovery, jumping puzzles and hidden areas to take into account.

IMO it makes the most sense to get the icon when you get the completion chest. The jumping puzzles are meant to be mysterious.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


Maybe I am misunderstanding, but when you open a map for a zone, it has a list of what is needed for completion, along with how many you have/how many are in zone.

Only for the zone you’re in. The OP is asking that you be able to see some kind of completion icon for any zone, regardless of your current location.

It would not be a stretch, as GW1 had this feature.

Oh ok I see now. Thanks. That seems like a good idea.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Prophet.6954


+1 for a great idea. And hopefully with that, discounted waypoint travel to areas 100% discovered…

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: AdelaisAer.4109


+1. Seems like a great idea. Would love to see this getting implemented.

One who prefers their own Elysium, a collected being of brilliant ambience and nurturing.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

Snoring Sleepwalker.9073

I’d prefer a visible border around the completed region. But the exact implementation doesn’t matter, only that we get some marker on the world map.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: mandrill.7281


+1 for this. My OCD demands it

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shandim.8694


This is a good idea

Would be very helpful, +1

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DougM.2305


+1. Yes, please.

Hit me. I dare you.

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sokram.7856


Thumbs up! Been thinking about something like this!

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Turial.1293


This sure would cut down on travelling expenses. It’s either this or frequent waypoint miles Anet :P

“Some of my best friends are heterosexual”

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: moodycactus.5260


+1 i love this idea

When you 100% an area... add an ICON to the World Map.

in Suggestions

Posted by: CrystalKnight.3619


I was going to start a thread until i found this, its just building off the idea of an icon for completion, when viewing world map able to see what your missing in each zone by putting your mouse over it or something? with bugged Skill points and not doing zones besides wvw forgetting unfinished zones sitting at 95% with 1 untouched zone and few unfinished due to bugs but not 100% sure every zone is finished. sure others feel the same.